Claxon |
Amulet of might fists is the least complicated way.
Handwraps are a similar way, working essentially as a weapon to enhance. It would require you to have +1 keen handwraps.
There is also the bodywrap of mighty strikes, which is similar to amulet of mighty fists but worse for a monk.
But the way I would do it is to get the improved critical feat when I can, to make enhancing my weapon cheaper.
Java Man |
The other benefit of improved critical is that it works with bless weapon. If a spell or magic item calls out not working with other magical effects that enhance critical hits, improved critical would also work with those. Offhand I am not familiar with anything besides bless weapon that does that.
I was going to make this same point. If the Training enhancement is available it can be used to magically acquire Improved Critical for the same cost as Keen, but should work with Bless Weapon.
AwesomenessDog |
A little bit pedantic but I don't think you can technically benefit from a keen effect on an AoMF for unarmed strikes. Obviously it's first questionable if you can put weapon/damage type specific effects on it because it's not actually a weapon (e.g. the qualifier for keen needing to be put on a P/S weapon might not count) but this is at least probably RAI ok as individual natural attacks can be P/S to get a keen effect: e.g. an elephant with a keen AoMF would get the keen on its gore/tusk attack but not on its slam/trunk attack. But then this brings us to the fact that unarmed strikes are B attacks and thus not eligible for keen. While the style feat lets you *deal* P damage, it's not changing the actual quality of unarmed strikes as a weapon to be a P/S weapon and doesn't change eligibility in the same way non-finesse weapons don't suddenly become Agile-able because you slap an effortless lace on them.
Java Man |
Training is a magical enchantment. Bless weapon states that the automatic conformation on a critical does not apply to any weapon that already has a magical effect related to critical hits. So, the training enchantment actually does not work with Bless Weapon.
Hmm, so a twf character with a kukri in each hand has Training: improved crit (kukri) on his off hand weapon. His main hand weapon is a valid target for Bless Weapon, but not his off hand?
Diego Rossi |
Mysterious Stranger wrote:Training is a magical enchantment. Bless weapon states that the automatic conformation on a critical does not apply to any weapon that already has a magical effect related to critical hits. So, the training enchantment actually does not work with Bless Weapon.Hmm, so a twf character with a kukri in each hand has Training: improved crit (kukri) on his off hand weapon. His main hand weapon is a valid target for Bless Weapon, but not his off hand?
Target: weapon touched
In addition, all critical hit rolls against evil foes are automatically successful, so every threat is a critical hit. This last effect does not apply to any weapon that already has a magical effect related to critical hits, such as a keen weapon or a vorpal sword.
The target is the weapon, not the hand. The kukri with the "Training: improved crit (kukri)" ability is a valid target, it simply doesn't auto-confirm critical hits against evil targets.