Order of the Hammer + Stick-Fighting Maneuver


I want to combine Order of the Hammer's Challenge with Stick-Fighting Maneuver, and don't quite know how to fit these pieces together...

Order of the Hammer:
An order of the hammer cavalier can attempt a free grapple check or free sunder combat maneuver check anytime she takes the full-attack action against the target of her challenge. This free combat maneuver does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Stick-Fighting Maneuver:
When making a full attack using only clubs, a quarterstaff, dan bongs, saps, or tonfas, you can perform a combat maneuver as an extra attack using your full base attack bonus.

Is there a particular Cavalier or Samurai archetype that would go well with this?
Which of the applicable weapons would be best?

Constable Cavaliers can grapple at the end of a charge, and Dan Bong provide a bonus to grappling... or at least counters the penalty for grappling with weapons. But I don't know if that is the best direction for this to go. Not very familiar with Samurai archetyped, or Cavalier archetypes, for that matter... so I don't know what is all available. If any such archetype is built around any of those Stick-Fighting weapons, that would be nice.

Don't need a Mount for this, so trading that away would be a plus.

You could instead do some racial heritage shenanigans to play as a Lashunta Outrider. That archetype gets the free Combat Expertise, and then the maneuver feats too.

It unfortunately does not stack with Constable (Which I have always fancied playing a British policeman esq character with), and it doesnt get rid of the Mount, but maybe there is a stackable archetype that can get you some profit for trading in

Maybe lean into the mount, just not as a mount. Combine with Hunter levels. 3 levels in hunter gets you an AC, 3 levels worth of development on said AC, and spells. Take Shillelagh as your spell of choice; it lasts a min/level, gives a +1 Enhancement bonus to a mundane club and increases the damage as if the weapon were 2 sizes larger (Medium becomes Huge for damage).

As your AC, take a constrictor snake. High Str, good in a grapple, constrict damage. Since a cavalier's mount is also an AC, you may be able to combine AC development from both classes (check with GM). Lastly on the animal, you can gain Outflank and Pack Flanking for a nice +4 to hit when flanking and setting up flanks doesn't require specific positioning.

Now you've got a PC that challenges a foe, meets said foe in melee combat w/their giant snake next to them, and double-grapples foes with a club that deals 2d6 base damage while remaining a 1h weapon.

Also for some of the more exotic weapons in the stick fighting list, can't you just play a human w/the Military Tradition alt racial trait? You lose that precious human bonus feat but you pick up proficiency in 2 exotic weapons - dan bongs or tonfas or both.

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