Does the current printed core rulebook have all the revisions / updates?

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion


My current book is just about met its tattered end as I have dog eared it and its pretty beat up. I was going to buy another but wanted to know if all the updates/clarifications and such to date are within the ones currently being sold by Paizo.

Thank you in advance!


The 4th printing is the current one and has the latest updates.

Thank you for the reply!

I believe they are on back order for the CRB. They sold out in January during the OGL debacle.

If you order one now (if I remember correctly) it should be in the warehouse by May and will be the 5th printing.

Sovereign Court

I'm expecting 5th printing to be mostly or entirely identical to 4th printing. They got surprised by selling out of an 8-month stock of 4th printing in 2 weeks. So obviously they immediately reordered. No time to make big changes.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

As it's relevant, though not the OPs question per se:

The PDFs also get updated when they update printings.

So if someone buys the PDF, they'll get a download link to check every so often as it will get updates.

The most recent update of the PDF was Jan 4, 2023 and includes all 4th printing errata.

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