Pre orders for Pathfinder Coins of Absalom

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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Hullo all,

If you missed our Pathfinder Coins of Absalom Kickstarter campaign, and would like some actual treasure for your table, Pre Orders are now live:

Add Ons include the limited edition Absalom Hero Point Token (we'll never reprint this), and the chonky Pathfinder Metal Compass, which really looks amazing on a Flip Mat.


Liberty's Edge

All the photos seem to show only one side of each coin. Is there no design on the other side?

There are various denominations listed, but I don’t see any numerals. Are there numerals on the unshowb side?

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Luke Styer wrote:

All the photos seem to show only one side of each coin. Is there no design on the other side?

There are various denominations listed, but I don’t see any numerals. Are there numerals on the unshowb side?

I believe the reverse side of each coin shows the Eye of Aroden as well as a number value, if I'm remembering correctly from their kickstarter page.

Thanks for asking, Luke, and for the answer Cebaron.

The coins all have the Eye of Aroden on the back, and all coins except the 1-coins have the denomination.

You can see both sides and find out more about the coins on the original Kickstarter page:



Liberty's Edge

Thanks! I missed this during the main run, so I’m happy to have a second shot. I need to look around a bit and see if there’s a package to get a bunch of the no-numeral coins.

Luke Styer wrote:
Thanks! I missed this during the main run, so I’m happy to have a second shot. I need to look around a bit and see if there’s a package to get a bunch of the no-numeral coins.

Check out the Coin Packs - you can set the single coins with no denominations in 10-packs.



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