College / University near the Stolen Lands

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

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One of my PC's wants to play a noble who spent some time at a college or university. We are playing the KingMaker adventure path so somewhere near the Stolen Lands would be good but the PC is NOT interested in the arts so the Art College in Pitax is not a good fit.

Would love any input!

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I don't believe there are any colleges in the Stolen Lands, which is by design. They're meant to be a blank canvas for the party to fill up as the game goes on.

If you want a college though, I'd suggest one in Ustalav. I believe it's closer than any of the other major centers of learning, and has got at least two colleges I know of--the University of Lepidstadt and the Sincomakti School of Sciences.

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Yeah, Ustalav is gonna be your best bet.

Radiant Oath

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

While there isn't anything OFFICIAL, that doesn't stop the player from making up a university from somewhere in Brevoy. While Restov is most famous for the Aldori Swordlords' school, not EVERYONE in Restov is a hot-headed sword-slinger.

New Stetven, being Brevoy's capital, could also draw intelligent people. The Royal House of Surtova certainly would want to cultivate skilled advisors and diplomats, especially ones who they could "recommend" to the Swordlords for their expedition to the Stolen Lands...with the understanding that they'll write home to New Stetven every so often to appraise them of how the new nation's going, of course...

Skywatch also drew a lot of smart people, especially those with an interest in astronomy and magic associated with it, but that may require some extra backstory work to explain how the character was outside Skywatch when they shut their doors.

These won't be as PRESTIGIOUS as the ones in Ustalav or Absalom, of course, but it's like the difference between going to your local state university as opposed to those rich kids at Yale and Harvard. The education is just as good, if not better because you're not wasting time "networking."

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They could also have attended a conservatory or other smaller, more private educational institution.

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What is the purpose of attending the university?

For a noble, they're much more likely to get private tutoring and work directly with an expert in the field.

How does "hanging out with the masses" fit into their backstory?

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