[DM Help + Spoilers] - Menace Under Otari

Pathfinder Beginner Box

Hey all,

Had a quick question for my fellow GMs that have experience running Menace Under Otari...

In Area 17, The Mermaid Fountain - As the players enter the room, they roll Perception check - if anyone rolls a 20 or higher they notice the trap before setting it off - ok, no prob there, that's easy to communicate.

But, do they also notice the tiled area around the mechanism that will activate the trap? And, If they do notice the tiles being the activator of the trap - can they traverse around the imaginary area without setting it off? Would I mark the rectangle on the map and show that to the group? e.g. "If you step here, the trap goes off."

Thanks for the feedback!


This is the Beginner Box adventure, so I've flagged the post to be moved to the Beginner Box forum.

"Noticing the trap" would include which tiles trigger the mechanism.

And, yes, if anyone 'notices the trap', they will also be able to tell what the safe path is, and can convey that information to the other members of the party.

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