Psychic Dedication

Rules Discussion

So if the normal Psy Cantrip for Ray of Frost the standard version or the 180 ft versionif i chose the Dedication.

Liberty's Edge

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Based on this : "Choose a conscious mind. You gain a spell repertoire with one standard psi cantrip of your choice from your conscious mind, which you cast as a psi cantrip. You gain the normal benefits and the amp for this psi cantrip"

And this "Standard Psi Cantrips These are two common cantrips you automatically gain at 1st level. While these are the same cantrips used by other spellcasters, you cast them as psi cantrips, enabling you to amp them for greater effect. Your mastery of psychic magic also grants you a passive benefit that applies every time you cast these cantrips, even when you haven't amped them. These benefits apply only with cantrips you gain from your conscious mind;"

I believe you get the 180ft version.

Does anyone else have any thoughts on this question?

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

I agree, if you chose that one, you get the boosted version of it. If you learn a the other Psi cantrip listed for your conscious mind though some other feature, but got it from something other than your conscious mind, you would cast it only as a normal cantrip. With the dedication, it seems you get only one of the two normal conscious mind cantrips. (so if you chose the other one, and got the ray of frost some other way, then no you wouldn't have the psi version)

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Yes, there are many ways of getting a cantrip. Even one that happens to be one that a Psychic would cast as a Psi Cantrip with the additional effects and possible Amp.

But the one you choose from Psychic Dedication or get from another Psychic Archetype feat would be the only ones that your multiclass Psychic would cast as a Psi Cantrip with the additional effects and possible Amp.

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