La pudding d'arsenic, what is the best way to resolve eating a piece?


I love the song of the villain and his assistant, crafting a highly poisonous recipe for cake.
But, suppose someone crafts it in pathfinder...

Separate DCs against the individual components? (easily passable saves, mostly)
A combined DC, if so how high? (makes it actually a risk if eaten)

Ingredients & DCs:

x2 petroleum. Fort 12? Once every round for 6 rounds. 1 con damage and nauseated.
Described as bad for respiratory, and causing headaches and nausea. 1 save is cured.

Hemlock. Fort 18.
Frequency 1 minute for 6 minutes. 2 consecutive saves. 1d6 dex damage

Parrafin (rat poison component). Fort 12? 1d2 con. Frequency 1 round for 6 rounds. 1 save is cured?

Opium. DC 20. 1d4 int and 1d4 wis damage, fatigue. Lasts 1 hour.

Arsenic. Fort 13. 1 minute for 4 minutes.
1d2 con dmg. 1 save cured.

Black adder venom. Fort 11. 1 round for 6 rounds. 1 save is cured.
1d2 con dmg

Another rat poison.

Moldy fruit. Fort 11? 1 round for 4 rounds. Sickened condition. 1 save is cured.

Vitriol. (acidic?) Fort 20? 1 round for 6 rounds. 1d6 acidic damage.

RAW only addresses additional doses/uses of the same poison(affliction). Likely each would have a seperate Perception check to notice and seperate Save. Technically with 8 servings you'd need 8 doses of each toxin to maintain the original poison's DC.

A home GM could simply increase the maximum save DC by 2 and ignore most DCs 5 or more under the maximum DC.

Math also provide a way to average probabilities versus a particular save (bonus).

RAW you would make an individual save for each poison with no DC increase unless they ingested each poison multiple times (i.e. had more than 1 piece of cake).

What this does not take into consideration is that the process of making a cake might neutralize some of the poisons.

Also, with that many doses of that many poisons, it would probably be pretty easy to tell that the cake is a bit off.

Considering how weak poisons are on Pathfinder, I'd most certainly go another route.

Something like this is not just dumping the ingredients in a bottle, it is creating something new from them. Looking at a lot of the ingredients I see that many of them require some crafting before they can actually be used as a poison. Creating something like this would probably be done with the base components rather than the finished product.

I would treat this as a new poison instead of using 8 different saves.

Mysterious stranger wrote:

Creating something like this would probably be done with the base components rather than the finished product.

I would treat this as a new poison instead of using 8 different saves.

Considering the ingredients, or components thereof if you will, would this be an appropriate effect?

Starts 1 minute after consumption.

Initial effect : (6 rounds): 1d3 con dmg, nauseated & sickened, 1d6 acid dmg (acid dmg happens)
Follow up effect: (1 per minute, 4 minutes): 1d6 dex dmg, 1d2 con dmg)
For 1 hour: 1d4 int dmg & 1d4 wis dmg, fatigue.

2 consecutive saves vs DC 18?

I am not an expert on poisons so have no idea, but from what I can see it looks reasonable.

Welcome to Bards & Baking!
in RL the recipe won't work (adding flour, sugar, eggs, scant liquids or a pastry like Tarte Tatin or Clafoutis), it'll just make a smelly mess with a gritty component. Baking will destroy/denature the organic enzyme/protein based toxins and likely sterilize the molds/fungus. Paraffin is an indigestible wax, not a toxin. You are thinking of warfarin or very old skool strychnine (rodenticide).

My suggestion is to read some Agatha Christie novels. Review median lethal dose.

@ Azothath,

Were this earth, then probably i'd best.
Yet, in PF near everything is possible, compared to our earth. This in particular is a home brew game. A highly skilled alchemist-mage may find a way, it would not seem too much a stretch.

Another in my family may have read that book. She practically devours them. ^^

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