Anyone working on a Deities & Demigods style product?

Product Discussion

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Fishing through the Pathfinder Infinite storefront I noticed that there's a lack of "generic" pantheons. I'm wondering if anyone was developing a Deities & Demigods style product. Back when I built my setting in AD&D2 this kind of resource was plentiful (TSR published three different books if you include the AD&D1e one). Conversion from AD&D2 to D&D3.5 was pretty straight forward. Conversion from 3.5 to PF2 is going less swimmingly well. A resource overflowing with plug and play deities for world builders would be most helpful.

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I haven't heard of anyone working on such a thing, but I agree, it's a natural. If some other 3PP gets to it before Ramen Sandwich Press does, I won't complain :D.

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I've heard that if the Deities ever received stats, players will find a way to kill them, God of War style...

Liberty's Edge

JiCi wrote:
I've heard that if the Deities ever received stats, players will find a way to kill them, God of War style...

This is exactly my pet theory about what caused the death of Aroden.

I'm starting to put together pantheons for my setting. For sale though on DriveThruRPG, not for free.

I've found an artist, S0ulafein Arts, who does awesome holy symbols for $30 a symbol, so putting together dozens of gods at one time is out of my price range right now.

Up at, CougarShadowPress LLC has two installments of the Kushta Pantheon series.

Vanaran Arhats is the first volume and the first of 19 ancestry pantheons. On the tropical continent of Kushta on the planet Apuchi, the Vanarans are far removed from their creator deity on Golarion. They follow a sort of Confucian-Buddhist syncretism where your performance of social roles earns your a better reincarnation until you attain Enlightenment. Their exemplars, the Arhats, do not curse, but trust the Wheel of Life will correct wrongdoers. They do bless with boons however.

The second volume, Moon Goddess Mwezi, is about the solitary goddess of Apuchi's only moon. Mwezi has three personalities she cycles through from week to week with the changing phases. During the New Moon she is the passive Mwezi Quiescent; during the first and last Quarter Moon she is Mwezi Emergent; during the Full Moon she is the holy crusader Mwezi Triumphant. Each Persona has different edicts and anathema. Her domains and cleric spells vary from month to month, with 12 Aspects of Mwezi playing out in turn, or, if you win the boon, as determined by your cleric on rising each day. For really outstanding champions of virtue, Mwezi Triumphant hands out the boon of true lycanthropy.

Next up will be the Elven pantheon of two divine families intertwined by marriage and divorce.

I started updating some stuff. It is still in the beginning stages.

Power of the Deities

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