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Faiths and Philosophies, like the green faith, intrigue me and I'd love to play a devotee of them one day, but how they work is a little questionable. Can you make a cleric of them? According to archives of nethys they don't have favored weapons or domains so . . . I guess I can't? Does anyone know what the official ruling? CAN you be a cleric of a faith/philosophy? If so, how do you determine their domains/favored weapons?

HammerJack |
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

The official rule is that clerics must have a deity. The class has always stated that in 2E, and nothing has said otherwise (unlike pantheon, presented in the same part of Godsand Magic that do have a rule for clerics following them).
Filling in details for clerics of a philosophy is a houserule question.