How do you get a hold of a moderator?

Website Feedback

How does that work around here?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Director of Marketing

Thanks Cori Marie.

Our team is at Gen Con. We are checking email as we can, but our response time may be delayed.

To further expand a little, it is Gen Con and the OP's most recent threads were seen to not by moderation, but Jim Butler. I imagine that contesting the thread locking is a bit of a faux pas. The typical way to bring specific posts to the attention of moderators is by flagging offensive posts. You'll still have to wait a bit because of Gen Con still, but it's a more readily accessible and targetted way to get a hold of mods.

Dude, please stop assuming things. I'm NOT contesting the thread lock...smh. I'm wanting something done about all the rude posters. Flagging them isn't enough. They have a history of doing such things I've been told.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Sorry you're having a rough time.

Just to summarize:

1. Flag and ignore them as best you can (I saw you are seeking means to help you do so in another thread). It is true that flagging does not draw an immediate response, but it will help draw mod attention to a thread.

2. Email the address Cori Marie posted. Make sure your subject line is brief but informative. I think sometimes I've ccd as well just in case. I'm not sure if that address still works, however, it's been awhile since I needed to email someone.

3. If someone sends you a PM that is inappropriate, at the bottom of the PM there is link that says "block this sender." This will only block them from sending you PMs, but it's better than nothing.

4. Screencap anything egregious in case you need to make a case later.

5. As mentioned it is GenCon, so response will be slow.

Take note that Paizo only has staff moderators. Trolls take advantage of times when staff are less likely to be online, such as during PaizoCon, GenCon, and weekends, and will post more frequently. You may wish to slow/limit your participation on the boards during these times. It's not ideal, but especially if you're trying to extract yourself from an unpleasant interaction, it may help.

I know about the "taking advantage of certain times". World of Warcraft forums have that problem every Sunday.
No one has sent me a rude PM, but someone sent me a informative one of the people who were causing trouble. At least 2 of them are in a group together, on Discord who coordinates giving posters they dont like trouble and has harassed people off of Paizo too.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Scott Henry wrote:

I know about the "taking advantage of certain times". World of Warcraft forums have that problem every Sunday.

No one has sent me a rude PM, but someone sent me a informative one of the people who were causing trouble. At least 2 of them are in a group together, on Discord who coordinates giving posters they dont like trouble and has harassed people off of Paizo too.

Yeah, that tracks.

Scott Henry wrote:

I know about the "taking advantage of certain times". World of Warcraft forums have that problem every Sunday.

No one has sent me a rude PM, but someone sent me a informative one of the people who were causing trouble. At least 2 of them are in a group together, on Discord who coordinates giving posters they dont like trouble and has harassed people off of Paizo too.

We obviously can't name names, but this makes a lot of sense.

Such persons should be banned if prof is given that they are coordinating harassment.

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