One D&D: Playtesting for the next edition is here!

5th Edition (And Beyond)

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Formally announced today, their first take on character creation is up, featuring reworked Races, Backgrounds, and Feats. PF2 fans will be pleased to see Backgrounds granting your starting bonuses, rather than your Race. Also of note: Orcs are core now, as are the 5e PHB set (Human, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Halfling, Dragonborn, Tiefling) and a new celestial planetouched known as Ardlings, who have the heads of animals and ephemeral angel wings.

All that plus some promising mechanical clean-ups give me surprising hope for what comes next. Figured folks here might wanna talk about it!

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

They definitely seem to be cribbing things from PF2. I don't know how I feel about that. I mean, PF1 was a slight reworking of D&D3.5, so it feels hypocritical to complain about WotC cribbing from Paizo. On the other hand, what we've seen so far feels like they are grafting aspects of PF2e onto D&D5e, which seems different. I don't know. As long as this doesn't have too negative an impact on PF2e, I'll accept it.

Now, if the rumours about them shifting to a three-action economy are true, THAT is a very different story.

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Evan Tarlton wrote:

They definitely seem to be cribbing things from PF2. I don't know how I feel about that. I mean, PF1 was a slight reworking of D&D3.5, so it feels hypocritical to complain about WotC cribbing from Paizo. On the other hand, what we've seen so far feels like they are grafting aspects of PF2e onto D&D5e, which seems different. I don't know. As long as this doesn't have too negative an impact on PF2e, I'll accept it.

Now, if the rumours about them shifting to a three-action economy are true, THAT is a very different story.

Happy to see Arcane, Divine, and Primal re-canonized after their 4e origin and PF2 adoption. Here’s hoping Psionic eventually comes as their Occult equivalent!

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keftiu wrote:
Happy to see Arcane, Divine, and Primal re-canonized after their 4e origin and PF2 adoption. Here’s hoping Psionic eventually comes as their Occult equivalent!

...& that they bring back Shadow!

(Maybe even Incarnate? Dunno - "before my time". But the parent has the book & it looked pretty neat!)

Grand Lodge

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I wish them all the best luck, I might look in on the final product like I did with 4E and 5E.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm kinda skeptical of One D&D fixing my main problem with 5e though, which is that I find it annoying how system is inconsistent about which things have explicit rules and which things are "GM makes it up however they want"

Like to me lot of GMing of D&D 5e feels like there is no real guidance. Like skill rolls to me feel like "player rolls and then gm arbitrarily decides after seeing roll result what happens" and player wise my characters felt similar, lot of levels had nothing new to play with and I didn't feel like I could do much fun with skills.

That combined with my lack of enthusiasm for 5e campaign book writing and awkward things from setting for me(I find it kinda hard to get immersed with forgotten realms), is kinda why I don't feel super interested in this. But who knows, maybe it will have couple of things fixed that makes it much more fun to play as system for me.

(honestly though, if One D&D turns out to be much more fun to play than 5e is to me, I can maybe forgive some elements of "winging it" that annoys me, especially if they release fun new setting without package of years of old lore being handled weirdly. I do actually like playing multiple different systems even if I have my main ones)

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As I said in the other thread, I'm not a fan of them claiming this isn't a new edition. With the scope of changes shown so far, it's at least on par with the 3.0->3.5 transition. Personally, I don't see this ending well.

If you're going to do a new edition, then do a new edition. Instead it feels to me like they're trying to have their cake and eat it, too. Unfortunately, what they're likely to do is split their player base.

Of course WotC was overdue for driving D&D into a ditch, so...

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I've seen a ton of backlash from people opposed to the Ardlings, which really threw me for a loop. Went digging for some sources and sure enough, celestial furries have been a part of the game forever - Archons go back to AD&D 1e, with Sword Archons even having the same angel wings, while Guardinals got their start in 2e.

People are really quick to claim that something is a massive violation of tradition while not having a clue what actually came before. A lot of these same folks still want Orcs to be mindless vermin, an idea that's been thrown out by multiple D&D settings over and over again.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I think main reason why they are confused is that they consider aasimars to be counterparts of tieflings, so they are worried that by language they are using is that they completely replaced aasimar with celestial furries.

That and grognards are in general worried about change because of the obsession with tradition, they'd probably be less worried if they were called guardinals instead.

(that said the old school people who think every PC should be human would probably be annoyed either way, but I don't think that type of players are super big demographic in D&D 5e community nowadays)

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I would like to reiterate OP's post from another post...

This has nothing to do with Paizo.

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Possibly the reason why it is in the 5th Edition D&D forum.

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no good scallywag wrote:

I would like to reiterate OP's post from another post...

This has nothing to do with Paizo.

We’re in the subforum Paizo made for this precise topic. What the issue?

EDIT: My comment in your thread was because you posted it in Paizo General Discussion.

Find information and discuss Paizo Inc. and their projects here. This forum is not the place to ask questions or seek advice for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, or Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—please look at our other subforums before you post here.

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

It was originally set up in the wrong forum and can still be reached from there, but it is in exactly the right place now.

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