
Karys's page

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 38 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


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Hearing that Starfinder 2e existing is giving Numeria material a chance of happening is more than enough to keep me happy and hoping, even if it doesn't come to fruition!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Either something is wrong on my end or something I said was a step too far and my previous post was sent to the Boneyard.

But I'll just reiterate that the books I would die for are anything about Numeria or a Lost Omens book covering current events in the solar system.

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Neat! I'll have to see about giving those a read sometime, wouldn't mind seeing how the writing about the gods and planes have changed in all those years. Thank you!

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Mangaholic13 wrote:

So... when looking at earlier posts, someone mentioned the idea that Pharasma feeds Groetus the souls of atheists in order to stave off the apocalypse?

Where did they get that idea from???

To be honest I've been trying to figure this out myself, but google is useless and all I've found mentioning it are dodgy fandom wikis and forum posts that seem equally unsure of themselves. So I'm curious of the source for that info as well because it would be an interesting read.

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Trip.H wrote:
Castilliano wrote:

Holy crap, you are still refusing to engage with the actual issue and willfully misinterpreting my posts to blow a lot of smoke on irrelevant details.

Atheists are a real world religious group.

Swap Rahadoum being atheist for jewish, and have the Pure Legion enforce Judaism only. With jews hunting and killing clerics of other religions to enforce jewish purity.

This would be seen as a 5-alarm-lore-fire in need of immediate changing.

Yes it would, thankfully that's not happening in the lore. I'm an atheist myself, and the idea that you can't use the concept of atheism for an evil in a fictional world is nonsense. Atheism is the term for disbelief of gods and is the simplest choice to use here for Rahadoum even if somewhat incorrect. Using Judaism would be a reference to a specific religion, atheism is a word for a concept, the disbelief of god.

But if its such a sticking point for you, send Paizo your feedback to change the term to something else like Misotheism I guess.

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NorrKnekten wrote:
Sadly it seems like that page is missing when looking at Nethys. Either that or it is just terribly well hidden.

I admittedly hadn't thought about looking at AoN, and you're right, it's decidedly absent from AoN's catalyst trait listing from HotW. Might be worth sending as feedback to them, as it can definitely cause confusion like this.

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Howl of the Wild Pg. 118 wrote:

Activating a catalyst

is part of Casting the Spell. The catalyst might increase
the number of actions required to Cast the Spell, as
indicated in the catalyst’s Activate entry. Additionally,
the spell gains the manipulate trait if it didn’t already.
Because the catalyst becomes part of the spell, you can
draw the catalyst as part of Casting the Spell.

Checked my copy of HotW and while it doesn't mention components anymore, it still mentions the free draw when casting.

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When I first got to read this playtest, my initial response was "They nailed Necromancer perfectly," so ymmv on this idea that this doesn't fulfill the necromancer class fantasy.

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Pirate Rob wrote:
Scarablob wrote:
Yeah, I never really understood why in DnD gnome were a "core race"
D&D 4e agreed with you and dropped gnome from the core lineup.

I'm starting to understand why 4e was so unpopular. /j

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While it's not specifically called out on the rituals section, the book mentions and encourages removing mythic point requirements for mythic destiny archetypes you want to use in non-mythic games. So I believe it's entirely fair to bring up that the GMs can hand wave requirements, though it would be nice to have included guidance like reducing mythic proficiency requirement to legendary, remove mythic point requirement etc.

And to be clear on my stance I think the change is entirely unnecessary but largely inconsequential in the long run due to how infrequently rituals seem to be used as far as I've seen.

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I'm very confused by this thread, no offense meant to anyone involved. I think the ranged meta has nothing to do with "best options," it just means that it's common to see people with ranged attacks that are effective compared to PF2. It's just a statement from Paizo to take into account that ranged attacks are readily, and likely to be, used by everyone.

That's my read of it at least, just seems like more is being read into it than there actually is.

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Rhalia 002 wrote:

Probably needs to use something like a Weapon Attack DC (not currently a thing but would be easy to use).

I agree with this, make a DC using your attack roll with the weapon, and give Soldier a feature that lets them use CON instead of DEX for area attack DCs, or something similar to that.

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While I stand by compatibility being a good thing and I'm glad the core rules will hold up both games, I do wish we could have the skills converted over to being in line with Starfinder's setting even if it could cause minor hiccups for the GM to adjudicate when converting between games.

Things like Crafting and Thievery being combined to Engineering, to cover disabling machinery, creating items and the like, and it would bring the total skills more in line with what the system expects. Though I won't complain either way it comes out, but I wouldn't be upset dealing with the minor headache of those conversions.

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I feel the rules are fine as they are right now, but agree there should be feats/archetype of some variety to facilitate using multi-armed characters further.

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Your party certainly weren't loafing around when coming up with a plan for this guy.

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The Deck of Many Things was absolutely printed for 2e. But to answer the question, technically yes, but the deck will probably find a way to ruin your day first with bad draws like Perpdepog said.

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I would lean towards preparing a makeshift staff not granting charges outside of expending a spell slot, same as it did in pre-remaster. If it worked the same as a regular staff in remaster, it wouldn't have to clarify that after it's crafted into a normal staff it gains charges from preparation.

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rainzax wrote:
SuperParkourio wrote:
All shields must now be strapped to your arm and held in one hand.
Do you have a rules citation?
Player Core pg. 274 wrote:
All shields, unless specifically noted or described otherwise, must be strapped to your arm and held in one hand, so you can’t hold anything with that hand and Raise a Shield, and you lose the shield’s benefits if that hand is no longer free.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Create Water creates 2 gallons of water and evaporates after a day, very specific in how it functions, so I have no idea what you're asking me. It just creates water. Nothing in my argument implies I think the water should disappear. This has nothing to do with the discussion at hand and like Protector Tree makes no sense.

I've stated my opinion on Puff of Poison, to me the entry is clear in how it functions as it is not an inhaled alchemical poison as well as the spell being very specific in function, it affects only the target. The discussion feels as if it's going on circles now so I'm taking my leave.

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Trip.H wrote:

I'm not understanding the comparison to Protector Tree, Protector Tree is very explicit in what it can block, so that makes no sense. Where Puff of Poison is specific about exactly what it affects, 1 target. The name and description of the spell are more than enough to clarify, it's a puff, a small cloud directly into someone's face.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Trip.H wrote:
Karys wrote:

In my eyes Puff of Poison as well as Pepper Powder are pretty clear in their intention, they affect one target instantaneously upon use and that's the extent of their effect. I would rule neither cause a lingering cloud as neither are poisons and wouldn't follow the inhaled poison rules.

Ideally, they could simply leave off the Inhaled trait from both of these effects to avoid these readings, but the spell and item are pretty explicit in how they specifically function to me.

That is the entire function of the trait. The only time the existence of the cloud is mentioned in any of the inhaled items is when it's behavior is modified. For Yellow Musk, that's for the victim to be fascinated by the cloud.


If the trait was there to signal airborne hazards, it would be used all over the place. There is no reason to have the trait if it's a hit one target and done kind of deal.

You cannot say "I don't like that it has the trait & it's functionality, so I'm going to ignore it."

Specific trumps general in this case, the Puff of Poison spell and Pepper Powder are very explicit about how they target and who makes a check: the target. They require the target to inhale the spell or item to affect it. It is exactly what it says on the tin.

I'm personally inclined to believe the writers of these entries likely added the trait erroneously to show an airborne hazard, but haven't had any errata pass catch or correct it. Since you are correct that they are strange outliers which makes me assume they are in fact errors. But in any case, they're specific enough to override the general rule either way.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

In my eyes Puff of Poison as well as Pepper Powder are pretty clear in their intention, they affect one target instantaneously upon use and that's the extent of their effect. I would rule neither cause a lingering cloud as neither are poisons and wouldn't follow the inhaled poison rules.

Ideally, they could simply leave off the Inhaled trait from both of these effects to avoid these readings, but the spell and item are pretty explicit in how they specifically function to me.

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Bluemagetim wrote:

Wounded is a condition that treats your dying as though it is higher than it would be without it. Like doomed is a condition that treats your death threshold as lower than the default generally 4.

They have a value that tells us the amount it modifies by. We wouldn't treat that value like damage. We would treat it like a condition with a value. Those go by the highest value. Yes the recovery section has a note on failure in parens but its no different from the reminder in the taking damage section which was there pre remaster and not seen as applying the condition effect in a stacking manner.

Even pre remaster you weren't supposed to increase your dying more than 1 for normal damage or 2 for crit damage. That hasn't changed in the remaster.
This is also something you can see in the entry for the dying condition itself.

There's no problem of stacking as the Wounded condition applies to instances of gaining Dying, it's not a flat modifier to your Dying value. Otherwise you could never effectively reach Dying 0 and stabilize without outside assistance, unless I'm misunderstanding what you're suggesting.

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Riddlyn wrote:
In the remaster is every class at least trained in a class DC?

Sure are! Noticed weapon critical specializations use class DCs now in fact. For example, being hit by a hammer crit gives a fort save against class DC to not be knocked prone.

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Blave wrote:
Can someone with the books please check what Trick Magic Item says now?

Wording for TMI between CRB and Player Core appears to be identical, so no change to its function.

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Taja the Barbarian wrote:
gesalt wrote:
Both entries for 10th rank slots say that can't be used with abilities that grant additional spell slots. Font and blending don't have any extra text on the matter.
Did they retain the note on the 'spell slots by level' chart that indicates clerics do get 10th divine font slots?

Just checked my PDF, and 10th rank does indeed have the * marking it as a rank that gains divine font slots.

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Player Core 2 will be where the remastered archetypes other than multiclasses will be coming in.

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cheezeofjustice wrote:

I'm a little confused about that bolded note. Why would we be getting double copies of the remaster books?

Does it have to do with Special Edition subscription or something?

I know they mentioned for folks to contact them if they were planning to get the hobby store exclusive covers and wanted to skip the subscription for the month, so possibly related to something like that.

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Thread Title wrote:
Are fighters too strong?

No, they're strong at exactly what they're meant to be strong at. Lets please look at lifting up the martials that need help before looking to knock down the ones that are working as intended.

I don't even like fighter, too basic for my taste, but there's inherently nothing wrong with it.

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My take on the remaster is simply November can't come soon enough, there's nothing I haven't liked out of what we've seen so far.

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Personally speaking, an Eidolon is a summon you call upon because of your bond with it, so a different form of summoning than a summoning spell. And I genuinely don't appreciate being told I'm "delusional" for thinking the summoner class is cool at being a summoner and fulfills the class fantasy of one.

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I feel I may be one of the only people who was happy looking at the new cantrip descriptions. I mostly play casually at home with my wife, and there have been times we just forget to add attribute modifiers to cantrips as it feels unintuitive to us.

So we're just happy for the simplicity of it, and admittedly we also like the thought of being to roll more dice as we think dice are fun.

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Luke Styer wrote:

All the photos seem to show only one side of each coin. Is there no design on the other side?

There are various denominations listed, but I don’t see any numerals. Are there numerals on the unshowb side?

I believe the reverse side of each coin shows the Eye of Aroden as well as a number value, if I'm remembering correctly from their kickstarter page.

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As it appears I have no subscriptions shipping until next month, if it would be possible to move Lost Omens: Monsters of Myth and Lost Omens: Absalom, City of Lost Omens from my sidecart to ship on their own it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

It's been almost two months since emailing and making this thread, just wanna make sure it wasn't lost in the forums as I've seen more recent issues being addressed. Thanks in advance if any updates are available!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I've emailed about this already, but didn't realize it was as backed up as it is.

I received my shipment on Nov 9th for this subscription order, it should have been Starfinder AP "We're No Heroes", but I received Pathfinder 2e AP "Belly of the Black Whale" instead.

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Just like to report, I pre-ordered through Paizo so my order is part of this debacle, and my book just arrived today.

Everyone is acting like the sky is falling over what seems like will amount to a lot of nothing, it's slightly later than expected but earlier than I thought it would be with everything going wrong.

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Ordered this on a whim mostly, was hoping to get it on time to discuss it with my group as we handle VtM 5E, without having to use my tablet. But eh, what can you do?

I really can't grasp the complaints directed at Paizo however, because honestly speaking, all they can do is exactly the same thing but to Amazon. They're handling this perfectly well and professionally, so I respect that.

Amazon however, deserves plenty of derision and should be offering shipping refunds to everyone, especially overseas customers with the time they have to wait.