Figuring out a promethean alchemists homunculus AC

Rules Questions

Hi im playing a promethean alchemist. Its AC is listed as AC +2 natural armor

So that would be 10+2 from natural armor + other bonuses

now lets say i spent 9000 gold improving my homunculi
Toughened Hide: By adding diamond dust and cold iron to the homunculus, a crafter can increase its natural armor bonus to AC by 1, 2, or 3. Price: +1,000 gp (+1), +4,000 gp (+2), or +9,000 gp (+3).

Does it now have 15 or 13?

and lets say i add a few templates

from commando construct:
Armor Class: A commando construct’s natural armor bonus increases by 4.

is it now 19, 17 or 14?

Liberty's Edge

1) It is an increase, so an addition to what you already have. With a +3 increase, the homunculus would have 15 AC.

2) It is an increase, so an addition to what you already have. Together with the +3 increase, the homunculus would have 19 AC.

I don't think you will have stacking problems as:
1) the sources are different;
2) the abilities modify the natural armor bonus, i.e. they change the actual value of the natural armor bonus. They aren't an enhancement to NA.

Thanks my homunculus will have a ridiculous ac then with such a high dex from the archetype and templates

If that's what you want that's fine, but in a lot of groups that wouldn't be too necessary. The homunculus isn't really a combat powerhouse. With its ability to fly, it shouldn't be in the thick of combat very often. I guess you could use it as a flanking partner for your teammates, but it looks to be more suited for scouting, support and item use which shouldn't lead to it being attacked often.

Unless, you have a GM who loves breaking your toys. In that case, you might need to go all in on AC

While not proficient in armor, the homunculus can still wear armor. You can wear armor with an armor check of 0 without any penalty. Or you could choose to spend a feat on armor proficiency.

Oh i intend to break it a lot...
I dont have an alchemist i have a homunculi with enough templates and modifications and a carrier pigeon(another homunculi) with extracts.
it being a construct makes it one of the most overpowered creatures possible

what archetype and templates??

my hope was adding commando construct and enlightened construct. and if the gm was willing figuring out a price for steam powered clockwork(+50% to price, no clue what the craft price could be but basing it off some mix of homunculi and golems seems fitting)

but apparently my gm has inner hate for templates after some clown showed up with some bs backstory to justify starting with templates. So i need to clarify the difference between construct templates and that.

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