Jin Sakai from Ghost of Tsushima. Would he be better off as Gestalt, or should I give him a go in a normal game?


He gets so good at being both a Samurai and Ninja, that I almost want to try him in a Gestalt game, but then again, he didn't start off as a Ninja, and was probably many levels of Samurai already due to how high ranked his legal guardian was growing up (more important people typically got trained better in the past).

So which should I try for him? I already have a basic idea of what I should build for him. I'm making him an Order of the Shield Samurai. For Ninja, I haven't looked it over in several years, but I have a basic idea of what I want. Jin technically wasn't a standard Ninja, rather more likely the first Ninja (Ninja didn't actually exist yet), so I just have to get stereotypical Ninja stuff, and nothing too over-the-top.

Anyways, let me know your opinions on the question "To Gestalt, or not to Gestalt?"

If gestalt is an option, then always gestalt.

The Sword Saint Samurai's Roaring Iaijutsu ability could go well with the Mask of the Living God Ninja's Expurgate ability. Or combine Iaijutsu Strike with the Hunting Serpent Ninja's Death Mark/Certain Demise.

Warrior Poet Samurai can take the Kitsune's Mystique flourish to feint as part of a move action to move and during Spring Attack... this could open up reliable Sneak Attack from your Ninja half.

The Sovereign Blade Samurai's Golden Armor ability would go well with the Frozen Shadow Ninja's Hardy Killer ability.

I really like a good, old Brawling Blademaster Samurai... there's something fun about TWF with sword and fist. I don't have a Ninja archetype for this combination, so probably just go vanilla Ninja?

Have you considered the Teisatsu Vigilante instead of Ninja for the other side of your gestalt? They make a pretty decent ninja. The Lethal Grace Vigilante Talent would go really well with the Warrior Poet Samurai's Graceful Strike.

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