Seeking Replacement GM for a long-running Return of Runelords Game


We're a good and dedicated group of players who've been running through the AP since 2019 -- from level 1 to our current L13 -- seeking a new GM to help us get to the end of the campaign.

Our former GM vanished without a trace, and in the interim, one of the players kept moving us forward -- but they've told us that they can't keep it up. We tried to get a replacement GM - and even thought we'd succeeded - back in June, but we were ghosted.

As I said, we've been rolling for a few years, and there's been both good forward momentum and some very strong RP moments, too. (Here's a link to our gameplay thread -- we're over 3,700 posts. If you're interested in getting a good read on us, I'd recommend starting a few hundred posts in - when we got into our groove and had a better sense of who our characters were and how they interacted)

In terms of our current status -- we were just starting our assault on the Temple of the Peacock Spirit -- which is, I believe, the end of Book 4.

Anyhow - we're all still very motivated and very much hoping that someone will step in and save what's been a pretty darned good campaign.

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