Halfling Disciple of the Pike Feat Selection Advice needed


With the Halfling Race being Small I'd figure I'd get the bonuses for the Disciple of the Pike abilities as long as taking the order of the Hero order.

My question is what's the best lay out for feats and Traits.

I want to be good at fighting large foes but don't want to over

Take the Underfoot alternative racial feature, since it stacks with Bigger They Are.

20pt buy (w/ racials):

For an Aid Another build, take Order of the Dragon for Aid Allies... Combat Reflexes, Bodyguard, Weapon Focus, Defensive Combat Training, Weapon Trick, Power Attack, Improved Bullrush, Rhino Charge... you don't even need the Helpful trait, since Aid Allies will eventually surpass it.

For a Sneak Attack build, take Order of the Blossom... Combat Reflexes, Weapon Focus, Weapon Trick, Defensive Combat Training, Dirty Fighting, Improved Trip, Great Trip, Accomplished Sneak Attack... take the Helpful trait with this one to boost your Aid Another.

Either way, at level 9 you enter the Halfling Opportunist prestige class... it's why both builds used their level 6 bonus feat for Defensive Combat Training... it's only a 5 level prestige class, so it will be ok.

At 13:
Cavalier 8/Halfling Opportunist 5
BAB +11
Base saves +8/+5/+5

The Aid Another build is rocking a +7 bonus when they offer aid. Also has Strategy from Order of the Dragon, and still gets 2D6 Sneak Attack.

And the Sneak Attack build is rocking 5D6 Sneak Attack that trigger on AoO... like the one they get from Great Trip.

PS. Sorry, didn't see you already had an Order chosen.

@ VoodistMonk

It's ok. I should of put the the Order in the Title .

The sneak attack build looks fun.

Though could you give me advice on the build if I went order of the Hero .

I'll consider order of the blossom but would like to see how the order of the Hero would work with this .

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