Any hex wizard archetypes?

Rules Questions

I know there is an exploiter archetype for wizards, but I'm having a hard time finding anything for a hex archetype for wizards. Can anyone help?

The Spirit Wisperer Wizard gets some hexes.

Thematically it's a wizard who dipped in witchcraft/shamanism.

there is one, it's called a Witch. (most have to take the familiar as their arcane bound and their spell list is a bit more on the curse theme)

zza ni wrote:
there is one, it's called a Witch. (most have to take the familiar as their arcane bound and their spell list is a bit more on the curse theme)

To be fair, a witch is a whole new class (very similar to a Wizard though) and not an archetype to enable the Wizard to use hexes (as the Exploiter does for the arcanists exploits).

Toshy wrote:
zza ni wrote:
there is one, it's called a Witch. (most have to take the familiar as their arcane bound and their spell list is a bit more on the curse theme)
To be fair, a witch is a whole new class (very similar to a Wizard though) and not an archetype to enable the Wizard to use hexes (as the Exploiter does for the arcanists exploits).

I think you need to familiarize yourself with the concept of sarcasm...

Well, thanks all. I was looking for options. I guess there isn't much hex options for wizards.

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