Alchemical Nesting Doll Bombs

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Alright so i just thought of this idea, at first thought i could use the alchemist (grenadier archetype) as it has the Alchemical Weapon to imbue a alchemist bomb with an alchemist bomb (as a bomb is considered an alchemical splash weapon, and you can imbue a weapon (the splash weapon part) with an alchemical liquid/powder (at first i though you could do a bomb but that wont work as its not a powder/liquid)) but is there any other way to imbue an alchemist bombs with another alchemists bomb?

and also i assume that i can infuse a bomb with a powder and have its effect apply to the target but that might not be the case so correct me on that if so

Liberty's Edge

You use discoveries to increment bomb damage, but, AFAIK, there is no way to stack multiple bombs into a single one.

You can take Fast bombs to make multiple attacks in a single bound.

Something like this? Scatter Bomb - A bomb can be split in half and thrown twice for half damage.

There is a way to have full progression Bomb damage and full progression Sneak Attack, then apply said Sneak Attack to said Bombs... which is kind of like doubling your Bomb damage, if that's all you're actually after with your "Alchemical Nesting Doll Bombs".

You can be a Vivisectionist Alchemist that starts with 4 levels of Underground Chemist Rogue... if you take the Bomber Rogue Talent, you get Bombs with damage equal to your Sneak Attack. Vivisectionist replaces Bombs with Sneak Attack that stacks with the SA you got from your Rogue levels... Sneak Attack that increases your Bomb damage. There is nothing stopping a Vivisectionist from taking Discoveries that modify the Bombs they got as a Rogue, either. They [Vivisectionists] can also take the Bleeding Attck Rogue Talent, adding bleed damage to those Sneak Attack Bombs. Lol.

Btw, if anyone calls them dolls, then your character absolutely must shout back in protest "THEY'RE NOT DOLLS! THEY'RE COLLECTIBLES!", otherwise you can't play the character.

You could use a Conductive weapon with the Esplosive Missile alchemist discovery.

Source Ultimate Equipment pg. 137, Advanced Player's Guide pg. 286

Aura moderate necromancy CL 8th
Slot weapon quality; Price +1 bonus; Weight —
A conductive weapon is able to channel the energy of a spelllike or supernatural ability that relies on a melee or ranged touch attack to hit its target (such as from a cleric’s domain granted power, sorcerer’s bloodline power, oracle’s mystery revelation, or wizard’s arcane school power). When the wielder makes a successful attack of the appropriate type, he may choose to expend two uses of his magical ability to channel it through the weapon to the struck opponent, which suffers the effects of both the weapon attack and the special ability. (If the wielder has unlimited uses of a special ability, she may channel through the weapon every round.) For example, a paladin who strikes an undead opponent with her conductive greatsword can expend two uses of her lay on hands ability (a supernatural melee touch attack) to deal both greatsword damage and damage from one use of lay on hands. A given character can use this weapon special ability only once per round (even if she has several conductive weapons), and the power works only with magical abilities of the same type as the weapon (melee or ranged).
Explosive Missile (Ultimate Combat pg. 24): As a standard action, the alchemist can infuse a single arrow, crossbow bolt, or one-handed firearm bullet with the power of his bomb, load the ammunition, and shoot the ranged weapon. He must be proficient with the weapon in order to accomplish this. When the infused ammunition hits its target, it deals damage normally and detonates as if the alchemist had thrown the bomb at the target. If the explosive missile misses, it does not detonate. An alchemist must be at least 4th level before selecting this discovery.

So you'd spend 3 bombs (1 with Explosive Missile, 2 with the Conductive Weapon), a standard action and a swift action to get the damage of 1 weapon attack and 2 bombs. The the bomb damage from your conductive weapon can't crit (because it doesn't have an attack roll) but since bombs don't get that much from crits it's not that much of a problem.

Honestly though, the Fast Bombs discovery is probably better unless you're doing something very specific. With Haste, Rapid shot and all the TWF feats you can end up throwing 8 bombs a round by level 15, which is significantly more than the 2 you get from this combo (and while 8/round is too many to use consistently, 3/round is still better than 2 and is doable by level 8).

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