1 - Zombie Feast (GM Reference)

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Scarab Sages

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I read Geb as having major social cleavage between the quick and the dead. As such, they're not likely to frequent the same restaurants, especially when the former are preyed upon by the latter.

Presumably that extends to shops. I may buy Grand Bazaar and reskin some of the merchants so that they're Geb-appropriate, or I may handwave the whole thing.

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
NECR0G1ANT wrote:

I read Geb as having major social cleavage between the quick and the dead. As such, they're not likely to frequent the same restaurants, especially when the former are preyed upon by the latter.

Presumably that extends to shops. I may buy Grand Bazaar and reskin some of the merchants so that they're Geb-appropriate, or I may handwave the whole thing.

That sounds right to me. There are probably some corner cases, perhaps in Bonescrape, or with those rare undead who empathize with the quick.

Shortly after posting this I realized there is also an example of a tavern in chapter 3 - the Crooked Coffin - which I hadn't read yet. Regardless, I'm very interested in hearing of any embellishments others have made to Graydirge...

Should each phalanx of phalanges occupy a 4x1 space? Or 2x2?
4x1 makes more sense to me, but not sure what problems that might cause in gameplay and combat.

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Starfinder Superscriber

Should each phalanx of phalanges occupy a 4x1 space? Or 2x2?

They're large. So 2x2.

I finished this AP tonight.

Butcher's bill:

At least 1 character got dropped to dying almost everywhere except the Bone Shards hideout

1 character petrified (but thankfully they hadn't touched anywhere else except the farm and bank, so we just waited it out for 8 days...thankfully they didn't crit fail or else it would have been an even bigger cluster****)

The haunt and witch at the end were pretty tough but once they got the cauldron knocked over things improved dramatically.

The cow was the only challenging part of the farm

The bank was a trap-filled Hell that the group was ready to gtfo of as fast as possible

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inhabit vessel on the granite vultures is missing the following strike (probably supposed to be the Jaws attack), and the jaws attack is missing an attack bonus!

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
rokeca wrote:
Craftzero wrote:
It's possible it's just me... But I totally get a vibe from Berline - she reminds me of Jo Bennett from The Office, as played by Kathy Bates. Anyone else see it?
I'm trying to find the right voice for Berline... the way her boxed text is scripted, I keep hearing the voice of Pinkie Pie from MLP... not quite the gravitas I think she should have :) I'll have to reacquaint myself with Jo Bennett...

just to add. Soothe should definitely work on a non-mindless undead. based on the next it's not positive energy but fortifying the mind

"You grace the target's mind, boosting its mental defenses and healing its wounds. The target regains 1d10+4 Hit Points when you Cast the Spell and gains a +2 status bonus to saves against mental effects for the duration."

edit: DUH reply above the post not below.. i ment to reply to the comments about bard using soothe. not sure how to fix it. oh well

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dharkus wrote:
inhabit vessel on the granite vultures is missing the following strike (probably supposed to be the Jaws attack), and the jaws attack is missing an attack bonus!

What should the attack bonus be, +7?

I’m also confused by these things in general. They inhabit the granite vultures, which come to life and can attack, but when they aren’t inhabiting, they have no way of attacking, right? I’m confused why they would ever want to leave the bonded vessel, can’t see that happening in game.

Leon Aquilla wrote:

Nothing sends things off the rails faster than a character failing to resist petrification and then CRIT-failing resisting petrification twice in 1 rounds in that freaking bank.


I am looking for suggestions for little jobs the PCs can do for Berline to let them explore Greydirge a little and add extra meat and connectivity to the plot. I'm looking for encounters or mini-events for each part of Greydirge. Just a little filler to add flavor and maybe let the PCs hear about people, factions, and events.

I'm the exact opposite. I feel like there's too MUCH filler in between the main story beats. So many dinners!

I´m having a hell of a time figuring out what foods to put on the table, as I´ve got a vampire, skeleton and a ghost in my party lol!

Starfinder Superscriber

They accommodate unique pallets

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Starfinder Superscriber

Palates. Jeez, that was embarrassing.

Scarab Sages

Meh, they're homophones. I didn't even notice until now.

MalazanEnjoyer wrote:

I´m having a hell of a time figuring out what foods to put on the table, as I´ve got a vampire, skeleton and a ghost in my party lol!

Vampire is not too bad; besides the obvious bottle of fine blood, I would think they have enough semblance of life to enjoy a meal. I’m thinking of the Lost Boys and their Chinese takeout in the cave.

For the skeleton PC in my game, I had Berline serve him various oils to mix with bone powders.

For a ghost? Hmm, maybe some kind of ectoplasmic dish created from negative energy.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

In the second book it seems like vampires enjoy the blood currently suffering from a high alcohol content. The chefs of Geb research these things so essences of fear, or anger might be available for ghosts as well.

Anyone cobble together any side quests in Greydirge yet?

Just ran session 1 and I can tell the city really interested them so I can bet after they get their new digs cleared out they will go explore and seek in town stuff to do, and I'm drawing a blank at the moment for anything fun, interesting and storyline related side quests :(



TRDG wrote:

Anyone cobble together any side quests in Greydirge yet?

Just ran session 1 and I can tell the city really interested them so I can bet after they get their new digs cleared out they will go explore and seek in town stuff to do, and I'm drawing a blank at the moment for anything fun, interesting and storyline related side quests :(



I think the two most intriguing hooks, from what is given but not expanded on, are Haldoli’s Grace, and the Ovens.

For the Grace maybe the Builders League are causing trouble, maybe backing a group of ghouls to cause trouble for the residents, and the group could deal with the ghouls and then have to influence the faction somehow to leave them alone.

The Ovens presents a mystery with no answer given in any of the published adventures. Maybe Berline or someone wants to hire the group to find out what the Governor is up to, or investigate a disappearance of someone important, last seen in the Ovens, that is somehow related to the Governor’s plan. As for what that plan is, maybe the area is haunted by the inhabitants that were burned alive there, and one of them is a particularly powerful ghost who is exerting control over the governor, and has some plan of revenge.

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Thanks Traum13

I need another session or two with the players to see what might interest them, and somehow hook up some of their backstories into the city and surrounding areas I think.

I'll let ya know what i come up with when I do bud!!


Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I’m curious how other GMs are utilizing the reputation system. My group has just started book 2, and so far I’ve ran it rules as written: only adjusting reputation if the text says so.

Are you allowing or even encouraging your players to earn or lose reputation with side favours/disservices? Are you having NPCs react based on the reputation the party has with their faction? Any other creative reputation uses?

If any developers could chime in and give their opinion as well, I’d appreciate it! Is it expected for GMs to play around with the reputation system or will gaining/losing extra reputation cause problems in later books?

Has anyone else's party gone to the bank before the hideout?
Also has anyone used the Cobbleswarm or the Charghar for any side quests?
What about adventures for the deeper bank vault? I was thinking about involving it in my Wizard player's Lich research.

Dark Archive

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
kaoxveed wrote:

Also has anyone used the Cobbleswarm or the Charghar for any side quests?

This question really got me thinking. I don't typically read at the adventure toolbox monsters that aren't in the adventure, but this got me to look, and the ones here are really well suited to Graydirge/the story. I've got a party of 5, so to increase my XP budget, I'm experimenting by adding some of these creatures.

In the Bone Shard's hideout, my plan is to have a cobblestone swarm emerge near The Leftovers - with the violence and malevolence of Kepgeda's actions in this room awakening the swarm.

I think I'm going to give Pesgahi the Poisoner a Necromunculus sidekick. They'll hate each other.

And for the Charghar, my thought is to have one inhabiting but suppressed within Kepgeda's cauldron. Once the PCs deactivate the cauldron hazard, two things happen: both the heads and hands emerge to torment/desecrate Kepgeda; and the Charghar emerges, angry and ready for vengeance against the living in the room. That could include Kepgeda if she still survives at that point.

Horizon Hunters

Hey, is it okay that cobblebone swarm has COMPETENCE bonus to Athletics checks??

Dark Archive

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Long post ahead. I'm prepping for the encounter with the Bone Shards. I found it challenging to piece together their story when reviewing the text, so tried putting all the bits and pieces together as kind of a script/interactive boxed text for the encounter.

I'm sharing this in case this is useful for others - and in case anyone notices any logic/continuity flaws in what I've put together.


About the Bone Shards
• Our gang was known as the Bone Shards - we did jobs for hire here in Graydirge. For aristocrats and merchants. They’re always scheming against each other.
• Lots of peoples don’t like us. They say we “play both sides”. But we just follow the gold. Nothing personal. Business is business.
• We had a good thing going. People thought we was fetchlings. And once we puts on the makeup, who’s to know the difference.
• We put rumours out that our hideout was warded with powerful shadow magic – but that didn’t help us when Kepgeda showed up.

About Kepgeda/the gang’s new leader
• Kepgeda (Sahreg/the head Bone Shard member spits). Kepgeda the Hag-Nailed. You could say she’s became the new leader of the Bone Shards – at least those who survived.
• She barged in here with members of her own gang – the Three-Fingered Hand. She came with a bunch of quick wearing red cloaks, some zombies, a few ghouls.
• She knew exactly what she wanted - a key we got as payment for a job some time back.
• There was no way we were giving that up without a fight – but they were too strong for us.
• Even after they had us on our knees, I held my ground. But Kepgeda wasn’t leaving without that key.
• First she raised the Bone Shards who died in the fight as zombies.
• Then she and her ghouls took three of our group back there (points – area C4) and cooked them alive. Their screams filled this whole place.
• Kepgeda called them “the leftovers”. I didn’t want anyone else getting left over – so I gave her want she wanted.
• Then once she had the key, she said she had an offer for us. She wanted to recruit us into The Three-Fingered Hand.

How the Bone Shards got recruited
• None of us were too keen on that – but she was very persuasive. Painfully persuasive. So persuasive that even the Kuthites member screaming for mercy.
• We had no choice. She told us she’d recruit us dead or alive – and that she liked to put her enemies to good use – either by cooking them or turning them into zombies.
• With an offer like that, how could we say no. But she wasn’t done yet.
• Kepgeda told us that before she could accept us into her gang, some punishment was in order.
• She didn’t like us pretending to be fetchlings – not at all. She told us Shadow magic “wasn’t a thing for playing pretend with”. So she lined us all up, and selected three of my Bone Shards to stand forward to “be initiated”.
• She holds up one of her hands and shows us she has a missing finger and says, “Let’s see if you’ve got what it takes to be like me.” She brings out this dagger, and one by one she cuts a finger off from each of their hands.
• I guess that was all for show, ‘cause then she says they aren’t up to her standards, so she has her minions pin them down. She cuts off both their hands entirely – and lets them bleed out.
• Then – as soon as they was dead, she turns ‘em into zombies and says to all of us. “Now your initiated.”
• The death magic she used must have gone into their hands as well, ‘cause they started floppin’ about here.
• Then Kepgeda told us to get moving. She was taking us to her hideout. But me and some others here – we made a break for it before we got to the surface. With all the confusion and undead shambling about, no one noticed.
• That was maybe 4 weeks ago? We laid low for a while – and now we’ve crawled back to lick our wounds here, but those damned hands have been a real problem.

About Kepgeda/The Three-Finger Hand’s hideout
• Sorry – can’t help you there. We got away before we saw that little hideout of horrors. Don’t even know if it’s in Graydirge. No idea where it is and no interest in seeing it

About the Key
• Kepgeda said the key was for Graydirge bank. Who knows if that’s true. It was made of granite, with a shaft carved to look like a spine.
• I don’t even know who gave us the key in the first place. The member that handled that contact is long dead.

About Zon-Kuthon
• A few of our members worshiped Zon-Kuthon
• Dakramat was one of them. He survived Kepgeda’s purge. If he’s still alive, he’s probably working for her. Unless he got some smarts.

About the corpse in Qhallagh Manor
• Whoever that was, he wasn’t one of ours.

Dark Archive

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

I LOVE the NCPs in Zombie Feast. They are a ton of fun and they make me want to create new scenes where they can be involved.

I’m playing Berline with the buoyant, sugary enthusiasm of Pinkie Pie from My Little Pony. Berline's major-domo (who in my game has been doing this same job for hundreds of years, Blood Lord after Blood Lord – the ultimate dead-end job) takes a page from Marvin the android from the BBC version of Hitchhiker’s Guide The moral greyness of Ortagar is inspired by Garak from Deep Space 9. And I don’t know who I’m channeling with Arghun the Annihilator, but he has an outrageous accent and is part imperious, part enthusiastic lapdog.

Glorinsa, Berline’s corpse tender in training, appears once in the first scene of the AP. The scene suggests that Glorinsa is a bit challenged in her new roll aa corpse tender. Then at the start of Graveclaw, Glorinsa shows up again as a zombie, a nod to Berline’s reputation as being generous with friends, but with little patience or tolerance for failure and mediocrity.

One thing I’m doing in my game is making Glorinsa’s story a bit less subtle:

When Berline arrived at Qhallaqh Manor for the housewarming, Glorinsa and the major-domo arrived with her. After the dinner the zombie horses were tangled up in their harnesses and Berline had to step in and get this sorted out before returning to Graydirge

Upon visiting Berline to report on what was discovered from the Bone Shards & at Graydirge Bank, Glorinsa is in the garden, struggling with two zombies, one trying to get at a bit of brain that has popped out of a crack in the skull of the other. Glorinsa looks at the characters and tells them “I got this – don’t tell Berline”

At the end of Zombie Feast (or at the start of Graveclaw) I’m thinking that Berline will invite the PCs to a party she’s having for Glorinsa. When they arrive they discover it’s a rebirthday party. There is music, entertainers making balloon skeletons & corpses. Then the main event: Berline animating Glorinsa as a zombie. Berline serves deserts as well as confections for the undead and everyone celebrates. She tells the PCs, “She wasn’t that great a corpse tender, so I terminated her. Let’s have some cake!”

Looking for a bit of help on what to do.

I’m running book 1 as is, but have been tying background lore and character arcs in things as I go along to be more fully explored in the next 2-4 books.

Well, the party entered the tavern. The barkeep was able to survive long enough to warn the back room (says female ghoul flees and attempts to warn back room if two of the tavern ‘front’ enemies go down). Party moves into the brewery area. And the zombie brutes broke the gate down since combat was occurring within line of sight of them.

So they had to fight the brewery ghoul and two ruffians AND all the zombies out of the weakened gate.

They did that. The last ruffian went and warned Pesgahi and Pesgahi attempted to flee. Before I could use his first action on the next turn (he strided out of his rooms twice, got to the entrance to his door and threw a bomb) the party had cleared out the zombies. So now it was essentially the time to end combat. For them to regroup, maybe understand they were running low on resources and decently hurt.

The wizard however walks up and attempts to gouging claw, even when I asked, “are you sure? Pesgahi is a named enemy.” Said, “f~#~ it, we ball.” And walked up point blank to him, missed the gouging claw, and then it cycles through the initiative.

Now at this point I could’ve probably stopped it, but I also told the group I’m running most of these combats straight. They know, given how easy the farm was, and how easy the hideout was (I have 5 players not 4) but they struggled in the bank and had to retreat from there twice (unlucky trap perception/stealth roll instagibbed and killed our thaumaturge - who, for him, luckily enough had been working for the corpse tenders. And his father was high ranking. The party was able to persuade berline to resurrect him as a mummy and not zombie benefitting his osiriani beliefs on death). So the bank was difficult.

Pesgahi goes, paralyzes him with a bite, and Crits him on that. Drops him. The thaumaturge and others begin to move in to save the wizard. Instead of attempting to grapple or shove or drag the dying wizard away they walk into the room and attempt to engage Pesgahi.

At this point, I have to played it straight. The rogue realizes this is all f&#*ed and has been playing her character (ruffian racket) as survival at all costs, succeeding the mission at all costs.

Pesgahi fights to the death, he begins to get surrounded and backs off to unlock the dirge Piper zombie while he orders the last remaining ruffian to essentially die for him. Pesgahi orders the plague zombies in his workshop to move forward and act as a wall.

The wizard has died due to another crit, he can be resurrected at this point by berline but he will owe her even more favors. But everyone else is up. But they continue to fight. The thaumaturge gets surrounded by zombies and they’re fighting them off. The rogue has drug the dead wizard back far enough, to where she can get into combat after hitting Pesgahi once. Instead of turning on her, I have him keep attacking the downed wizard to kill him. Eliminating the intruders that have so brazenly attacked the Three fingered hands hideout.

Long story short, they could have all retreated a bit, even losing the wizard, but they do not, now I’ve downed the thaumaturge and tyrant and the bones Oracle is about to go down with the rogue retreating with the wizards body.

What should I do?

I was thinking about having the rogue take the body to berline, having him revived as a ghost possibly, or zombie. Having Pesgahi torture and experiment on those who are now downed and having the rogue run a rescue mission to at least free them, and they’d have to fight a 4v1 against Pesgahi unarmored and unarmed. But they could do it. They just chose to keep walking in. They didn’t play it smart but I want to avoid the TPK if possible.

It definitely caused some tension, because the rogue assumed everyone else saw this going south and would back out with the Champion tyrant holding the line. I was going to make Pesgahi slam and lock the door even when the wizard went down initially. But the others strided into the room. Basically guaranteeing their deaths if that happened (the key is in his bedroom). Book says he spends half the day in his bedroom on bodies, other half in his laboratory. So I decided morning afternoon bedroom/ afternoon night in his lab. They went and did shopping to prep for the incursion but it was still early enough to have not rolled over and him moved.

I’m feeling like a bad gm, but I did say, “are you sure? This is a named enemy” and “you could always drag wizard away and attempt to end combat” hoping they wouldn’t stay in the room. But they did. I don’t want the TPK and I could tell by the mood and partially blaming the rogue for fleeing with Wizard’s body that they are not happy.

And rescuing/1v4ing Pesgahi is the best I can come up with

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Hey Ch3ddar - Wow. I see your dilemma. You’ve done a lot to foreshadow what’s coming, but your PCs seem to have a deathwish.

I also have 5 PCs in Zombie Feast. Except for a very close call against the Skull Fairy, they’ve done well, approaching things cautiously. They’re currently on the lower level of the bank after retreating twice themselves (and fortunately they found the blade traps). However, I also have an Agents of Edgewatch campaign. That group is bolder, and some nights they throw caution to the wind. They’re new to PF2e and still haven’t quite figured out that adventure path can very easily throw you in over your head, and not all encounters might be considered ‘fair’ if your objective is simply defeating everything. So I may have the same dilemma as you soon.

At any rate, you sound like a great GM. You put the writing on the wall in big, bold, block text letters… but sometimes you can’t protect a PC from their own stubbornness or impulsivity. And you want to run your game ‘straight’, with integrity. All stuff I admire in a GM.

I think Berline would be up for animating the wizard. Perhaps it’s her/your choice what the wizard comes back as, with one of her ever-so-cheery reprimands. We know that her corpse tender Glorinsa is zombified by the start of the next book. Maybe they both get reanimated at the same time.

Taking the others prisoner is also a good option. Perhaps to be questioned (who is behind this assault!?!), or to be tested on with brain grit and tremor paste, or even as new recruits since Kepgeda has now lost some of her reinforcements. We know that Kepgeda and Pesgahi are fond of fingers, so perhaps the ‘punishment’ for the captives rash behavior is to each lose a finger. If no one has Message in the party, perhaps Berline can inform the prisoners of what’s coming (or persuade Otagar to use a scroll of Dream Message) so they can kind of be tipped off to create some diversion to allow the surviving PCs to enter. That’s all I’ve got for now.

By the way, I would love to know what you’ve done to tie in the background lore to character arcs regarding future books – always looking to steal ideas!

Dark Archive

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Another thought for a rescue mission. How did your group manage with the Bone Shards? Are Sahreg and her toughs still alive? Perhaps now that they’ve had a chance to lick their wounds, they’d be up for joining your rogue and aiding in a rescue mission – and an opportunity to ‘stick it to’ the Three Fingered Hand.

Another possibility is Dakramat, the Empty Threshold congregant that provided Ortagar the information about the Bone Shards lair. To me there’s a possible continuity error with Dakramat’s information. He knew about the poisoning plot, which suggests that he went with Kepgeda to join the Three-Fingered Hand at the brewery, but he gives Ortagar’s interrogators the location of the Bone Shards lair instead of the brewery. In my game I’ve rationalized this that the torturing process made him somewhat incoherent and in his fog of sublime pain provided the location for the Bone Shards.

At any rate, for the purposes of your story, Dakramat could have now recovered enough to realize that he gave Ortagar and the acolytes the wrong location. He might even know the basic layout of Kepgeda’s lair and where prisoners might be located. If recovered enough, he might also volunteer for the rescue mission (as part of his painful absolution) – presenting other rescuers as new recruits to get deeper into the facility and break the other PCs free.

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rokeca wrote:

Another thought for a rescue mission. How did your group manage with the Bone Shards? Are Sahreg and her toughs still alive? Perhaps now that they’ve had a chance to lick their wounds, they’d be up for joining your rogue and aiding in a rescue mission – and an opportunity to ‘stick it to’ the Three Fingered Hand.

Another possibility is Dakramat, the Empty Threshold congregant that provided Ortagar the information about the Bone Shards lair. To me there’s a possible continuity error with Dakramat’s information. He knew about the poisoning plot, which suggests that he went with Kepgeda to join the Three-Fingered Hand at the brewery, but he gives Ortagar’s interrogators the location of the Bone Shards lair instead of the brewery. In my game I’ve rationalized this that the torturing process made him somewhat incoherent and in his fog of sublime pain provided the location for the Bone Shards.

At any rate, for the purposes of your story, Dakramat could have now recovered enough to realize that he gave Ortagar and the acolytes the wrong location. He might even know the basic layout of Kepgeda’s lair and where prisoners might be located. If recovered enough, he might also volunteer for the rescue mission (as part of his painful absolution) – presenting other rescuers as new recruits to get deeper into the facility and break the other PCs free.

Thanks for the advice, I wanted the dust to settle to see how it would play out before I replied.

So first things first: Here’s what I did; the rogue left with the body of the wizard and basically ran straight to Berline’s. I’ve been playing Berline as kind of happy-go-lucky, plucky, overly excited to hear of the adventurers exploits. But she doesn’t abide failure. I’ve been playing Majordomo Mhyurk as reserved and snide. A ghoul with pride. He doesn’t miss a chance to off handedly insult the party but always with deference to Berline and the party as her employees.

The Tyrant, Thaumaturge and Bones Oracle went down. I added just basic zombies as additional troops that were the ruffians and servers of the bar: so 4 more zombies.

So we jump to the party being tortured, all of them unarmed and unarmored. Chained to Pesgahi’s wall in his room. With the front entrance being now unguarded (book says Kepgeda will just lock herself in and ignore anything, while raising more zombies everyday to guard her)

Pesgahi interrogates the thaumaturge mummy first. And he asks them who they’re working for. It must be one of the factions seeing as Osiriani burial rites and raising is unusual in and of itself. The thaumaturge wanted some payback so mumbles. Pesgahi can’t hear him so the mummy in his gravelly voice tells him to come closer. On a successful diplomacy check he does so. And gets close enough, not thinking the former gnome dhampir mummy is a threat, to bite him. I allow it. And the thaumaturge Crits, while restrained. I have him bite Pesgahi’s ear off. As he prepares to torture them for real.

I had a poison for the thaumaturge mummy that when stabbed would inject a poison of a land he wasn’t bound to make him clumsy and flat footed for 10 minutes.

For the tyrant stupefied 2 so he couldn’t iron command.

And for the bones Oracle paralyzed so she couldn’t perform somatic components for spells. If it got that far.

Jumping back to Berline, I had the Majordomo, carrying the dead wizard up to Berline’s office. She has already revived one player, and they are in debt to her already. I asked the wizard if he wanted his character revived. He came up with a psychic and wants to play that, so Berline has the rogue throw the body onto a tarp laid out in the office so the blood doesn’t get on her rugs. The rogue lays the body down and Berline snaps about following commands to the letter of her instruction. She said THROW the thing down. Not set it. Berline decides to raise the corpse as a zombie to work the estate. To remind the players should they return the price of failure.

Now at the end of the book it makes note of Glorinsa’s lack of aptitude at being a charge hand and her now being a brand new zombie. I accelerated that. And had Berline lead the rogue to the windows overlooking the estate yards and point out Glorinsa the very fresh cut across her throat and the stitching Job done to seal it, with the new charge hand leading Glorinsa in tending to some flowers telling the rogue, “as lenient as I’ve been with you, I think you sometimes forget who I am. Remember, failure has its own price. To play in the great game you must be ready and able to sacrifice anything. I expect, this time, you will take me much more seriously when I say ‘do not return until you’ve corrected the problem of the poisoning of my city’.”

She gave them 5 vials of “exp potions” that will let them just hit 4 right before Kepgeda. I don’t allow spell slot taking and “full resting” in this way. It’s simply slightly more HP and more AC.

Berline states the potions are extremely expensive and came from some of the greatest alchemists in Absalom. This is essentially what my Edgewatch GM did. So I thought it a nice tie in to that campaign (we rotate books off so GM’s get to play).

Berline states that she now owns them, any faction play, espionage and all that, any jobs for anyone else, that information will be fed to the Exporter’s guild.

Jumping back to the others I continue them being tortured. Wearing down the bones Oracle, taunting the tyrant with his weakness. Offering to let the bones Oracle go, telling her he’d allow her to help them in perfecting the “formulae” if she’ll only give up who she’s working for. As he begins to prepare the poisons for each - this part is dependent on how fast the rogue and new psychic can get back after a long rest.

Right before he stabs the land-based poison into the mummy they’ve snuck back and cracked open the door. The 3 are still chained to the wall.

Rogue and psychic bust in grab the key, the rogue holds off Pesgahi, and the psychic begins unlocking everyone from their manacles (grabbing keys was interact, striding and 2 actions 1 for each set of manacles). Pesgahi gets to half health and flees and begins to form up the zombies from his lab to defend him. Everyone grabs their weapons, having no armor stride in and start getting busy. They came out victorious without armor.

And and so, tl;dr to make a very long post short: they said they liked it, it was thematic, they had to work for it, it wasn’t given to them and felt like an “appropriate” punishment given the lack of planning but was much better than just wiping them out.

To answer your previous questions about backstory weaving in:

The thaumaturge’s mom was a servant of Urgathoa. I was beginning to weave that in, she performed a ritual to imbue the child with monstrous undead power. With his dhampir bloodline the hope was to create a truly living undead. All of the vampires strengths none of its weaknesses - of course it failed. She died. He became a living vessel from dark archive. An eldritch horror now possesses him from one of the outer realms of which they only have the name “The Endless” very much stolen from Daeran and WoTR.

The Wizard, now deceased, has his family from a northwestern silver mine. Minor aristocrats. He was being groomed to take over, but was betrayed and essentially accused of Pharasma worship. He received a letter early in the story telling him to take care, that, “they know you’re in the city, but Berline’s protection should still their hand for now.” And it was signed “The Gravebound.” I had decided pretty early on to have a group of quick Pharasma worshipping dissidents essentially trying to manipulate the great factions behind the scenes. He received a broach pin made of silver, in the worked form of a silver mine entrance covered in blood with a numerical code on the back. It of course unlocked another closed lock box in the bank. It contained a contract detailing half the sale of an unnamed silver mine in exchange for lucrative grain trade deals across the inner sea. The problem was the money doesn’t add up. Nor did the weights of every 5 shipments. Further investigation revealed that the deal was really a way to smuggle powder arms from alkenstar into Geb. The buyers of said weapons are unknown. The sellers of the mine of course, are the wizards family. Additionally, in tylegmut’s writings I included the pharasmin dissidents, specifically called out as the Gravebound as secretly manipulating all the factions.

The Oracle I had roughly outlined as her lineage originating from what is now Oprak. Her family having fled to Geb for serving Tar-Baphon explaining her powers and why a Hobgoblin farmer with necromantic Oracle powers lives in Geb. I was going to tie that in later on with a Plot among the blood lords…somehow.

Tyrant and Rogue are relatively new and haven’t had much of a chance to tie them in yet.

Sheesh. Sorry for long post. But all things turned out well. No hard feelings among the group I don’t think and everyone lived besides the one who wanted to roll up a new character.

Hey folks! So i am running the adventure via Foundry vtt, and the players are just about to complete mansion

The book then mentions there will be some down time if you wish, and that haves put me on a bit of a spot

Now i may just be blind, but i cant find any downtime activies to do in Graydirge in the book, have anyone run into the same problem?

And if you have, any ideas to some fun downtime activies the players can do? We have a rouge in the party, so trying to steal some stuff is properly one of the options im going to add

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
GezmeRR12 wrote:

Hey folks! So i am running the adventure via Foundry vtt, and the players are just about to complete mansion

The book then mentions there will be some down time if you wish, and that haves put me on a bit of a spot

Now i may just be blind, but i cant find any downtime activies to do in Graydirge in the book, have anyone run into the same problem?

And if you have, any ideas to some fun downtime activies the players can do? We have a rouge in the party, so trying to steal some stuff is properly one of the options im going to add

For downtime, I've been giving the PCs the opportunity to do the typical stuff: Earn Income, Craft Items, Retrain, etc.

After the mansion, my PCs also used downtime to clean and personalize the manor(with the 'encouragement' of Arghun the Annihilator). Our alchemist did more research into the powder and paste discovered at the farm. He's also been working to create an alchemical formula for Elixir of Unlife. Others spent time in Graydirge Gathering Information on the key and the three-fingered hand logo. I used the 'Graydirge Rumours' at the start of Chapter 2 to riff off of. A critical failure led them to believe this was all being caused by an underground cult of Pharasmans :)

I'm sure there are far more creative side missions that could be concocted, but I wanted downtime to take no more than a half-hour or so in game so we could push on with the story. No rogues in our group, but everyone is fearful of the law in Geb/Graydirge, so they even got written permission from Berline before entering the bank later on.

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Hey ch3ddar – top notch GMing. That was a fine line to balance – staying true to the world you’re creating with an appropriate downside for failure, while providing a credible out for the players. Well played. And thank you for sharing the rationale behind your thinking. This helps me to visualize the world you are creating for your players (and gives me ideas for mine).

Your Berline sounds very similar. I picture my Mhyurk as having been in the same job for centuries, serving various Blood Lords along the way, resigned to an existence of being stuck in the same role for centuries more. I think a bit of sarcasm at the players expense would suit his personality in my world as well.

I particularly like the Gravebound subplot you’ve integrated into your game. It has the wheels turning in my head. There’s that unopened vault in the northeast corner of the bank. Could something be hidden in there that relates to my PCs past. Hmmmm.

My group should enter the bar this week. This has all been good preparation on my end.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Unicore wrote:

When I run it, I am debating disallowing undead options at start, but running the game with highly restricted Free archetypes at first, but allow them to unlock different options as they advance. Like have a pool of 7 or 8 generic common ones at first, but have that quickly expand to include undead options eventual (starting with husk zombies and then later ghouls). Characters will be able to freely retrain Free Archetype feats (the campaign rightly gives lots of free time and has the undead advance their plots slowly)…except for one’s that fundamentally change the story arc of your character. Those will require significant story quests to retrain.

Thus if you want to become a lich or mummy or a ghost, you have to survive long enough to unlock those options.

This type of GM feels very (I want the players to play in my story not we play in a story together.) This behavior is way too controlling.

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