5e Adventures in Icewind Dale


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We are looking for 1-3 new players for our ongoing adventures set in Icewind Dale. Using the Rime of the Frostmaiden adventure path and seasonal content as a guide, we started with a small adventure a couple years ago and we’ve kept rolling past that.

Adventure Scenario
For the next segment, we move into the Spine of the World, a massive mountain chain, searching for a fortress known as Sunblight.

We are looking for 6th level character applications. This can be a new character or an existing character that you want to expand upon their story. We are friendly toward new players to 5e and can help guide you through the character creation process if needed.

We started with AL content but have since moved away so character creature is less limited. If you are playing an existing character, present it as is and we can discuss their equipment. For newly created characters, you can begin with starting equipment from character generation plus one uncommon magic weapon or implement, and one uncommon item of choice (dm discretion applies).

The group currently consists of
Turq, a human fighter with deep ties to Icewind Dale, who has returned after some years to settle but, the adventuring life keeps pulling him back in.

Umikh, a dwarf fighter running from his past in the south, and looking to build his future in Ten Towns.

Rodalas, an Eladrin Assassin of the Fey Wild’s Winter Court with an unknown mission to the material plane.

Baldrick, a dwarf soldier haunted by mysterious wild magic who recently trained with the berserkers of can Battlehammer.

Khitt, an NPC goblin Ranger exploring the people and cultures of Icewind Dale

The group is pretty heavy with melee, and could use a little class diversity but we are flexible and can work most ideas. I will keep recruitment open until Feb 21st but I’d like to get started sooner if we get some good applicants, so I will reserve the right to end recruitment as early as Feb 17th. I look forward to checking out the submissions.

5e, uh? I love that!

I'll give a thought to something spell related, maybe a sorlock or just pure sorc... Let me sleep on it!

Which books can we use?

I'll reskin a Cleric I enjoyed in the past.

Liberty's Edge

What is the attribute creation method?

Cleric healing love! (Will leave DMs to answer the questions!)

Man, that group is definitely melee heavy. I would be interested in putting together an arcane submission (Wizard or Sorcerer, haven't decided which as of this posting - some of that depends on the sources available).

Grand Lodge

Jereru and Scran! Haven't seen you guys in a spell! I'm playing Turq!

I am definitely interested! I love 5e, and have been eyeing Frost Maiden for a while. I would love to play a bard, probably college of lore.

What information are you looking for in order to make your decision? Full character sheets, backstory, etc?

EDIT: Getting into the idea of a bard who's fan-girling out over the party. They're all just such big heroes, and so strong and tough and cool, and she can't believe she's allowed to hang out with them.

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Aeshuura wrote:
Jereru and Scran! Haven't seen you guys in a spell! I'm playing Turq!


Now you'll see me with a spell!

Gideon Dawnbringer wrote:
What is the attribute creation method?

Standard (27) point buy. Sorry, should have added that.

Which books are allowed/not allowed?

Angie H wrote:
What information are you looking for in order to make your decision? Full character sheets, backstory, etc?

Class build and a backstory at a minimum are good. We can flush out specifics if needed. That said, full characters can’t hurt.

Angie H wrote:
EDIT: Getting into the idea of a bard who's fan-girling out over the party. They're all just such big heroes, and so strong and tough and cool, and she can't believe she's allowed to hang out with them.

The current hero’s have indeed been making quite the name for themselves around Ten Towns.

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Talomyr wrote:
Which books are allowed/not allowed?

Players Hand Book

Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide
Xanathar’s Guide to Everything
Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes
Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything
The Goliath species is also available without consult.

Anything else you can pitch and we’ll see.

Gideon above is my character. I'll adjust his ability scores tomorrow when I'm back on HeroLab. I just rolled randomly and got a good character for once. :-)

Dark Archive

Hi everybody!

Oh my this is certainly an august crowd of people gathered! I shall have to bring something very special to try and fit in!

To that end I have one question two questions!

Question the First: Are there any optional rules at character creation we should know about? I know that there has been a lot of backlash against Customized Origin rules, so I just wanted to verify that it is still Verboten.

2) I have a character idea that's been rattling around in my brain-pan, but I'd like some feedback to make sure that it's viable? No, no, it doesn't make the rules scream or do anything like that, but it is a bit of a different social take on something. I know I do go on so I'll spoiler this so it doesn't take up more space:

The Benevolent Necromancer:

There's been a trend in recent editions, and 5E seems to have capped this at de-evilifing necromancy. To wit, the "Evil!" descriptor is no longer included in Necromancy spells, and so the only thing standing in the way of the Necromancer is the social stigma.

That is to say, society looks at undead and thinks it evil. However this character would reject all of that, and would counter with many of the arguments made by current-day pro-2A or certain dog breed advocates.

That is, skeletons are not evil, the people who control them are. One could tell a created skeleton to "stand there and do nothing" and it will. One could tell it to carry water to a sick old man just as easily. Thus it has the same morality as any man, or even a sword. It has no intrinsic evil value, it simply reflects the values of the wielder.

So too, the Benevolent Necromancer believes that there is still some thread of a soul tied to the animated bones, and treats them as if they are a passed on soul that now gets to play in the playground of the living for a time, and is that not a good thing? Indeed, were you to miss a departed relative, would it not be a kindness to see their body up and about. Were they an adventurer in their life? Now they can be again! No longer do they need to lay in the ground, forever motionless. Now they could walk and fight and bring down forces of evil that would enslave those they cared about in life!

A quote:

"Ah, my child, no, there is nothing unnatural going on here. There are like my children. Nay! They are better than children. Take George here. George! See you this cord of wood? Carry it over by the fire pit and wait for further instructions.

There! You see? Show me the child that will do such a thing without a word of grief and with absolute certainty that it will do the thing, and not get bored and run off to do some time-wasting frivolity, or dump the whole thing for some glee from a playmate. Later I will laden down George with a backpack full of cooking supplies and we will march through hot sun and cold mountains and he will give me not a word of complaint! Nor will he require an ounce of sustenance or a coin of pay. Tell me, who among the living can give you such labor of such quality and at such a cost?

Nay nay, a Necromancer is the most benevolent thing in this world, akin to a wheel-maker or a blacksmith."

Atlas2112 wrote:

Question the First: Are there any optional rules at character creation we should know about? I know that there has been a lot of backlash against Customized Origin rules, so I just wanted to verify that it is still Verboten.

Custom backgrounds do not bother me as long as they fall in line with the general “benefit” as other normal backgrounds. Just be warned that it’s based on DMs judgement. If you end up taking the urchin proficiencies and the noble RP benefit, I am more than like not going to have any problem with that.

“Atlas 2112” wrote:

2) I have a character idea that's been rattling around in my brain-pan, but I'd like some feedback to make sure that it's viable? No, no, it doesn't make the rules scream or do anything like that, but it is a bit of a different social take on something. I know I do go on so I'll spoiler this so it doesn't take up more space:

I personally have no problem with a necromancer PC but in general play, I’ve never seen it work out well. There has consistently been friction between other PCs that cannot be reconciled.

That being said, if you want to pitch the idea, I’ll run it by the current players when considering applications and we’ll see how they respond.

Scarab Sages

I’m interested in submitting a Circle of Wildfire Druid, which I always thought would be fun to play in Icewind Dale. Do you want the character info added via spoiler, or in the Paizo character generation area?

Edit: Also, would you accept races from Monsters of the Multiverse, since it effectively replaces both Tome of Foes and Volo’s Guide to Monsters?

Liberty's Edge

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Updated for 27 point buy.


Scarab Sages

How would you like us to select starting gold? This is my first time rolling up a DnD character above 3rd level.

Backstory in a spoiler and a link to the character is fine. Obviously if there are things you don’t want to be public knowledge, PM me with the additional info.

Kere wrote:
How would you like us to select starting gold? This is my first time rolling up a DnD character above 3rd level.

Starting gold would be whatever your staring gold ends up being with your starting equipment. It shouldn’t be a lot, generally 15-20 goldish. I will give the selected applicants a few extra things once selected to bring them a little closer to par with a 6th level character.

Scarab Sages

Mellaina Kavron, Circle of Wildfire Druid


Born in Targos, Mell showed an early knack for nature, learning the Herbalist’s trade from her mother, and at 18, she officially became a Druid, quickly ranking up to join the Circle of Wildfire, which she thought to be the practice of Druidcraft most suited to the harsh cold of Icewind Dale.

At 20, she met her husband, Jeren, a ranger, while working to find a family who had gotten lost in a snowstorm. Two years later, they were married, and Jeren was offered a job keeping the peace in the tiny town of Lonelywood. Mell wasn’t overly fond of the residents of Lonelywood, but she did enjoy exploring the nearby forest when weather permitted and found her work as a herbalist and local rescuer rewarding.

Four years later, her son Jashan was born, and Mell was thrilled, although she quickly began worrying that the town’s criminal elements would provide poor role models for her son. Jeren, however, dismissed her concerns, as he rather enjoyed his role as the town lawman, and he liked the idea of teaching Jashan all of his tricks of survival in such a remote town.

One day when Jashan was 8, Mell made her monthly trip into Termalaine for supplies. Upon her return at sunset, she found neither Jeren nor Jashan at home. Assuming something had come up which required her husband’s attention, she went to the Lucky Liar, the local tavern. The tavern owner took one look at her and said, “Please sit down. I”m afraid there’s bad news.”

After she sat down, the tavern owner continued, “Yesterday afternoon, a group of strangers showed up in town. After greeting them, Jeren asked if they had come to Lonelywood seeking a new start, and the one who seemed to be the leader replied, 'Yeah, you might say that.' Jeren told them about the resources around town and all might have come to nothing, except he noticed a brooch on the ground - you know the one Anilla Trayner always wears that was her inheritance from her mother. Jeren picked up the brooch and asked the men if it belonged to one of them. I guess one of them claimed it it was a gift for his girlfriend. Jeren refused to hand over the brooch and told the men they needed to leave town, and just like that, they attacked him. Jeren held his own, but unfortunately, most of the men were either out logging or fishing, so there wasn't a lot of help from the town. Those that did gather managed to get the strangers to leave, and after they were gone, Jeren just collapsed. He didn't regain consciousness and passed last night. This morning, the strangers were back, and when Jashan saw them, he just got livid yelling at the men and hitting them. One of them snapped his neck just because he could. They then proceeded to rob the entire town and left. I'm so sorry for your loss, Mell."

Mell felt numb, but set about the business of burying her husband and son and gathering as much information as she could about the strangers. Since their home was provided by the town, she moved all of her family's belongings out and took it by cart to Termalaine and then Targos, promising to get word out of Lonelywood's need for a new lawman.

She sold all of her husband and son's belongs but one that reminded her of each - a wolf carved of scrimshaw that Jeren had made and a rough owl of fir wood that Jashan had carved. She put the rest of her own belongings into storage and set about trying to learn about the strangers, but by the time she took care of all of her personal business, the trail had gone cold. She then set out to strengthen her druid skills, knowing that she would need to be as strong as possible if she was going to catch those who murdered her husband and son.

Now sixth level, Mell has vowed not to rest or grieve until she has attained justice for her husband and son. The few clues she has managed to gather suggest a trip to the Spine of the World is called for, so to the Spine of the World she is heading.

Mell's Character Sheet

Grand Lodge

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If this is still open I'd love to throw in a character.

I HATE with an unholy passion that this forum eats posts... Will post the background again later... dammit...

To be Named Bladesinger
High elf Wizard 2
Medium humanoid, neutral good
Armor Class 13
Hit Points 12 (2d6+2)
Speed 30 ft.
STR 12 (+1), DEX 16 (+3), CON 12 (+1), INT 16 (+3), WIS 11 (+0), CHA 8 (-1)
Saving Throws Int +5, Wis +2
Skills Arcana +5, Athletics +3, Insight +2, Perception +2, Performance +1, Persuasion +1
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Elvish, Orc


Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
Hit: 2 bludgeoning damage.

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at https://www.wolflair.com
System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

Talomyr checking in.

Avendryl Silvermoon - Character Sheet

@Greycastle - Submission is mechanically complete. Backstory is percolating in my mind. How soon does the submission need to be fully complete?

Dark Archive

Greycastle wrote:

I personally have no problem with a necromancer PC but in general play, I’ve never seen it work out well. There has consistently been friction between other PCs that cannot be reconciled.

That being said, if you want to pitch the idea, I’ll run it by the current players when considering applications and we’ll see how they respond.

That is very interesting. Do you mind if I explore that further?

I've not had much experience with seeing necros played (it does seem an unpopular choice, for obvious reasons) so do you mind if I ask what problems occurred? Since forewarned is forearmed, hopefully if I am aware of prior problems, I'll be able to avoid such pitfalls.

Grand Lodge

Actually I want to reuse a character I used in a previous campaign...

He's a Viking style battle bard/Skald. He's got you covered for inspiration, some limited healing, and can hold his place in the line, being able to use heavy armour. Currently equipped as a level 1. His magic will be appropriately reskinned, for instance Vicious Mockery is a dreadful cursing, a nithing if you will...

Hallvarðr Stormbrow
Human Bard 6
Medium humanoid, chaotic good
Armor Class 12 (leather armor)
Hit Points 45 (6d8+12)
Speed 30 ft.
STR 16 (+3), DEX 12 (+1), CON 14 (+2), INT 8 (-1), WIS 10 (+0), CHA 16 (+3)

Feats Heavily Armored, Skill Expert (Variant Human) * = Expertise.
Saving Throws Str +3,Dex +4, Con +2, Int -1, Wis +0, Cha +6
Skills Acrobatics +2, Animal Handling +1, Arcana +0, Athletics +6, Deception +4, History +5*, Insight +1, Intimidation +6, Investigation +0, Medicine +1, Nature +0, Perception +3, Performance +4, Persuasion +6, Religion +0, Sleight of Hand +2, Stealth +4, Survival +3
Senses passive Perception 13
Languages Custom Language, Common


Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20 ft./60 ft., one target.
Hit: 1d4+3 piercing damage.

Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 1d8+3 slashing damage or 1d10+3 slashing damage if used with two hands to make a melee attack.

Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
Hit: 4 bludgeoning damage.

Equipment Dagger, leather armor, Longsword, backpack, crowbar, hammer, lute, piton (10), rations (10), rope, hempen (50 feet), tinderbox, torch (10), waterskin

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at https://www.wolflair.com
System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

interested. Trying to put together a half elf warlock of the tomb.


more power to you with benevolent necromancy. It has taken a lot of folks a long time to reconcile with the idea that undead do not have to be evil. It really rubs some grogs up the wrong way.

Personally I have a skeleton inside me and see nothing other than armature, architecture and apparatus. Why that should be “evil” and never anything else is both absurd and unimaginative. Then again that’s how I feel about 5e, so I’ll show myself out…

Scarab Sages

Avendryl Silvermoon wrote:
How soon does the submission need to be fully complete?

@Avendryl/Talomyr: Greycastle said that the hard deadline is Feb 21, but if he receives enough solid applications, he might close submissions on Feb 17 instead.

Scarab Sages


I left a lot of the details of the murderers Mell's backstory has her seeking intentionally vague, as I wanted to leave plenty of room for you to tie her personal quest to any BBEGs the party might be seeking. However, upon reading some of this party's prior adventures, it seems more that they take on numerous smaller adventures as opposed to a main quest against one or more BBEGs with various smaller side quests. If selected for the party, I'm happy to flesh out as many of the details surrounding the murderers as you need.

Does anyone know of a good 5e online character sheet? Preferrably free to use. I do alot of pathfinder and have done some 5e live but have no definite online sheet

Scarab Sages

@Herkymr: I believe D&D Beyond's (dndbeyond.com) free option will let you create 3 characters. Unfortunately, the default options are pretty limited (PHB only), so you'd need someone with a subscription that allows them to share unlocked content with you. My subscription, unfortunately, doesn't allow that, or I'd happily share.

You might also check out the options listed here. The article was recently updated (Less than a month ago) and if you read through it, it gives you the pros and cons of each option. The only thing it doesn't mention is which options are paid and which are free, so you'll have to figure that out for yourself.

Good luck!

Thanks Kere. I would just use herolab but it as well gives you very limited options

How do you feel about flying characters? I was thinking Fairy.

Presenting Orrlis Sunmane Leonin Cleric of Lathander.

Leonin is not standard Forgotten Realms faire but I figured that if there are Wemics in the Shaar, a group of Leonin would make sense and in my own view don't see them as all that different from Tabaxi. .

Orrlis has moved north in the hopes of seeing the lands where the sun rarely shines. Such a place deprived of Lathander's light must be seen. I will spend sometime on a fuller backstory.

Avendryl Silvermoon wrote:

Talomyr checking in.

Avendryl Silvermoon - Character Sheet

@Greycastle - Submission is mechanically complete. Backstory is percolating in my mind. How soon does the submission need to be fully complete?


Avendryl was born and raised in Silverymoon, a city known for its magical academies, institutions, and libraries. His family was steeped in magic and was well-respected in the city's wizarding community, and Avendryl was expected to follow in their footsteps.

From a young age, Avendryl showed a remarkable aptitude for magic, and he was enrolled in one of Silverymoon's prestigious schools of magic. There, he immersed himself in his studies, mastering spells and incantations and learning the ways of the arcane. He was especially fascinated by the history of magic and the lore of the ancient elven civilizations.

In his spare time, Avendryl would spend hours in Silverymoon's vast libraries, poring over tomes of knowledge and discovering new and obscure spells and incantations. He made many friends among the city's other young spellcasters and was highly regarded by his instructors.

Despite his love for learning and his strong ties to Silverymoon, Avendryl felt a restlessness that he could not shake. He wanted to explore the wider world and see more of the magic that it had to offer. So, he set out on his journey, determined to discover all that the world had to teach him and to make a name for himself as a powerful wizard.

After leaving Silverymoon, Avendryl traveled south, eager to explore new lands and experience new cultures. His journey took him through the rolling hills of the Silver Marches, where he honed his skills in defensive magic and met other adventurers who shared his love for the arcane arts.

Eventually, he arrived in Neverwinter, a bustling city known for its thriving wizarding community and its strong connections to the elemental forces of fire and water. There, Avendryl was welcomed with open arms, and he quickly became a respected member of the city's wizarding community.

He spent several years in Neverwinter, teaching young spellcasters and practicing his craft, but once again he felt the pull of adventure and the desire to see more of the world. So, he set out once more, this time heading north to the city of Luskan.

Luskan was a very different place from the cities Avendryl had known before. Its ports were teeming with pirates and cutthroats, and its streets were dangerous for even the bravest adventurer. But Avendryl was not easily deterred. He made his way to the city's wizarding district, where he met other spellcasters and learned of the powerful magic that was said to be hidden in the city's catacombs.

He spent several months in Luskan, braving its dangers and exploring its dark and mysterious underworld. He learned many new spells and incantations and made powerful allies among the city's wizarding community. But as he gained power, he also became a target for the city's criminal underworld, and he realized that he would have to be ever-vigilant if he wanted to survive.

After leaving Silverymoon, Avendryl traveled south, eager to explore new lands and experience new cultures. His journey took him through the rolling hills of the Silver Marches, where he honed his skills in defensive magic and met other adventurers who shared his love for the arcane arts.

Eventually, he arrived in Neverwinter, a bustling city known for its thriving wizarding community and its strong connections to the elemental forces of fire and water. There, Avendryl was welcomed with open arms, and he quickly became a respected member of the city's wizarding community.

He spent several years in Neverwinter, teaching young spellcasters and practicing his craft, but once again he felt the pull of adventure and the desire to see more of the world. So, he set out once more, this time heading north to the city of Luskan.

Luskan was a very different place from the cities Avendryl had known before. Its ports were teeming with pirates and cutthroats, and its streets were dangerous for even the bravest adventurer. But Avendryl was not easily deterred. He made his way to the city's wizarding district, where he met other spellcasters and learned of the powerful magic that was said to be hidden in the city's catacombs.

He spent several months in Luskan, braving its dangers and exploring its dark and mysterious underworld. He learned many new spells and incantations and made powerful allies among the city's wizarding community.

As Avendryl's power and reputation grew, he became a target for the criminal gangs that ruled the streets of Luskan. Despite his mastery of defensive magic, he knew that he could not remain in the city indefinitely, and he began to consider his options.

One day, he overheard rumors of a place called Ten Towns, a collection of fishing villages located on the northern coast of Icewind Dale. The towns were said to be in dire need of powerful spellcasters, as they were constantly threatened by the white dragon, Kublarzuk, and the evil beings known as the Icewind Druids.

Intrigued by the prospect of putting his skills to the test and helping those in need, Avendryl decided to make the journey to Ten Towns. The journey was treacherous, as he had to traverse the frozen tundras of Icewind Dale and face the dangers posed by the harsh and unforgiving environment.

Despite the challenges, Avendryl was determined to reach his destination. He traveled for many days, relying on his magic to keep him warm and protect him from the dangers of the wilderness. And finally, after a long and arduous journey, he arrived in Ten Towns. Unfortunately for Avendryl, he was not greeted warmly by the villagers, who were less than overjoyed to see another wizard come to their town, despite the rumors he had heard in Luskan.

Avendryl quickly realized that winning over the people of Ten Towns would require more than just his mastery of magic. The villagers had lived through many harsh winters and were wary of outsiders, and they would need to see that Avendryl was truly committed to their safety and well-being.

To that end, Avendryl took the time to get to know the people of Ten Towns, learning about their lives and their struggles. He listened to their stories, shared his own experiences, and showed that he was genuinely interested in their welfare.

He also used his magic to help the villagers in any way that he could, whether it was by helping the sick and injured, providing warmth during the harsh winters, or using his defensive magic to protect the village.

As Avendryl proved his worth, the villagers began to trust him and to see him as a true ally. They admired his bravery and his commitment to their safety, and many of the young spellcasters in the village looked up to him as a mentor and a role model.

And so, Avendryl found a new home in Ten Towns, where he would use his powers for good and help protect the people from the dangers that threatened them.

Avendryl Silvermoon wrote:

How soon does the submission need to be fully complete?

I’d say by the look of it, the 2/17 is the deadline. I was going to go longer if needed but it looks like we should have a good pool of people to look through.

Angie H wrote:
How do you feel about flying characters? I was thinking Fairy.

It might work but I’m skeptical honestly. Weather up here is not super conducive to a diminutive flyer.

Atlas2112 wrote:

That is very interesting. Do you mind if I explore that further?

I've not had much experience with seeing necros played (it does seem an unpopular choice, for obvious reasons) so do you mind if I ask what problems occurred? Since forewarned is forearmed, hopefully if I am aware of prior problems, I'll be able to avoid such pitfalls.

Generally it’s tied with religious beliefs. IE a follower of Lathander is probably not going to be too happy about traveling with a necromancer. But in addition, I’ve seen some players themselves react harshly towards it. It’s often viewed as the opposite of life, and in a world of absolutes, people tend to have a hard time finding the middle ground. Could definitely get more into the weeds on this, but it’s not really the place for philosophical debate. Lol.

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Greycastle wrote:
Atlas2112 wrote:

That is very interesting. Do you mind if I explore that further?

I've not had much experience with seeing necros played (it does seem an unpopular choice, for obvious reasons) so do you mind if I ask what problems occurred? Since forewarned is forearmed, hopefully if I am aware of prior problems, I'll be able to avoid such pitfalls.

Generally it’s tied with religious beliefs. IE a follower of Lathander is probably not going to be too happy about traveling with a necromancer. But in addition, I’ve seen some players themselves react harshly towards it. It’s often viewed as the opposite of life, and in a world of absolutes, people tend to have a hard time finding the middle ground. Could definitely get more into the weeds on this, but it’s not really the place for philosophical debate. Lol.

I was talking with Atlas and I had mentioned that because Turq was adopted by the dwarves of the Cairn, he has a deep respect for the dead and how they are treated. He would be profoundly bothered by this... I feel bad, because I do not like telling people No at the table, but I feel like this character idea may be better suited for another game. (I would love to see this character in Eberron or Golarion!)

This is Lanyssa/Ryuichi, an exiled Sorcerer/Warlock from far away Kara-Tur who's trapped in a different body after a weird Reincarnation effect.

As uncommon items, I've picked a Wand of the War Mage and the second one I'm doubtful. If you're gonna let us have an armour, then I might pick something more spelly, like a Pearl of Power for example. If the only gear we'll have is starting gear plus these two items, I might pick a Mithral or Adamantine armor (because dead men tell no tales sorcerers cast no spells).

Both mechanics and background are in the alias linked above.

Talomyr checking in with a completed submission. All details are in the linked D&D Beyond Character Sheet. Uncommon Magic Item linked and background listed here for reference. Still missing uncommon item of choice - as I'm not sure what qualifies there.

Avendryl Silvermoon - Character Sheet

Uncommon Magic Item - Arcane Grimoire +1


Avendryl was born and raised in Silverymoon, a city known for its magical academies, institutions, and libraries. His family was steeped in magic and was well-respected in the city's wizarding community, and Avendryl was expected to follow in their footsteps.
From a young age, Avendryl showed a remarkable aptitude for magic, and he was enrolled in one of Silverymoon's prestigious schools of magic. There, he immersed himself in his studies, mastering spells and incantations and learning the ways of the arcane. He was especially fascinated by the history of magic and the lore of the ancient elven civilizations.

In his spare time, Avendryl would spend hours in Silverymoon's vast libraries, poring over tomes of knowledge and discovering new and obscure spells and incantations. He made many friends among the city's other young spellcasters and was highly regarded by his instructors.

Despite his love for learning and his strong ties to Silverymoon, Avendryl felt a restlessness that he could not shake. He wanted to explore the wider world and see more of the magic that it had to offer. So, he set out on his journey, determined to discover all that the world had to teach him and to make a name for himself as a powerful wizard.

After leaving Silverymoon, Avendryl traveled south, eager to explore new lands and experience new cultures. His journey took him through the rolling hills of the Silver Marches, where he honed his skills in defensive magic and met other adventurers who shared his love for the arcane arts.

Eventually, he arrived in Neverwinter, a bustling city known for its thriving wizarding community and its strong connections to the elemental forces of fire and water. There, Avendryl was welcomed with open arms, and he quickly became a respected member of the city's wizarding community.

He spent several years in Neverwinter, teaching young spellcasters and practicing his craft, but once again he felt the pull of adventure and the desire to see more of the world. So, he set out once more, this time heading north to the city of Luskan.

Luskan was a very different place from the cities Avendryl had known before. Its ports were teeming with pirates and cutthroats, and its streets were dangerous for even the bravest adventurer. But Avendryl was not easily deterred. He made his way to the city's wizarding district, where he met other spellcasters and learned of the powerful magic that was said to be hidden in the city's catacombs.

He spent several months in Luskan, braving its dangers and exploring its dark and mysterious underworld. He learned many new spells and incantations and made powerful allies among the city's wizarding community. But as he gained power, he also became a target for the city's criminal underworld, and he realized that he would have to be ever-vigilant if he wanted to survive.

After leaving Silverymoon, Avendryl traveled south, eager to explore new lands and experience new cultures. His journey took him through the rolling hills of the Silver Marches, where he honed his skills in defensive magic and met other adventurers who shared his love for the arcane arts.

Eventually, he arrived in Neverwinter, a bustling city known for its thriving wizarding community and its strong connections to the elemental forces of fire and water. There, Avendryl was welcomed with open arms, and he quickly became a respected member of the city's wizarding community.

He spent several years in Neverwinter, teaching young spellcasters and practicing his craft, but once again he felt the pull of adventure and the desire to see more of the world. So, he set out once more, this time heading north to the city of Luskan.

Luskan was a very different place from the cities Avendryl had known before. Its ports were teeming with pirates and cutthroats, and its streets were dangerous for even the bravest adventurer. But Avendryl was not easily deterred. He made his way to the city's wizarding district, where he met other spellcasters and learned of the powerful magic that was said to be hidden in the city's catacombs.

He spent several months in Luskan, braving its dangers and exploring its dark and mysterious underworld. He learned many new spells and incantations and made powerful allies among the city's wizarding community.

As Avendryl's power and reputation grew, he became a target for the criminal gangs that ruled the streets of Luskan. Despite his mastery of defensive magic, he knew that he could not remain in the city indefinitely, and he began to consider his options.

One day, he overheard rumors of a place called Ten Towns, a collection of fishing villages located on the northern coast of Icewind Dale. The towns were said to be in dire need of powerful spellcasters, as they were constantly threatened by the white dragon, Kublarzuk, and the evil beings known as the Icewind Druids.

Intrigued by the prospect of putting his skills to the test and helping those in need, Avendryl decided to make the journey to Ten Towns. The journey was treacherous, as he had to traverse the frozen tundras of Icewind Dale and face the dangers posed by the harsh and unforgiving environment.

Despite the challenges, Avendryl was determined to reach his destination. He traveled for many days, relying on his magic to keep him warm and protect him from the dangers of the wilderness. And finally, after a long and arduous journey, he arrived in Ten Towns. Unfortunately for Avendryl, he was not greeted warmly by the villagers, who were less than overjoyed to see another wizard come to their town, despite the rumors he had heard in Luskan.

Avendryl quickly realized that winning over the people of Ten Towns would require more than just his mastery of magic. The villagers had lived through many harsh winters and were wary of outsiders, and they would need to see that Avendryl was truly committed to their safety and well-being.

To that end, Avendryl took the time to get to know the people of Ten Towns, learning about their lives and their struggles. He listened to their stories, shared his own experiences, and showed that he was genuinely interested in their welfare.

He also used his magic to help the villagers in any way that he could, whether it was by helping the sick and injured, providing warmth during the harsh winters, or using his defensive magic to protect the village.

As Avendryl proved his worth, the villagers began to trust him and to see him as a true ally. They admired his bravery and his commitment to their safety, and many of the young spellcasters in the village looked up to him as a mentor and a role model.

And so, Avendryl found a new home in Ten Towns, where he would use his powers for good and help protect the people from the dangers that threatened them.

Dark Archive

Alright, it looks like my Necro idea just isn't quite gonna pull it off. No worries, I'm a man that can admit when an idea isn't going to work.
Time to change tact.

To that end, since we're looking for a fit for a pre-existing party, I'd like to explain a bit in my thinking for this next character. I do go on a bit so I'll spoiler it so as not to take up too much space.


Looking at the melee heavy party, the one word that is needed here is "support". Now, what does that even mean? It can mean many things, mostly healing (including damage mitigation), damage from range, and buffs.

So too, the line goes to play what you want to play. And for me often that is something that I've not. And I've always wanted to try a character that doesn't use weapons. Or at least rely on them, and at the same time isn't a mage.

So how to marry these two ideas?

Cleric of the Light subdomain. Or, as I call them, a LightCleric. (I find it a quick and easy way to refer to a class and it's domain since often it can mean a big difference. i.e. LifeCleric, WarCleric, etc...)

The LightCleric gets all those nice things that Clerics do AND gets access to some _sick_ support spells. Do you really need a mage when your cleric can cast Fireball?? =]
Also, and I'm just speculating here, theoretically, maybe if a certain hill giant has Faerie Fire on it, then a certain fighter wouldn't go unconscious. Theoretically. =]


Speaking of making sure people don't go unconscious, I'm going with Inspiring Leader as my Human feat. Nice! With a bunch of temp hp my healing can go a long, long way.

Yes, that means I'll have a passible Cha, and even Persuasion, but with so many Bards and even a Sorlock in the offing, I'm assuming one of them will be the main Face. Of course it never hurts to have another person studying new ways to be nice to people. =}

Dark Archive

Hi everybody!

Character submission from Atlas2112!

As a cleric that views cantrips to be superior as more elegant weapons for a more civilized age, I have no need for a magical weapon. However...

Uncommon Implement:

Uncommon Item:

Cloak of Protection

(Heh. Of note, I almost went with Noble Background with Retainers and the Chef feat and I'd cook up a storm for the party. But after the whole Necro kerfuffle I tossed it as being to "fiddley".)

Grand Lodge

I think, given the excellence of the other applications and my current situation I'll pull my application but I'll keep my eye out for future opportunities

Looks like the submissions are slowing down.

Greycastle wrote:
We started with AL content but have since moved away so character creature is less limited. If you are playing an existing character, present it as is and we can discuss their equipment. For newly created characters, you can begin with starting equipment from character generation plus one uncommon magic weapon or implement, and one uncommon item of choice (dm discretion applies).

@Greycastle - I assume the Arcane Grimoire I selected for Avendryl is the implement of choice. What do you mean by uncommon item of choice? Is that an additional uncommon, non-weapon, non-implement magic item or it is something else entirely?

Scarab Sages

If you want me to choose an uncommon magic item for Mell, I’d choose a bag of tricks. As for the other uncommon item, I also am not sure what my options are.

@kere and avrendryl

We can clarify equipment if your apps are chosen. No need to worry bout the little things just yet.

Final day for submissions. Good luck to everyone. Looking forward to getting going again.


I think I should have made a cleric... Honestly, it was my first thought, but when I came up with the build there was already one submitted so I thought I'd do another thing.

8 think the group will be helped most by a cleric, though, and maybe we could have even been two...

I should have thought of this earlier...

But anyway! Good luck, everyone!

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