MalazanEnjoyer's page

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I'm sure there's people interested in seeing what this adventure is like before going in, or how other groups are running it. Hopefully you'll enjoy!

Sometimes Lucky Plays Blood Lords Episode 1

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Has anyone thought of an interesting replacement for the ritual to get negative healing? My whole party is undead already so that'd be kind of underwhelming... ;)

CorvusMask wrote:

Its very obvious yeah that none of other writers were consulted that book 2 sneaked in plot ritual that gives negative healing for year :'D

So removing it from ap is probably just straight up better for the experience

That works for living PC's, but my whole party is undead already from character creation. I guess replacing the damage to cold or something is the best solution for this situation

Leon Aquilla wrote:

Nothing sends things off the rails faster than a character failing to resist petrification and then CRIT-failing resisting petrification twice in 1 rounds in that freaking bank.


I am looking for suggestions for little jobs the PCs can do for Berline to let them explore Greydirge a little and add extra meat and connectivity to the plot. I'm looking for encounters or mini-events for each part of Greydirge. Just a little filler to add flavor and maybe let the PCs hear about people, factions, and events.

I'm the exact opposite. I feel like there's too MUCH filler in between the main story beats. So many dinners!

I´m having a hell of a time figuring out what foods to put on the table, as I´ve got a vampire, skeleton and a ghost in my party lol!

rokeca wrote:
Craftzero wrote:
It's possible it's just me... But I totally get a vibe from Berline - she reminds me of Jo Bennett from The Office, as played by Kathy Bates. Anyone else see it?
I'm trying to find the right voice for Berline... the way her boxed text is scripted, I keep hearing the voice of Pinkie Pie from MLP... not quite the gravitas I think she should have :) I'll have to reacquaint myself with Jo Bennett...

I know the book says Berline is not to be messed with, but from her dialogue I do get a very lighthearted sense hiding the ruthlessness beneath

What soundtracks or ambient music are you planning on using to create the perfect atmosphere?
Hit us with some inspiration!