yonman17 |
I posted this in Strange Aeons Adventure path section, but it's pretty dead now.
How would you interpret this upgrade for the Pugnacious trait?
In Chapter 3 a character with the Pugnacious trait gets an upgraded:
Pugnacious: As you regain your memories, you feel strong anger for those who wronged you during the period you couldn’t previously remember. You can’t get the image of Count Lowls’s face out of your head and it makes you shudder with rage while you plan your revenge. Once per day, you gain a +1 trait bonus on either attack rolls or weapon damage rolls for a single combat.
A single combat is that the duration of one round of combat or the entire combat until everyone is dead?

Azothath |
"a single combat" is open to GM interpretation but it is usually taken to mean a period of time comprised of continuous martial conflict.
Could there be a pause? That's up to your GM.
Would it be one encounter? Pretty much as long as it is a martial conflict, and again, GM interpretation.
Your GM should inform you when your anger cools so you know the bonus ends. It is a pretty minor bonus beyond 4th level...

Derklord |

If it meant "for one round", it would say so.
Since this is one of the terms the authors thought self-explanatory, the best indication of what combat is comes from the "exaple of play" right at the start of the CRB, it says "The combat continues in order, starting over with Seelah, until one side or the other is defeated".
It's up to the GM how that works with e.g. a round to respire before reinforcements arrive, but when in doubt, have the trait last as long as the current initiative roll lasts.