Handwraps of Mighty Blows

Rules Discussion

Would these be considered magical versus any enemy that resists all damage except magical?

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Yes. The Handwraps apply the rune effects to your unarmed attacks - including making the attacks magical.

The item itself does have the "magical" trait on it regardless of existence of runes (though they always have at least one)
So assuming you use them to attack the target, yes.
On top of that, anything with a weapon potency rune also gains the magical trait.

jcheung wrote:

The item itself does have the "magical" trait on it regardless of existence of runes (though they always have at least one)

So assuming you use them to attack the target, yes.

I wouldn't recommend attacking someone with the handwraps themselves. It would be an improvised weapon and wouldn't likely do much damage.


Hey, improvised whip 1d4.


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