Which Adventure Path Hero Point Token would you like to see next?

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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Hi all,

We've been making a Hero Point Token for each Adventure Path. The latest is Strength of Thousands, which will be in the Paizo webstore any day now.

Some of you have also recently received the Kingmaker one. That turned out so well! Jake Lane really captured the snarly essence of Wayne Reynolds' classic Jabberwock. It was an exclusive for the crowdfunding campaign, and so won't be available again.

We're a few APs behind now (they come by so fast at three parters!), so which token would you like to see next? We've love to hear what's the most popular.

Quest of the Frozen Flame
Outlaws of Alkenstar
Blood Lords

I'm thinking Alkenstar, but what say you?

Over on our Kickstarter we've just unlocked the Absalom Hero Point Token. This is a limited edition one, exclusive to the Coins of Absalom Kickstarter:
Absalom Hero Point Token update


Personally, I'd love a Quest for the Frozen Flame one! I hope to run that someday and it'd be nice to have at the table. I could also see you guys getting creative with it, seeing as Mammoth Lords don't seem to use traditional forms of currency.

Just recently discovered these (again) after getting the amazing Kingmaker one, so went and ordered them all. Not sure what I'm gonna do with ~15 HP tokens once they arrive, but that's a future me problem.

I'd like to see a continuing series, one per AP, and keep collecting them, so my official answer is all of them. Frozen Flame would be next in line...

Thanks very much folks!

Frozen Flame it is. It does make sense to keep on doing them in order of appearance.

In case you missed it, the limited edition Absalom token is now on BackerKit, last chance to pre order:


A few folks missed out on the limited edition Kingmaker one, so we hope to avoid unhappy future faces!


Been out of the loop for awhile, don't suppose there's an update on when we'll be seeing more of these? Last one I've seen is the PaizoCon 2024 one?


Season of Ghosts

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