GM Zed's Godsmouth Heresy (Inactive)

Game Master Zesdead

Paizo's 'The Godsmouth Heresy'

An adventure for 1st Level Characters

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Hello all, please post to say Hello and exchange pleasantries whilst I get the Gameplay thread up and running.

As I said in the recruitment thread, things may be a tiny bit clunky for a short while whilst I get my ankle / foot in plaster, etc.... That'll Teach me to think I have a Fly Speed when negotiating stairs...

Female Ifrit Oracle 1 | Sorcerer 1

no worries man, I hope everything heals well and you have a fast recovery. be careful

Male Human Init +2 | Perc +6 | AC 15 / T 14 / FF 13 | HP 9/14 | Saves F +4/R +4/W +4

Checking in and wishing you well, GM. Thanks for the selection!

Gnome Bard (archeologist) 1

Thanks for picking the little gnome, hoping your foot gets better soon.

HP 19/22, AC 17, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +4, Smite 1/1, LoH 3/3

Howdy folks. :)

Yggdra is prepared. He's got a whole backpack full of useless or broken stuff. Anyone need a prosthetic arm? It's only missing two fingers.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Gameplay thread is up and running...apologies for delays...Foot nicely encased in plaster (apparently no-one in my local hospital knows 'Cure Light Wounds')

HP 19/22, AC 17, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +4, Smite 1/1, LoH 3/3

Kane casts Wall of Text!

Sorry about the length. I'm usually more concise. I needed lots of exposition to set Kane's tone.

@Efka/Ifka: Are both of these voices out loud? If not, can I request that the internal voice be left unbolded? It's tough to follow and eventually we'll all need to know who's talking to us and who isn't.

You may want to check out this link. for some tips on helping out your readers. Some guy that's on here a lot wrote it. I hear he's a pretty cool dude. *Significant glance at Kane*

Just waiting on Horatio to make his way to the Cathedral and then I'll make another Gameplay Post... far I'm wondering whether Sister Nerissia should have performed a little bit of psychological profiling for her employees!!!

Male Human Init +2 | Perc +6 | AC 15 / T 14 / FF 13 | HP 9/14 | Saves F +4/R +4/W +4

So sorry - I'll update in a bit!

Female Ifrit Oracle 1 | Sorcerer 1

ya I had it unbolded at first, didn't know which to go with... ill switch to unbolded

HP 19/22, AC 17, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +4, Smite 1/1, LoH 3/3

*looks around*

Who, me?

I've seen internal monologe done best in Italics. That's the way most novels do it.

I have a character in another game who has 4 different demons bound inside him. I differentiate them by creative use of italics combined with the site's other formatting tools.

Looks something like-

Let us out, mortal!
You cannot hold us forever...
We can help you...: 0 = 0
They lie.

So far no one has been to confused about when I'm talking out loud and when im having conversations in my head. The best part is that it allows me to have them seem obviously different to keep their personalities straight, and when the occasionally force the character to act against his own wishes, I can use the demon's "voice" outloud.

Something like-

"These prisoners are useless. We should peel off their skin... Excuse me. What I mean is, more creative means if interrogation may be required."

You might find that picking a format for each "voice" makes things easier for you to convey the story you're trying to tell. It's worked for me.

Dark Archive

Male Human Fighter (Lore Warden) 9

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why I gave him a significant glance as opposed to just a glance. He knows his stuff.

HP 19/22, AC 17, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +4, Smite 1/1, LoH 3/3

Aw, I'm blushing. :)

Female Ifrit Oracle 1 | Sorcerer 1

thanks for the advice Sir Kane. I made alias too to help things.

Dark Archive

Male Human Fighter (Lore Warden) 9
The Beggar Prophet wrote:
[...] He looks at the others and says with a grave voice says,[...]

Get it? Grave Voice?

Someone help me. I can't stop.

I'm just now realizing that Carrion Sense may be way more useful than I was initially expecting.

Gnome Bard (archeologist) 1

Hehe :)

Carrion Sense... that's rubbish .. it stinks ..

Get it "stinks"...

.. no one?..

.. well i tried...

One gets points for that in my book.

Dark Archive

Male Human Fighter (Lore Warden) 9

Apologies to all for my absence over the weekend. I wound up shy one charger for my kindle. Makes it tough to internet without it.

...No worries, weekends are 'bonus posts' anyway...not everyone has internet access / time outside of the normal week...

Dark Archive

Male Human Fighter (Lore Warden) 9

Danke Shoen.

Re: Doors - This will likely be posted for each door, but unless someone stops him Yggdra will take a few minutes to search every door he finds before entering. He'll spend that time muttering nonsense to himself. There will likely be a lot of capital t "They"s in the muttering.

Re: Marching order - Again, this will probably happen organically, but I'll make sure it's said here for the record. Yggdra will try to stay near the Paladin. As a member of the church, he feels safest near Ser Ravencourt. Also, fortuitous name for the Tengu.

Female Ifrit Oracle 1 | Sorcerer 1

How'd you want to handle who's in control of my character? Ifka(the sorcerer) is strongest to take over during combat, and can remain in control for quite awhile.

Whatever you decide is fine. Efka has the curse of tongues and can only communicate via Ignan in combat.

I've been thinking about this for a while and have decided that I will let you control the transition between Ifka and Efka....all I ask is that there is appropriate RP justification for the character taking the fore.....e.g. Stressful circumstances....combat, psychological stresses, surprises, emotions, etc.....

Also, I think don't overdo it....maybe a few changes over the course of the entire adventure?

Very much looking forward to seeing how this one plays out with the rest of the party....

HP 19/22, AC 17, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +4, Smite 1/1, LoH 3/3

I have a few questions about your character. I had a similar concept a while back but couldn't figure out how to make it work. I'd imagine a lot of this stuff was worked out in PM or Spoilers that I didn't see.

Do Efka and Ifka have different Hit Point totals? Oracles are d8, right? If Efka has taken more damage than Ifka has total, what happens if Ifka takes over? If Ifka takes damage that would reduce her past 0, does Efka take over so they can stay conscious? What is the drawback?

Do they have separate spell pools? If Ifka casts a spell and then shifts to Efka, is it as though Efka has cast something?

Female Ifrit Oracle 1 | Sorcerer 1

they are built very close, we discussed them sharing the same number of SPD, as far as the hitpoints one has more then the other ya.. probably go with the lowest one if that's the case.. switching wont occur a lot. just as he said in stressful circumstances. even the spell like abilities I chose are very similar and will share uses... if only there were some cloth wearing healers with cha even with the cleric would be nice. I like the priest concept or white mage, but they have it to where they all wear armor.

HP 19/22, AC 17, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +4, Smite 1/1, LoH 3/3

I think there's some 3rd party stuff that would work, but not a lot of GMs allow outside material.

So, for Marching Order I have,

Sir Kane Ravencourt (Darkvision to 60ft and Wayfinder) - Perception = 0
Yggdra (Low Light vision) - Perception = +5
Efka/Ifka (Darkvision to 60ft) - Perception = -1
Trexy Vextrotter (Low Light vision) - Perception = +5
Horatio Labreque (hooded lantern hanging from belt) - Perception = +6

Horatio - I have placed you at the rear as Efka/Ifka and Trexy are both looking to keep themselves between capable fighters.

Kane Ravencourt - What illumination does the Wayfinder provide?

In the Gameplay thread, I will describe the room that you find yourselves in and, once you confirm you are happy with the marching order I have written above, we can proceed...

Gnome Bard (archeologist) 1

Marching order seems fine to me.

Male Human Init +2 | Perc +6 | AC 15 / T 14 / FF 13 | HP 9/14 | Saves F +4/R +4/W +4

I'm good with the order as well.

Dark Archive

Male Human Fighter (Lore Warden) 9

*thumbs up*

Female Ifrit Oracle 1 | Sorcerer 1

yep good good

HP 19/22, AC 17, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +4, Smite 1/1, LoH 3/3

Wayfinders work as a permanent Light spell, so basically a torch.

I suspect Horatios' misadventure with the Darkmantle (ouch again at those dice) is going to do very little for the fellows' claustrophobia!!!!

Just Trexy to post then I will post for the Darkmantle

FYI, each of Yggdras' attacks missed the creatures AC (15) but the bite attack hits Touch AC (13) - so I am ruling (don't know if this is right) that the Touch of Chaos (melee touch attack) is a hit but that the natural attacks (bite and claw) all fail to cause damage.

Gnome Bard (archeologist) 1

And the tone is set for the clumsy gnome as her first attempt at an attack is a fumble ^^.

Defense Stats:
HP 8/8; AC 13, T 13, FF 10; F +0, R +3, W +1 (5 fire resist); Init +3; Perc -1
Spells and Special Abilities:
ToF 5/7; SLA 0/1; SPD 3/4 1st; SK 0:detect magic, read magic, resistance, stabilize ; SK 1: cure light wounds, sanctuary
Tracked Items:
Holy Water 1/1, PoCLW 1/1
Female Ifrit Oracle 1

gotta love 1 fire damage!

HP 19/22, AC 17, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +4, Smite 1/1, LoH 3/3

Combat Reflexes allows me to make AoOs while flat footed.

I wasn't initially aware of the Darkmantle, but as it fell and attacked, I became aware of it. Since it passed through my threat zone, would I have gotten an AoO?

I'll spoiler it. Just ignore it if you rule against it.

Sir Kane Ravencourt - I think, although I am handwaving positioning for the purposes of you all getting an attack in on the Darkmantle now that it has left its' roost, you were quite distant from it when it dropped on Horatio so am ruling against you getting an attack of opportunity (your dice roll was a miss anyway). Your actual attack though, is a definite hit...not killing the Darkmantle outright but not that far off...

Yggdra, Trexy Vextrotter - Your turns....

Yggdra - I will keep things moving along with a DMPC action for you if you can't get to posting in the next couple of hours (hopefully closing the combat before the weekend and moving the party off of the stairs and starting to explore).

So, first little combat out of the way and in to exploration...Your little scuffle against the Darkmantle earnt you each 100XP - I will track your experience through the Godsmouth - Does anyone have a preference on levelling up? If you would like to get to Level 2 whilst adventuring, we can use the Fast Progression chart and get to Level 2 at 1300XP (Opinions?)

Any other feedback or suggestions for running the game?

To keep things moving along as we go, I will continue to roll the following dice for you:

Upon entering a new room, I will make a general perception roll (spoilered) and will also let you know if Sir Kane Ravencourt's Detect Evil / Yggdra's Carrion Sense detect anything.

At the start of combat, I will roll initiative. If I need to DMPC anyone (planned or unplanned absences) I will take their action in the best interest of the party (trying not to use tracked resources).

Hope everyone is enjoying themselves so far (even if it has involved lying in an unconscious heap - sorry Horatio!)

Horatio - your HP is were down to -2, the Yggdra's successive Channel Energies (1 and then 2) brought you to 1 (and conscious) - your Cure Light Wounds potion (healing 6) brings you to 7.

In terms of tracked resources / abilities:

Trexy - you have used Archaeologists Luck once (out of a daily allowance of seven)
Yggdra - you have used Channel Energy twice (out of a daily allowance of five) and Touch of Chaos once (out of a daily allowance of six)
Efka -you have used Touch of Flames twice (out of a daily allowance of seven)

Horatio - you have used your potion of Cure Light Wounds

HP 19/22, AC 17, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +4, Smite 1/1, LoH 3/3

I tend to keep track of tracked resources in my status bar. It keeps things organized and reminds me what I have left.

Defense Stats:
HP 8/8; AC 13, T 13, FF 10; F +0, R +3, W +1 (5 fire resist); Init +3; Perc -1
Spells and Special Abilities:
ToF 5/7; SLA 0/1; SPD 3/4 1st; SK 0:detect magic, read magic, resistance, stabilize ; SK 1: cure light wounds, sanctuary
Tracked Items:
Holy Water 1/1, PoCLW 1/1
Female Ifrit Oracle 1

updated it sorry, also took off one of my 1st lvl spells too.

Efka - your additional perception check fails to determine anything of note.

All - If I roll a general perception check for you when entering any new area, if you want to perform any other 'perception' type activities could you please identify what you are specifically doing? This could be examining a specific feature of the room, listening at a door, searching the walls for secret doors, etc

Sir Kane Ravencourt - Will give you until later this evening (UK time) and then I will probably DMPC you for the sake of moving the party along...

HP 19/22, AC 17, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +4, Smite 1/1, LoH 3/3

Sorry, I didn't get the game update on my campaigns tab. Not sure why. Posting now.

Yggdra - I will keep things moving along with a DMPC action for you if you can't get to posting in the next 24 hours (this isn't likely to be a long combat and I would like to get it over with and return you all to exploring).

Dark Archive

Male Human Fighter (Lore Warden) 9

Just an FYI: Work has kind of exploded today. It's very rare, but it happens. I'm hoping I can check back in tonight, but it's looking like a 16 hour day with little free time for the forums.

DM, Feel free to NPC me as necessary. I should be back tomorrow at the latest.

Your encounter against the Skull Spiders has earns each of you 100XP (putting you on 200XP)...I will assume you are okay with the thought of fast levelling and the possibility of levelling up at some point during this adventure....

HP 19/22, AC 17, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +4, Smite 1/1, LoH 3/3

Leveling up!? Who would ever want to do something like that? Yuck.

Leveling happens in PBP?

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