I don't get t Achievement Points and GM Credits

Paizo General Discussion

Hello. I don't get t Achievement Points and GM Credits for last three game.

Клевер90 wrote:
Hello. I don't get t Achievement Points and GM Credits for last three game.

There is a known bug that is being worked on. It has only affected some players. Some of us have actually lost a bunch of ACP and Table Credits but I trust it will be worked out in time.

If there is something you really need to purchase immediately, you may try emailing OrganizedPlay@Paizo.com. I am unsure that an override can happen but it doesn't hurt to ask.

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Any update on this? Neither myself nor a friend are getting any achievement points on the Organized Play site for session played since PaizoCon (also I noticed the little "Report a Problem" link is missing for those sessions as well). Cool if they are still working on it, just want to make sure players didn't need to specifically contact them or something.


fjmyth wrote:

Any update on this? Neither myself nor a friend are getting any achievement points on the Organized Play site for session played since PaizoCon (also I noticed the little "Report a Problem" link is missing for those sessions as well). Cool if they are still working on it, just want to make sure players didn't need to specifically contact them or something.


They are still working on it.

Paizo Employee Organized Play Coordinator

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I've been told by tech that they're hoping to have a fix rolled in the next week.

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