Oracle Dedication clarification

Rules Discussion


With my Summoner PC, I took the Oracle dedication feat at lvl 2 (Life Mistery).
At lvl 4, I was thinking to take the Basic Mysteries feat, chosing Domain Acumen (Healing).
So, according to Domain Acumen, this should grant me the spell Healer's Blessing with the Cursebound trait.
Can I actually cast it? Because according to the Cursebound trait "You can't cast a cursebound spell if you don't have an oracular curse."

Does my pc have oracular curse, granted by the Oracle dedication feat or not?
Oracle dedication just says: "You gain the mild, constant effects of the mystery's curse described in its first paragraph, but not other effects the mystery usually grants.". With "other effect" it imply also the oracular curse?

So I could take Domain Acumen as a feat but I could not cast the spell granted by it?

Thanks in advance.

IIRC, you should unlock the curse stuff by getting the first revelation feat ( check for the feat description that tells you how the curse work with the oracle dedication).

You have an oracular curse, yes. But only the stage 0 level of it.

So with a strict reading, I think you would only be able to cast the cursebound spell once per day and would be immediately overwhelmed by it.

You would need to take First Revelation in order to get the minor and moderate levels of your curse in order to be able to actually use a cursebound focus spell properly.

Now, if I was the GM, I would rule that getting your first cursebound focus spell from any feat would do that same thing to your oracular curse that First Revelation does. But that is just me.

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