Dragon disciple Bloodrager bloodline or Sorcerer Bloodline

Rules Questions

So my question is for the Wing power of the DD, if i'm a bloodrager does it use the sorcerer one or the Bloodrager one? Cause if its the bloodrager that a weak augment 80ft => 90 ft and only while raging, its weak af for a 9th level feature.
And for the breath weapon is it the same but instead of sorcerer level for the DC its Bloodrager?

If you already have a bloodline, it advances that bloodline. So, bloodrager would advance his bloodrager bloodline.

You can alternatively say that a strength bonus is a weak bonus for a sorcerer, but the bloodrager gets more out of it. Also, slowing your spell progression isn't as big of a deal to a bloodrager as it is to a full caster. Ultimately, I think the bloodrager gets about as good of a deal out of the archetype as the sorcerer does. It's not a perfect fit for either, and it's more about the flavor than the power.

it advances whatever bloodline you have, for a bloodrager it does the dragon bloodline of the bloodrager.

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