Gust of WInd v. Stinking Cloud

Rules Discussion

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

The PF2e version of Gust of Wind has a line area of effect. So when that line contacts a Stinking Cloud with a 40' diameter, does it disperse the whole cloud or merely punch a 5' wide hole in it?

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GM decides. Including whether it works at all or not. Or if it just surpresses.

Once GMs start interpreting like this, things can go in any direction.

Personally I'd have it negate the whole thing.

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i'd personally have it negate the whole thing as well. that stream of violent wind is going to be surrounded by less violent but fast moving wind after all.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

One side of me feels that the "correct" way is to just have the cloud dispersed where the line intersects it. But the other side of me feels that the "right" way is to let the player's spell do what the player obviously wants it to do because that's cool.

Rule of Cool, I suppose.

I also like to award by PCs for taking niche spells that are only really useful in a narrow circumstance, like this one.

Gust of Wind is actually a decent spell even without this use case - it can knock fliers out of the sky and it creates one-way difficult terrain (albeit narrow, so mostly useful in halls and such). Not bad for a level 1 spell slot.

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