
Game Master TheIronGiant6

A custom campaign in the setting of a large, feudal world populated by several intelligent races, and many monstrous creatures. BASIC Known World Map. Human and Dwarven Deities.

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M Asskicker Brawler/Rogue

le dot

Male LN human (ifrit) sorcerer 10 | HP: 80/80 | AC: 22 (13 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 17 | F: +9, R: +8, W: +10 | Init: +14 | Perc: +2, SM +2 |
5th: 4/4; 4th: 8/8; 3rd: 7/8; 2nd: 7/8; 1st: 7/8
| Speed 30 ft. | Active conditions: endure elements, mage armor.


Female Human Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 5, Warlord (Steelfist Commando) 2 | HP: 47/47 | AC: 25 (Tch 18, FF 18) | CMB: +7, CMD: 23 | F: +10, R: +9, W: +2 | Init: +6 | Perc: +13 | Speed 30ft | Grit: 1/1 | Active conditions: None.


You have all recently arrived in the large city of Uostas. The 2000-foot-tall stone walls form a large circle. Around the walls are miles of farmland and small villages. The smell of fertelizer and various farm animals thicken the air, and reaching the giant wooden gate, you see several guards stading around, but they ignore you, unless you are wearing your armor, or are visibly armed. If this is the case, you are approached and told to leave. Showing them your invitation makes them stammer and quickly apologize. A younger guard that was hassling you seems amazed, and you are let through.

If you are not visibly armed, you pass through the gates with ease. Music plays in the distance, but is nearly drowned out by the sounds of talking, various bells ringing, hammering, and the clopping of carriages. Throngs of people constantly move past you, and this area appears to you to be some sort of market district. Above you is a stone ceiling, and you assume that multiple levels sit above. Walking further through the winding roads, you come to another, smaller circular wall that is more heavily guarded. If you are armed, you are told to hand over your weapons, whether or not you produce the invitation. You are not allowed in with weapons unless you can convince them to let you through with them. (DC 30)
Entering, quite a few large mansions stand to either side, and you are at a crossroads. A few people walk by in extremely nice clothing, watching you closely, but the area is rather empty. Forward is a gigantic building, and behind it, another wall. However, the large building has a sign of a symbol like that on your invitation. Multiple guards stand outside, and ask for your invitation. After showing them, you walk inside. Any foul smells of the outside are immediately overwhelmed by the pleasant smell of vanilla. The large building appears to be a dining hall, filled with people of every race. Most of them have armor on, and are clinking glasses of ale. After standing there for a moment, you are given a large glass for yourself and told to find a seat. You sit next to a rather odd looking group, but of course, most people here are very odd. At your table sits a small halfling girl, a small and furry humanoid that you have never seen, a bald and tanned man in robes, a tree of a man in full plate with no helm and glowing green tattoo, a masked human in half plate with the symbol of Pagalba on their armor, and a tall male elf in a robe. As well, the rest of the party sits beside you.

Duran enters Uostas unmolested. After all, he had no weapons or armor to speak of, just a strand of prayer beads and a set well-traveled robes. He thanks the guards and wishes them good day as he passes.

He walks leisurely once inside the city, in no particular hurry. In fact, he decides to mingle among the citizens, perhaps finding out a bit more about this lord and his invitation.

Kn: Local: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (4) + 12 = 16
Kn: Nobility: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15
Diplomacy to Gather Information: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

Regardless of what he actually learns, he eventually makes his way to the second gate, again wishing the guards good day as he passes.

Finally arriving in the dining hall he takes his seat, bowing to the others there.

"Greetings friends" he says "It is a pleasure to share a seat with you."

He repeats the greeting in Elven, Tengu, and Halfling and possibly the beastman's language if he knows it.

Kn: Local: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14
Kn: Nature: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22

to identify, if I can't I'll take a guess and offer the greeting in Sylvan as well.

Since you rolled rather well on your nature roll, and you have been to the Evergreen before:
You know this tiny humanoid to be a Zemas. Similar to halflings in size, they have thick fur and proportionally small bodies. They have a very disorganized and small society, and prefer common and halfling, as they are much simpler to learn. They do not have their own language. Short of attention and very destructive, you've never seen one before, but have only heard of them in your trek to the Evergreen.

From mingling among the citizens, you've learned that while the Lord of Uostas is incredibly well-liked, he does not have enough guards to successfully protect the city from attacks. Because of this, most of the guards are sent out to actively protect the outer villages, and crime has begun to run rampant through the streets. As well, it seems that recently many magical artifacts have been going missing from every large city, in every kingdom. Perhaps this has something to do with stories told of your heroics, and you are wanted to protect and heal the citizens.

The tall man nods to you, as do the bald man and the masked knight. The elf does not respond, but the halfling and zemas are more than happy to.

"Hello, everybody! Glad to see some new faces, 'specially some famous faces," the halfling says, smiling. "My name is Aika, it is good to share a seat with you as well!"

"HeyhEYHEY! I'm FuSE!!" The zemas near-screams. He is constantly moving, and he has a rather large backpack on, for his size. The huge man smirks, and responds in a deep growl.

"Ignore him. He is a friend of ours. May I ask what we're doing here?"

Duran smiles at the two smaller guests, "I am Duran of Ghoshen Shrine. May such energy and good fortune continue to bless you Aika and Fuse."

The GM of Lannithir wrote:
"Ignore him. He is a friend of ours. May I ask what we're doing here?"

"Presently, sharing a drink and company" replies Duran, indicating his cup.

"Though turmoil finds its way in all corners of the world. Problems cropping up all over, it seems, and you all strike me as excellent 'problem solvers'." he's quiet for a moment but then laughs off the last comment "Ha! Listen to me ramble! Honestly, friend, I know not why you have been summoned here. Seems more the place of our beloved host to say so."

Male LN human (ifrit) sorcerer 10 | HP: 80/80 | AC: 22 (13 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 17 | F: +9, R: +8, W: +10 | Init: +14 | Perc: +2, SM +2 |
5th: 4/4; 4th: 8/8; 3rd: 7/8; 2nd: 7/8; 1st: 7/8
| Speed 30 ft. | Active conditions: endure elements, mage armor.

Pyrrhus looks at the landscape of Uostas and closes his eyes for a moment.

This is the city. His mind flashes with the images that the angel showed him. I am finally hear. Will you tell me what is my mission now, Aziel?... alright, I will wait.

Pyrrhus finishes his walk to the gates of Uostas, being allowed to pass thanks to his invitation.

Now that I can see with your eyes, Aziel, I can see the beauty of freedom... and just by remembering that I spent 26 years being a slave...

Pyrrhus sees all the common folk around and how they open passage to him. Probably because of his strange armor. He arrives at the second gate, where the guards do not allow him to keep his weapons. He takes his helm off and stares each of the two guards for a full minute. When asked what he is doing he answers.

"This spear and this shield are sacred to me. I am making sure to remember your faces, just in case anything happens to them." Saying this Pyrrhus gives his weapons to the guards.

Intimidate: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30

Inside the dining hall, Pyrrhus takes a seat and rapidly starts to eat and drink. "Say hi you brute!"

"Sorry Aziel... Hello good people of Uostas, I am Pyrrhus Durst from the east..." "Tell them your kingdom..." "from The Fog."

The elf glares at Phyrrhus, but the bald man jabs him with his shoulder. Aika, the halfling girl, smiles and waves to you. The masked knight in armor speaks up. Their armor is similar to yours and shining, but doesn't look fire-forged.
"Hail. I trust you won't enslaving Xeonar here?" The voice sounds rather femeinine, and the knight leans back in her chair, glancing at the elf. The bald man narrows his eyes, and the knight laughs. "Just a joke. anyway, I think the lord said 'round noon. Anyone know the time?""

Male LN human (ifrit) sorcerer 10 | HP: 80/80 | AC: 22 (13 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 17 | F: +9, R: +8, W: +10 | Init: +14 | Perc: +2, SM +2 |
5th: 4/4; 4th: 8/8; 3rd: 7/8; 2nd: 7/8; 1st: 7/8
| Speed 30 ft. | Active conditions: endure elements, mage armor.

"No." Pyrrhus says. "Quiet, these are not your enemies."

"You are not joking." Despite his tone, there was no angry in Pyrrhus eyes, only sorrow.

"The masters of The Fog will pay one day and I am no master. I am a slave." "You were a slave." Indeed, I’m now free from my master, but not from my fate.

"It is an hour after the high sun... and you all, where are you from? So I can think of a joke as well." Pyrrhus is not used to smile, but he tries his best.

The knight responds, sitting back up and taker her helmet off. She has a thin face and short, blonde hair. "I'm from Istorija, it is nice to meet you. Fuse, Phury, and Xeonar here are all from the Evergreen." she points to the zemas, the huge man, and the elf, respectively. She then looks at the bald man. "Zan-Lee here... He is from Lamira. Took a vow of silence years ago, but we've all known each other for many seasons. Don't know Aika here though."
Aika smiles. "I'm from up north. Nice to meet you all!"

Male LN human (ifrit) sorcerer 10 | HP: 80/80 | AC: 22 (13 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 17 | F: +9, R: +8, W: +10 | Init: +14 | Perc: +2, SM +2 |
5th: 4/4; 4th: 8/8; 3rd: 7/8; 2nd: 7/8; 1st: 7/8
| Speed 30 ft. | Active conditions: endure elements, mage armor.

Pyrrhus nod to each one as the knight introduces her friends.

"Nice to meet you all."

He turns his attention back to the knight.

"I think you forgot to tell me your name."

He turns to Duran.

"And you, do not know your name also!"

Duran blinks in surprise and then smiles.

"I am Duran of Ghoshen Shrine." he repeats.

"Religious men, eh? I've heard a' Ghoshen Shrine, that temple on the island offa Istorija, right? And Phyrrhus, you look like the shining paladin type. Geras? Pegalba? Who ya with?"
Aika has a large smile on her face. Looking more closely, you see a large shield on her back, and under her nice clothing appears to be mithral chain armor. She looks extremely young, even for a halfling, but is perhaps 20 years of age.

Male LN human (ifrit) sorcerer 10 | HP: 80/80 | AC: 22 (13 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 17 | F: +9, R: +8, W: +10 | Init: +14 | Perc: +2, SM +2 |
5th: 4/4; 4th: 8/8; 3rd: 7/8; 2nd: 7/8; 1st: 7/8
| Speed 30 ft. | Active conditions: endure elements, mage armor.

Pyrrhus looks to her, a bit uncomfortable with her question.

Do I tell her the truth?... "Maybe you could tell her just part of the truth"... As you wish Aziel.

"I honestly do not know... I follow just my destiny."

Even though what he said looked like a cheap excuse, it was the truth, since neither he nor Aziel knew where to go or what to do. They only felt a slightly 'push' in a direction. The decided to call this 'push' destiny.

Female Human Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 5, Warlord (Steelfist Commando) 2 | HP: 47/47 | AC: 25 (Tch 18, FF 18) | CMB: +7, CMD: 23 | F: +10, R: +9, W: +2 | Init: +6 | Perc: +13 | Speed 30ft | Grit: 1/1 | Active conditions: None.

Down the road a cloud of dust could be seen approaching the gate at high speeds. As it got closer the guards could make out someone's frantic orders. "Halt! Stop! Ptro! No, wait, not that waAaAAAaaAAAYY!" People got out of the way from the panicking horse and it's rider as they barreled towards the open gate and the guards stationed there. The guards looked at each other before setting their weapons at the ready, prepared if the horse and rider did not stop in time. People had tried goofier things to get into the city with malicious intent. The horse, spooked by the nervous guards and their lowered spears came to the realization that stopping is a wonderful idea that should be pursued with all its might. The laws for conservation of momentum sent it's rider in a short parabolic arc out of the saddle to land in a tumble on the ground in front of the guards.

"Stupid quadruped glue bag," the rider muttered as she lay on the ground for a short while. "I knew I should have payed for a wagon!" The horse was apparently satisfied by the current situation and wandered over to a water through by the side of the path, no longer paying attention to the surrounding people. Standing up and brushing the dirt from her clothing, Meryl kept muttering about horses being the bane of humankind and how no sane person would ever ride one in a saddle. After patting herself down she began to frantically look around, spotting a huge package on the ground a few meters away from herself. With a cry of "My Baby!" she ran to collect it and consequently hugged the clearly non-sentient package while whispering words of comfort to it.

One of the guards, less flabbergasted than his colleagues, approached her with a question. Meryl didn't really hear what he said but began to start digging around in her pockets, procuring a writ of invitation that she waved in his face. Irritated he snatched the paper from her hands before quickly reading it. He paled at what it said and slapped it back into her waiting hand ushering her inside. Meryl grinned and skipped down the street, whistling a merry tune.

Somewhere along the roads her large package had been stuffed... somewhere and a decidedly unarmed Meryl was able to enter the well guarded inner ring of the city and only ten minutes after getting thrown on her ass by an uncooperative horse a pristine Meryl could enter the dining hall. She glanced around, looking for a table with a spot, and then sat down at the closest available one.


HP=69/69 . Panache=3/3 . Charmed life=4/4 Swashbuckler 7 | AC/FF/T 22/15/17 | F+3 R+9 W+1 (+Cha mod willfully) | Init +6 | Perc+7

"Well it seems I'm fashionably late!"

Through the doors of the great hall walk a tall, well groomed Tengu pulling a hood from his head. His charcoal feathers are accented with white around the neck and crown of the head. Anyone combat trained could notice that he keeps an open posture more suited for offense than protection and has two empty scabbards on his back.

"Some call me Captain. My friends call me Jeggs. Anyone care to fill me in on what I've missed?"

Male LN human (ifrit) sorcerer 10 | HP: 80/80 | AC: 22 (13 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 17 | F: +9, R: +8, W: +10 | Init: +14 | Perc: +2, SM +2 |
5th: 4/4; 4th: 8/8; 3rd: 7/8; 2nd: 7/8; 1st: 7/8
| Speed 30 ft. | Active conditions: endure elements, mage armor.

Pyrrhus nods to the two newcommers.

"Hi, I am Pyrrhus and, to the moment, you two missed just a couple of roasted ducks" He smiles.

The gigantic, rectangular room has a large stage near the front, and you see an older man walking out, and standing behind a podium. Another, older man comes out behind him, and begins casting a spell. Though you are on the other side of the room, and many people remain talking, you hear a loud, clear voice inside your head. Looking to the man behind the podium, his mouth matches the voice in your head.

Greetings adventurers, scholars, smiths, and heroes. I am the Lord of Uostas, and have summoned you all here.

The crowd quiets down, obviously hearing the same voice.

[i]I have brought you all here to ask for help. As you may or may not know, the kingdoms of Lannithir have began to suffer increasing numbers of monster attacks. After your nice dinner, my associates will be coming around to assign you to various missions. If you do not wish to participate, you will be heavily reimbursed for taking time to travel here, and you will be on your way. However, the payment for aiding our cause will be more than simply monetary. You will be heroes, recognized as one of the few to safeguard the many, and will have your name in every history book. There is, of course, also mountains of gold awaiting you as well.[i]

A few people cheer at the mention of gold.

Aika Pravus wrote:
"Religious men, eh? I've heard a' Ghoshen Shrine, that temple on the island offa Istorija, right?"

"Yes!" exclaims Duran happily "it's good that you have heard of it! Did you know that it becomes a peninsula for two months during the winter? Freezing water tends to lower the water levels around that time, revealing a small strip of earth that connects to the mainland."


During the speech Duran loses his smile. What the Lord was suggesting was just sort of all-out warfare, but the Sage resolves to see the actual missions that were to be presented before making a decision.

HP=69/69 . Panache=3/3 . Charmed life=4/4 Swashbuckler 7 | AC/FF/T 22/15/17 | F+3 R+9 W+1 (+Cha mod willfully) | Init +6 | Perc+7

Anyone trained in reading people (Sense Motive) could notice Jeggs' interest at the word "Heroes". He pulls what seems to be a butterfly knife from his pocket and begins flicking it about in a quick pattern. Upon closer inspection, one would notice that it is actually a clever preening comb in his hand.

Was I frisked? I'll gladly attempt a bluff or sleight of hand if I need to in order to have a real knife or two hidden on my person.

Male LN human (ifrit) sorcerer 10 | HP: 80/80 | AC: 22 (13 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 17 | F: +9, R: +8, W: +10 | Init: +14 | Perc: +2, SM +2 |
5th: 4/4; 4th: 8/8; 3rd: 7/8; 2nd: 7/8; 1st: 7/8
| Speed 30 ft. | Active conditions: endure elements, mage armor.

Pyrrhus listens to the Elder talking, paying close atention.

What do you think Aziel?... "I sense something, this might be the purpouse, or at least it is kind of connected to it"... I see, so we shall proceed.

Pyrrhus speaks quietly, more to himself.

"I need no gold, no lands and specially no fame. I need only..."

Female Human Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 5, Warlord (Steelfist Commando) 2 | HP: 47/47 | AC: 25 (Tch 18, FF 18) | CMB: +7, CMD: 23 | F: +10, R: +9, W: +2 | Init: +6 | Perc: +13 | Speed 30ft | Grit: 1/1 | Active conditions: None.

The redhead that had seated herself just before Jeggs let her gaze flit about the room before catching a server bringing her a pint of the ale they were serving. Grabbing it as it was offered, she took a few gulps before letting the mug rest on the table. "I am Meryl," she spoke, introducing herself after Pyrrhus reply, "Tinkerer, inventor, and occasional monster hunter. And too bad about the roasted ducks, the Lord's chef is supposedly amazing in the kitchen."

Meryl would have said more but it would be rude to interrupt someone replying to a question. Instead she busied herself with another few gulps of the ale while one hand rested near her handy haversack, fingering the clasps that kelt it shut. She very dearly wanted to tinker right now. Oh, wait, she had been invited by the Lord, right? Then where was he? And what was that furry little thing sitting by the halfling and that giant in full plate? "Whoops, better pay attention, the important guy's talking."


As some people cheer for the possibility of gold, Meryl get's this fire in her eyes, accompanied by a slightly maniacal grin. "Fieldtests! There is only one thing I care about in that speech. The third of those is fieldtests!"

Jeggs wrote:
Was I frisked? I'll gladly attempt a bluff or sleight of hand if I need to in order to have a real knife or two hidden on my person.

The DC was listed and applies to all rolls, such as bluff, diplomacy, and sleight of hand

As the Lord finishes, quite a few armed men come out from behind the stage. They spread out, with one guard at every table. The guard at your table tells you all to follow him. He leads you all to one of the many towering stone buildings attached to the inner wall, and beckons you inside. (You may ask the guard anything you wish along the way.)

Duran follows along quietly.

Female Human Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 5, Warlord (Steelfist Commando) 2 | HP: 47/47 | AC: 25 (Tch 18, FF 18) | CMB: +7, CMD: 23 | F: +10, R: +9, W: +2 | Init: +6 | Perc: +13 | Speed 30ft | Grit: 1/1 | Active conditions: None.

"So are we going somewhere far away?" Meryl asked as they followed the guard away from the table. "And if that is the case, by what mode of transport would we be traveling?" She looked around at this, as if to catch if there was someone listening. "I hope it's not by horse, that would be the worst," she exclaimed before quieting in thought! "Correction, [u]riding by horseback[/u] would be the absolute worst." Meryl would mutter something quiet here about horses, quadrupeds, hooves, and glue, but that was just to herself. Hopefully the others didn't catch that. "Horses and I have this hate-hate relationship/feud going on, though I have no idea why they started it. Anyway, where are we going? Will we be fighting a lot of monsters?"

Meryl not being the best at not rambling may or may have caused certain persons in the group to mentally or verbally liken her to a human version of Fuse.

"It's not my place to say what you will be doing or where you will be going, but right now I am leading you to your mission's... er... leaders. It's pretty close, and still in the city."

Female Human Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 5, Warlord (Steelfist Commando) 2 | HP: 47/47 | AC: 25 (Tch 18, FF 18) | CMB: +7, CMD: 23 | F: +10, R: +9, W: +2 | Init: +6 | Perc: +13 | Speed 30ft | Grit: 1/1 | Active conditions: None.

"Ok, cool," Meryl replied, pondering the response for a short time. "Oh, is this one of those 'I'm not allowed to tell you even if I know'-times? Because if so I totally understand," she suddenly said. The rest was a bit mumbled, as if she was speaking to herself, but it began with a "Now, which contraption should I..." before it crossed completely into a mental monologue, making it impossible to hear the various ideas she had. Telepaths not included, of course.

Male LN human (ifrit) sorcerer 10 | HP: 80/80 | AC: 22 (13 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 17 | F: +9, R: +8, W: +10 | Init: +14 | Perc: +2, SM +2 |
5th: 4/4; 4th: 8/8; 3rd: 7/8; 2nd: 7/8; 1st: 7/8
| Speed 30 ft. | Active conditions: endure elements, mage armor.

Pyrrhus was the last one in the line following the guard. The lords intention looked righteous, but he would not take any chances. As they walked, he made sure to record the way out.

He also could not stop himself to notice Meryl.

She is really beautiful, but talks a lot... back in The Fog, there are no women who talk like her. She reminds me of a sandstorm.

She was quite intriguing.

HP=69/69 . Panache=3/3 . Charmed life=4/4 Swashbuckler 7 | AC/FF/T 22/15/17 | F+3 R+9 W+1 (+Cha mod willfully) | Init +6 | Perc+7

"Interesting groupings." Jeggs muses aloud, watching the groups that are escorted from the hall. "I wonder what twist of fate led me to you all? I must say I Feel a bit outmatched as a simple swordsman..."

The guard opens the large wooden door to the towering building, and beckons you inside. You quickly notice two older men, one human and one dwarven, sitting at a dining table in the center of the room. They stop talking immediately and look to you all. Around them are various charms, and behind the table is a large fireplace. A curled stairway leads upwards, but this room itself is rather tall. The guard closes the door behind you, and you hear him walk off. The dwarf stands up.
"Welcome! I am Henlor! This 'ere is Serius. We're tha owners of the museum a' Istorija, and we need your 'elp!" The dwarf is rather tall, and wears nice noble clothing with various dwarven symbols and golden adornments. The man, Serius, is wearing a simpler cloth, but still incredibly lucrative. He speaks up after the dwarf.
"Have any of you worked together before?"
Behind you, Fuse, Zan-Lee, Phury, Xeonar, and the knight all raise their hands.
"Good. Five of you. Alright, head upstairs with Henlor here," he points. As they leave, Serius beckons you to sit at the large table. "Please, tell me about yourselves. I am sure I have heard of some of you."
While he does not seem rather happy, he does seem curious about you all.

Male LN human (ifrit) sorcerer 10 | HP: 80/80 | AC: 22 (13 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 17 | F: +9, R: +8, W: +10 | Init: +14 | Perc: +2, SM +2 |
5th: 4/4; 4th: 8/8; 3rd: 7/8; 2nd: 7/8; 1st: 7/8
| Speed 30 ft. | Active conditions: endure elements, mage armor.

"My name is Pyrrhus Durst, from The Fog, but you might have heard of me as 'the Juggernaut'. This is how some call me in this continente."

He pauses for a moment then continues.

"I was once a slave and a slaver from the city of Eraska, but that man is dead. Now I follow another... way."

"I am Duran, of Ghoshen Shrine. A traveler of sorts, that's all."

He thinks for a moment before adding

"And not a warrior of any sort, if that's your intention."

"Psh, of course not! I'm sure they just invited hundreds of the best fighters, explorers, and scholars in Lannithir to help clean."
She giggles, then graciously introduces herself to Serius.
"I'm Aika Pravus. I'm the halfling that helped stop a rather scary fork invasion in Lenhold, up north."

HP=69/69 . Panache=3/3 . Charmed life=4/4 Swashbuckler 7 | AC/FF/T 22/15/17 | F+3 R+9 W+1 (+Cha mod willfully) | Init +6 | Perc+7

"Hmm. I suppose someone must think highly of me. I'm just a drifter with a penchant for pointy things."

Bluff: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19

SM DC19:

Jeggs is intentionally downplaying his prowess. If GM decides so there may be a dc to recognize me on reputation alone for the events in my backstory.

Male LN human (ifrit) sorcerer 10 | HP: 80/80 | AC: 22 (13 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 17 | F: +9, R: +8, W: +10 | Init: +14 | Perc: +2, SM +2 |
5th: 4/4; 4th: 8/8; 3rd: 7/8; 2nd: 7/8; 1st: 7/8
| Speed 30 ft. | Active conditions: endure elements, mage armor.

Sense Motive (DC 19): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25

Pyrrhus notices the tengu's intention, but remains quiet.

What is his intention? Is he hiding himself from someone or planning something?..."Maybe both."

Aika Pravus wrote:
"Psh, of course not! I'm sure they just invited hundreds of the best fighters, explorers, and scholars in Lannithir to help clean."

"Cleaning is good! Wholesome! It builds ones character."

HP=69/69 . Panache=3/3 . Charmed life=4/4 Swashbuckler 7 | AC/FF/T 22/15/17 | F+3 R+9 W+1 (+Cha mod willfully) | Init +6 | Perc+7

"I'll drink to that! Any warrior would do well to lay down the sword and pick up a broom now and again."

I'm still out of it but I might as well post so that you guys have something to do.
Serius smirks. "Yes... Anyway, it is good to meet you all. While combat is unlikely, I still require explorers such as yourselves. A valuable artifact was stolen from our museum three weeks ago, the skull of a wizard. The two working security were the burglars, as they had disappeared by morning. I have detailed pictures drawn by a diviner that had scryed on one of the guards. They were seen near Pradedant, west of here. That was a week ago, however. I'd like you to track them down and recover the artifact."
He pauses, sighing.
"What would you all consider to be a decent reward? The artifact is of value to the museum, but is also said to contain magical power. It's dangerous in the wrong hands."

Duran chuckles, waving his hands dismissively.

"Hohoho, I require no reward. I'd much rather see the money go to a worthy cause. Perhaps you could put some resources towards finding the cause of the recent surge in monster populations?"

HP=69/69 . Panache=3/3 . Charmed life=4/4 Swashbuckler 7 | AC/FF/T 22/15/17 | F+3 R+9 W+1 (+Cha mod willfully) | Init +6 | Perc+7

Jeggs thoughtfully speaks after a few moments of pondering. "I am of no such moral high ground myself, though I am not what one would consider a greedy man either. We should be provided for: Gear, food, repairs, what have you; and upon our return I should think you'd be willing to compensate according to the worth of the item retrieved and perhaps any excessive hardship we should encounter along the way?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (15) + 13 = 28

"That's a fair deal. If you need any healing, we can cover it as well. I doubt you will need it, but still. Duran, of Ghoshen Shrine, I appreciate the generosity, but for now, you are all we have. Explorers and adventurers like yourselves can gather information, retrieve stolen items, and directly... save towns near the epicenter of the surge."
As Serius finishes, the other half of your group stomps down the stairs with Henlor in front. He waves to you all and walks out the door with the five. The elf is grinning from ear to ear, in back of the line. As they leave, Serius mumbles, watching the bald man.
"Seems they got done quick. Pretty sure I've seen that monk before..." He looks back to you all, quickly asking, "How does a thousand gold each plus any goods besides the skull that are found sound for payment? And the gear, healing, repairs and such."

Just a quick thing here, I won't be rolling any sense motives or the like for you. If you aren't actually rolling, your perception is considered to be 10 plus your modifier. Does that sound good?

Male LN human (ifrit) sorcerer 10 | HP: 80/80 | AC: 22 (13 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 17 | F: +9, R: +8, W: +10 | Init: +14 | Perc: +2, SM +2 |
5th: 4/4; 4th: 8/8; 3rd: 7/8; 2nd: 7/8; 1st: 7/8
| Speed 30 ft. | Active conditions: endure elements, mage armor.

Works for me!

Pyrrhus nods.

"I agree with your terms of service, just one question: what about the burglars? On your terms we only need to return the artifact. You were vague about what should be done to them."

Flashes of when he was back in the Fog, chasing slaves, invaded his mind.

What do you want showing me this? I am following YOUR destiny... choose a corner of my mind and stay there angel!

"Do with them what you will. Throw them in jail, toss them over the fence into the forbidden forests, bring them back here for trial, or kill them. Just make sure that the skull remains intact. We don't want a broken, nullified artifact in our museum. It would also probably explode or something. Take these portraits and let me know if you will need any gear, and off you go. Unless you have more questions, of course," he finishes, handing Jeggs the two papers.

HP=69/69 . Panache=3/3 . Charmed life=4/4 Swashbuckler 7 | AC/FF/T 22/15/17 | F+3 R+9 W+1 (+Cha mod willfully) | Init +6 | Perc+7

Jeggs nods grimly and turns to his new found compatriots. "Very well... Mates, I suppose this is where we become acquainted with one another rather quickly. I feel you should know that I will not hesitate to do what is necessary in the line of duty or in defense or service of those who need it. Also know that I will not stand with one who would cut down a man for any lesser reason. I need to know that your stances do not vary from mine to such a degree that we cannot work with one another." His tone is not harsh or aggressive, but it is decidedly unwavering. He hands the portraits around and begins scrawling a few supplies on a scrap of paper.

Ol' birdbrain here is turning out to be much more of a wordy bastard than I had thought, but it's kinda fun to write.

Duran glances at the paper momentarily before folding and placing it up his sleeve.

"I'm sure things won't need to come to that, sir. We're merely tracking down some misguided thieves."

HP=69/69 . Panache=3/3 . Charmed life=4/4 Swashbuckler 7 | AC/FF/T 22/15/17 | F+3 R+9 W+1 (+Cha mod willfully) | Init +6 | Perc+7

"And well I hope they do not, friend." Jeggs smiles genuinely.

If you guys have decided to leave, you may view this:

Serius shows you out, smiling. As you leave, you see many different bands of adventurers filling the wide streets. Leaving into the outer circle, you are given your weapons back (If they had been taken) and saluted. The incredible noise of the city continues, and you exit the way you came.
If you had gotten gear:

Weapons are in nearly every shop. Master work versions of every simple and martial weapon can be found, as well as all CORE one handed exotic weapons, the dire flail, the totem spear, the two-bladed sword, and all CORE ranged exotic weapons and ammunition.
Armor is just as plentiful. All CRB and APG armor and accessories are available for purchase. Serius will pay for light and medium armor, as well as all shields (minus tower shields).
Enchantments are rather slim, but can be found with some effort. +1 is available, as well as the deathless and ghost touch abilities. However, Serius explained that he does not have the funds to pay for enchantments, but you can buy them yourself.
Scrolls & Spellbooks cannot be found.
Potions & Alchemy are few. All healing potions, as well as alchemical bombs, are available. Enlarge Person, Invisibility, Fly, and Haste are also available, but at 150% price. Serius will not pay for potions and alchemical items.
Magical Items are only sold in dark alleys. This makes them possibly dangerous, but at a discount. Serius will also not pay for these. All Lesser Minor rings are available. A crystal ball, Deathwatch Eyes, multiple Hats of Disguise, and both Lesser Minor Headbands. These are all sold at 75% price.
Other items, such as maps, tents, torches, and other such supplies can be found scattered about as well. Serius will pay for these.

Otherwise, you head West. No stables appear outside the gates of this wall. No other adventurers appear to be headed this way. If any of you have a map or Knowledge: Geography, you can successfully find the average-sized city of Pradedent.

I don't want to drag the gameplay, so let's get things started :D

Male LN human (ifrit) sorcerer 10 | HP: 80/80 | AC: 22 (13 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 17 | F: +9, R: +8, W: +10 | Init: +14 | Perc: +2, SM +2 |
5th: 4/4; 4th: 8/8; 3rd: 7/8; 2nd: 7/8; 1st: 7/8
| Speed 30 ft. | Active conditions: endure elements, mage armor.

"Master Serius, I have all I need to complete this mission. Only a map, a strong horse and some travelling supplies will be needed."

Pyrrhus looks to his companions.

"I can take you there. Are we ready to go?"

Knowledge (geography), map: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 8 + 2 = 22

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