City Building

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

For what ever reason I have enjoyed playing/running campaigns with a city building element. Has anyone given 2E Kingmaker rules a good run? 1E left a bit to be desired for me. Are there any good 3rd party or system agnostic rules out there that you have had good fun with? Thanks for any suggestions!

Kingmaker has already been remade for PF2

Claxon wrote:
Kingmaker has already been remade for PF2

I think the OP is aware. They are asking if anyone has tried the remake kingdom building rules.

I haven't. :)

I'll be playing in it it starting ... sometime in the near future - once our group finishes Fall of Plaguestone.

But currently I haven't seen more than the player's guide.

You can see the Kingdom rules in their entirety for free in the Kingmaker 2e Player's Guide.

Captain Morgan wrote:
Claxon wrote:
Kingmaker has already been remade for PF2

I think the OP is aware. They are asking if anyone has tried the remake kingdom building rules.

I haven't. :)

I guess I misunderstood the question.

The rules as adopted from PF1 to PF2 were published for the remade Kingmaker, but I can't comment on their quality as I haven't tried them.

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