20 Urban Random Encounters to spice up your game

Sky King's Tomb

Scarab Sages

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Hey all, looks like I'll be running Sky King's Tomb for my group (super sad, wanted to play it!) but I was reading through the free players handbook and I came up with some super short and sweet minor encounters/bits of flavor you can throw in for when your players are in Highhelm and just wandering around.

1) A cruel by savvy Goldhilt Dwarven Politician is degrading a lower-caste dwarf without technically breaking decorum by not saying the quiet part out loud.

2) There is an open forum religious debate between a cleric of Angraad and Grundinnar on whether it is best to welcome new friends with open arms or be wary of them until they have proven themselves.

3) A Droskar worshiper is arrested and being dragged out of his home for copying and taking credit for the design of a new type of Dwarven Clan Dagger.

4) A rather pompous dwarf is demanding that a Dwarven Druid who grows crops sell him his goods at a greatly discounted rate, citing that his goods aren't 'dwarven enough' for proper compensation.

5) A contingent of Elves in shiny gold breastplate and dual-wielding Flyssa have arrived to train with the Dwarves as part of the Dwarf-Kyonin Defense Pact. The Dwarves in full plate mail and with Dwarven Waraxes laugh at them for being 'under armed and under-armored,' but it is clear it is all friendly ribbing.

6) A small commune of gnomes has started up their own church to Folgrit. It is causing quite a stir for being 'non-traditional.'

7) A Human from Druma has journeyed to the Highhelm saying that he has proof of a debt that was never replayed from a thousand years ago, which is digging up old wounds. Negotiations have degraded into a shouting match on the street.

8) A Fiend Nefilim-Dwarf Child is being relentlessly bullied for their infernal heritage.

9) An Aphorite-Dwarf is heard shouting 'screw the rules! Just because I'm aphorite doesn't mean I don't appreciate freedom!"

10) A group of catfolk stand around in awe as one of their kind displays earth kineticist powers. Dwarven onlookers clap politely but mutter under their breath that he doesn't deserve it as cats 'don't have a connection to the stone like we do.'

11) An Oread-Dwarf is overheard saying "I have no idea why my gate connects to the plane of wood! I didn't choose it!"

12) A small contingent of Hobgoblins have a cart full of Phalanx Piercers and Breaching Pikes, hoping the items will catch on in Highhelm. Dwarves are looking over the weapons and considering it.

13) A contingent of low-income Kobolds from the depths are petitioning for improved living conditions, complaining that the waste management system in the lower city is intolerable.

14) A Fungus Leshy is holding a class on how to make effective use of a Katana. He has several for sale but will not reveal his source.

15) A half-orc disciple of Torag is working at a well-known forge, producing quality products (alongside many other Dwarven craftsmen) but certain racist dwarves are using this fact to try and drive this forge out of business.

16) A contingent of somewhat nice-looking Ratfolk are coming up from the depths to petition the council for a seat (or at least a permanent Ysoki advisor to the council).

17) Several well-spoken and extremely well-behaved goblins have recently opened a bank in Highhelm. They are extremely professional and it is weirding out some dwarves.

18) A Dwarven Skeleton is explaining to his sobbing wife that he's back from the dead on a mission for the ancestors. A cleric of Bolka is beside themselves on what to do.

19) A tiny sprite riding a Corgi has entered Highhelm and is cordially requesting of a smithy to make him a suit of full plate. He has been unable to find a smith to craft a suit of armor sized for him in the human lands, but has been told a Dwarf might be able to do it.

20) An eclectic group of adventurers, including a fiend-nephilim, half-orc, and a cow-beastkin are wandering around the city, looking for a legendary Dwarven Craftsman who died years ago to repair a sword.

Okay, this is the sort of thing that can add some flavor to a game very nicely and each gamemaster can tweak if needed. So thanks for sharing :)

Scarab Sages

Ridge wrote:
Okay, this is the sort of thing that can add some flavor to a game very nicely and each gamemaster can tweak if needed. So thanks for sharing :)

Thanks, glad someone got some use out of it.

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