The Avalon Chronicles

Game Master lynora

This is a high level rules light game set in a school for magical kids, kinda a mash-up of Soul Eater, Harry Potter, and X-Men. :)

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Carl "Ironfist" Promethium wrote:
Renkai Urmas wrote:
Arthur Barren wrote:
"fair enough we all got our secrets, so how long you been here? got any advice for us new guys?"
Few days... And don't be cocky, some of the people....are rather dangerous...." Renkai says while waiting for the next shooter

"Yep a place full of, demons, devils, saints and sinners and of couse dem Drogons what's been playing splash in the wee lack there, I no wont ta get on the bad side of one of them, I tell ye"

Carl gos up and pots the 7 ball off his number ball then misses the next shot, a simple shot.

"Great wazzark balls!"
Carl cusses, a green light come winks on his arm braces, Carl looks at it
"Blithering rats fug!"
Another light comes on, Carl closes his eyes takes a number of deep breaths then walks away from the table standing to one side.

Keme pulls out a notebook and starts scribbling something down. "I hope you don't mind, Carl, but you have the most colorful expressions of frustration I've heard...I'm writing them down for later. I'd hate to forget them."

N/A Male voice Robot Ninja10/Machinesmith 1

"Are you injured?"
The robotic voice doesn't express concern. Or anything else. The statement is the concern.

Dark Archive

Male Human (half forged) 11 invincable iron man/11 generator

Arthur takes a half step back "you having an episode dude?"

Male Humanoid
Aanandareavekki wrote:
"There is only one library on this planet that has that information...luckily for you it happens to be the school's library. Actually it has every book ever written, even ones that have been destroyed. I don't entirely understand. The librarian mutters about things like L-space. But it works. Anyways, you can find a lot of information there. The hardest part is sorting through it all."

Chuckling, Tryko'Sam says after a moment, "That'd be pretty impressive to see, I'm sure. L-Space, huh? Neat. I mean, it's not something unimaginable, mind you, but seeing that? The biggest question I'd have to ask is, of this dimension, or all time and space? Or just this plane?"

That asked, he stretches a moment and then seems to catch himself. "Alright... guess I should go enjoy the rest of my Saturday evening. You're good?" He gives Aanadareavekki's food a gesture to add to the question.

Female [Classified] Bard 16 / [classified] 16
Tamina wrote:
Ginni wrote:

"Tami, Mel has something she wants to say to you," Ginni said, keeping a grip on Melody to keep her from running off.

Tami looked up, pulling a handkerchief out of her pocket to wipe her eyes. Morrivan handed her a glass of water and she took a sip in order to calm down. Her eyes were puffy and her nose had turned red from crying.

"I'm listening," she said hoarsely.

Mel at first has trouble making eye contact. but after a few deep breathes.

Tami...I wasn't trying to cause any pain with that song. I was actually hoping to....well that really doesn't matter anymore, I'm sorry I used my music that way to hurt you.

after a second or two

Tam, you and Dom really do have something really special. I can see it in Dom, believe me I know him pretty well. and after this I can honestly say he means quite a lot to you as well. what I am trying to say is. even though the method was, to be honest, cold and heartless on my part. I think it did something that may actually help. sooner or later you and Dom are both going to have to deal with this and these feelings are going to be more intense as time goes on. and by that time we may not be available to be with you through it.

please accept my apology, but also know that despite the pain I caused, something important also may have happened. and now we all can work through it together. I want to believe that some how, some way your love can find a way to endure.

Mel takes a step or two back waiting for the verbal assualt Tam will most likely unleash and probably deserved.

Male Human-Reaper/obitu Death Mage 11/oracle 1/grim reaper 10

when they arrive back at the beginning he goes north again, grumbling under his breath

male Jabberwocky Like this but chibi and not scary mount

Lewis simply wanders around. Not like they could be hurt there.
Should I maybe roll a dumb luck check, to see if he finds it without trying?

M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

sure... One sec. Roll 7d4.

Male Half fiend/half giant 16 Gunslinger (pistolero)/16 Barbarian (Brutal Pugilist)

"What's a rat fug?"

Male Dwarf/Outsider + magic seeing shows
Dwarf Carl seems MASSIVELY infused Chaotic force magics
Keme Tokala wrote:
Keme pulls out a notebook and starts scribbling something down. "I hope you don't mind, Carl, but you have the most colorful expressions of frustration I've heard...I'm writing them down for later. I'd hate to forget them."

Carl looks up with a grin, his mood changed in an instant,

"A collector of profanity's are thee lad-e, you should come to a Clan hall during a debate, some of or clan leader, can cus so bad they turn the air blue, Old Mc-Crot once put down War leader Broocs with a one hour twenty four minutes 13 seconds reference to his mothers exta-marital activities. Involving most of the denizen's of the nine hells, some sheep and a vat of industrial structure custard, them wee ones I just came out with a note but farts like, in that face of that kind of sware-erin"

Carl take a swig of ale and belches.

Casseus Rex wrote:
"What's a rat fug?"

"Its a kind of Rat skin loin cloth Goblins make, cover their dang-gly bits, why you after one?"

Male Kobold (Adult Black dragon) Gestalt Sorceror/Oracle Necromancer; Champion of Death
Ephebe wrote:
Krayskopiasthexum wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

Takes his kobold form

::Ok, then lets walk back to school, and see what we can see.::

male Jabberwocky Like this but chibi and not scary mount

7d4 ⇒ (1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 3) = 12

Female Kobold with a mushroom hat |Dragonrider 3// undecided

every time you go anywhere, you are right back at the start. This is getting Redicoulus.

Male Half fiend/half giant 16 Gunslinger (pistolero)/16 Barbarian (Brutal Pugilist)
Carl "Ironfist" Promethium wrote:

"Its a kind of Rat skin loin cloth Goblins make, cover their dang-gly bits, why you after one?"

"Nah, man, I ain't about peeking at Goblin dangly bits, or bothering to learn what to call what covers 'em." He says with a smile, and a puff o smoke.

male Jabberwocky Like this but chibi and not scary mount

He eventually takes to the sky to try and see above the trees.

M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1
Lewis the Jabberwock wrote:
He eventually takes to the sky to try and see above the trees.

the forest is endless.

male Jabberwocky Like this but chibi and not scary mount

His voice projects for an insane distance.

Female Kobold with a mushroom hat |Dragonrider 3// undecided

the wight on your back suddenly increases.
"You don't have to shout."

male Jabberwocky Like this but chibi and not scary mount

"Where have you been?' He says as if her appearing on his back suddenly was nothing new.

Female Kobold with a mushroom hat |Dragonrider 3// undecided

"Watching. It's kinda funny, watching."

Male Dwarf/Outsider + magic seeing shows
Dwarf Carl seems MASSIVELY infused Chaotic force magics

"Goblin dangly bits, fech a good price on some worlds, said to remove warts, just so ya know,"

Then a change of subject

"So its see the headmaster, and pick Classes, what other stuff do they do here, they got a gym and stuff like that, I would like to do some ziro-g workouts. Also thinking of doing some prospecting like, mind you odd world this, rocks all wrong, feels like its been turned inside out, sorry if that sounds daft like but it dos"

male Jabberwocky Like this but chibi and not scary mount

Not on that plane Carl. Also it sounds mostly like a young human.
"Maybe we should find them if you're done watching."
He continues beating his wings heavily.

Female Kobold with a mushroom hat |Dragonrider 3// undecided

"To be honest, i don't know how to get through the forest, myself... I just teleport around. You're in my head- see, i can be anywhere i want... You, however...."

Male Human-Reaper/obitu Death Mage 11/oracle 1/grim reaper 10

"north, it worked last time, then we just use the shadows and go south three times, then west twice then east, oriented with the shadows.. that is if I'm reading the sign right"

male Jabberwocky Like this but chibi and not scary mount

"Well then, we're all lost. Woods are easy to get lost in, I guess."
♪hm-hm-hm hm-hm-hm hm-hm-hm-hm-hm hm-hm hm-hm-hm hm-hm hm-hm♪
He flies around, skimming treetops, trying to find Grim or Kiara.

Male Dwarf/Outsider + magic seeing shows
Dwarf Carl seems MASSIVELY infused Chaotic force magics

[Sorry meant to post this before the others]

just after getting back control.

HRMS-XI "Hermes" wrote:

"Are you injured?"

The robotic voice doesn't express concern. Or anything else. The statement is the concern.

"No Tin man I'm fine, good of ya to ask"

Arthur Barren wrote:
Arthur takes a half step back "you having an episode dude?"

"I'm all right Arthur, just missed a shot that's all, simple thing, under control now, and also thanks for asking"

Carl looks at the others.

"Mates see, worth more than gold they are, and for a Dwarf to say that, that means some-et, they me family now."

Dark Archive

Male Human (half forged) 11 invincable iron man/11 generator

"ah man don't get all mushy on me," despite his words he does give a small smile

Both Doppelganger Except younger looking Factotum 16/Taskshaper 6/Chameleon 10(Gestalt)

Q9 "Is the plot aimed at more than just the war between the Lycans and Elves?"

Q10, if 9 is yes "Does the plot somehow tie into the Empire?"

Q11, regardless of 10 answer "Does this plot involve more parties than just the demon we're trying to capture?"

Male Dwarf/Outsider + magic seeing shows
Dwarf Carl seems MASSIVELY infused Chaotic force magics
Arthur Barren wrote:
"ah man don't get all mushy on me," despite his words he does give a small smile

"In ya dreams Arthur, remember that hotel on the Ice moon, ya saved my short butt then and other times, I i'm saying is just whats true, us homeless have to look after each other, the galaxies a big place, ya kin think you can take it on alone, but truth is somethings always bigger and badder out there, and most of the time it wants ya dead just for the fun of seeing your insides, so mushy I may be but I know I need others and they needs me"

he takes another wig of his ale and puff on his cigar.

"Also TinMan here is a real dab hand with a mop on ship"

Carl says with a chuckle, Ribbing the robot.

"Ace" wrote:
Q9 "Is the plot aimed at more than just the war between the Lycans and Elves?"

The voice chuckles and says, "Do not confused my witty response as absolutes, and yes."

"Ace" wrote:
Q10, if 9 is yes "Does the plot somehow tie into the Empire?"

There's a slight pause and the response then says, "Perhaps."

"Ace" wrote:
Q11, regardless of 10 answer "Does this plot involve more parties than just the demon we're trying to capture?"

There's no response to this one, and the answer is, "Definitely."

Tryko'Sam wrote:

Chuckling, Tryko'Sam says after a moment, "That'd be pretty impressive to see, I'm sure. L-Space, huh? Neat. I mean, it's not something unimaginable, mind you, but seeing that? The biggest question I'd have to ask is, of this dimension, or all time and space? Or just this plane?"

That asked, he stretches a moment and then seems to catch himself. "Alright... guess I should go enjoy the rest of my Saturday evening. You're good?" He gives Aanadareavekki's food a gesture to add to the question.

"If you can figure out what the librarian is talking about well, i'd appreciate it if you could explain it to me. I don't know the answers to any of those questions."

"Yeah, I'm fine...I'll eat a few more pans of food and then hopefully, barring anyone trying to blow anything else up today, if I'm really lucky, an early bedtime since that nap never worked out," she said with a smile. "Go, find some of your classmates, have fun!"

Male Humanoid

Laughing at Aanandareavekki, Tryko'Sam stands up and says, "I dunno-- falling out of space into a new planet just ... s@$%, don't remember when, okay. Yeah, I've had a lot of fun so far. I'll go find some more. You're okay though?" He motions over at the table and the Cafeteria itself.

"If you do run into your daughter prior, mention I'm looking to help her, or something? Or I can do that when I .. yeah." He grins and shrugs glancing around.

"I've no idea what to do for fun, honestly. That's the sad part. For some dumb reason, I just want to learn-- guess that makes sense, with fresh empty memory spots waiting to be fixed up."

He waves and walks off, "Thanks for the chat-- I updated the SIM room banks with some new programs, in case you wanted to look them over for the PE courses. Should be enough there for the basics... can't remember how many, honestly. I'll get to doing more of them later."

He then heads off elsewhere, exploring the coorridors.

Both Doppelganger Except younger looking Factotum 16/Taskshaper 6/Chameleon 10(Gestalt)

Q12 "Should we seek the Seers' further help, despite them being busy?"

Q13 "Are there other students whose help we should ask for?"

Q14, if 12 is a no "Can we students handle this ourselves?"

Image Alternate Image - all dressed up.
Melody Waverider wrote:

Mel at first has trouble making eye contact. but after a few deep breathes.

Tami...I wasn't trying to cause any pain with that song. I was actually hoping to....well that really doesn't matter anymore, I'm sorry I used my music that way to hurt you.

after a second or two

Tam, you and Dom really do have something really special. I can see it in Dom, believe me I know him pretty well. and after this I can honestly say he means quite a lot to you as well. what I am trying to say is. even though the method was, to be honest, cold and heartless on my part. I think it did something that may actually help. sooner or later you and Dom are both going to have to deal with this and these feelings are going to be more intense as time goes on. and by that time we may not be available to be with you through it.

please accept my apology, but also know that despite the pain I caused, something important also may have happened. and now we all can work through it together. I want to believe that some how, some way your love can find a way to endure.

Mel takes a step or two back waiting for the verbal assualt Tam will most likely unleash and probably deserved.

"If you can think of some way that can happen, then tell me," she said, clearly distraught. "I love him. So much it hurts. I never meant for this to happen. I knew I wasn't free to fall in love, but it didn't matter. I love him anyway. But I also can't just abandon my people. Running away is not an option. I love my home and I have a responsibility to the people there. That's a part of who I am and I can't throw that away. So tell me, how am I supposed to make this work? I need help, not more reminders of how awful things are going to be when I'm called back home. And in spite of my mother's promise to give me three years at school, the truth is it was actually all a matchmaking scheme and for all I know once she finds out that things didn't work out the way she planned that I didn't form a relationship with the one she had picked out...for all I know she could call me back home at any time. She would just need an excuse, and nothing is easier to come up with. So I'm trying to make every moment count and not think too much about the future, because it is out of my hands. I wish...I wish that I did have more say in things, but the truth is that the more power and responsibility you have, the less freedom you have. It's a trade-off. Always. For all that she sounds completely unreasonable, who I'm with can effect the well-being of my country both now and in the future. So as much as I want to rebel, I have no real counter-argument. How can I put my happiness...our happiness...above everyone else's?"

Carl "Ironfist" Promethium wrote:
Keme Tokala wrote:
Keme pulls out a notebook and starts scribbling something down. "I hope you don't mind, Carl, but you have the most colorful expressions of frustration I've heard...I'm writing them down for later. I'd hate to forget them."

Carl looks up with a grin, his mood changed in an instant,

"A collector of profanity's are thee lad-e, you should come to a Clan hall during a debate, some of or clan leader, can cus so bad they turn the air blue, Old Mc-Crot once put down War leader Broocs with a one hour twenty four minutes 13 seconds reference to his mothers exta-marital activities. Involving most of the denizen's of the nine hells, some sheep and a vat of industrial structure custard, them wee ones I just came out with a note but farts like, in that face of that kind of sware-erin"

Carl take a swig of ale and belches.

Casseus Rex wrote:
"What's a rat fug?"

"Its a kind of Rat skin loin cloth Goblins make, cover their dang-gly bits, why you after one?"

Keme snickered.

"Well, I wouldn't say I collect them exactly, but I do keep notes for those times when the clan elders catch up to me in spite of my best attempts at running away. Shocking their sensibilities is one of my few pleasures in life."

Imagefemale weredragon (amethyst) gestalt Soulknife17/oracle10/divine gunslinger7
Krays wrote:
Ephebe wrote:
Krayskopiasthexum wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

Takes his kobold form

** spoiler omitted **

She nodded, frowning as she continued to look around.

Perception 1d20 + 36 ⇒ (16) + 36 = 52

Carl "Ironfist" Promethium wrote:

"Goblin dangly bits, fech a good price on some worlds, said to remove warts, just so ya know,"

Then a change of subject

"So its see the headmaster, and pick Classes, what other stuff do they do here, they got a gym and stuff like that, I would like to do some ziro-g workouts. Also thinking of doing some prospecting like, mind you odd world this, rocks all wrong, feels like its been turned inside out, sorry if that sounds daft like but it dos"

"You can get the zero-g whatevers in the SIM rooms if you can get someone to program it for you. Might already be programmed. But if you want mining...well this world used to be a hollow ball with all the stuff on the inside and it did get flipped inside out a few months back. Not really anything to find in the'll have to go to the asteroids if you want to mine. But you'd have to clear that with a bunch of people first I'm guessing. Bet Jiminy Sunwake would pay well for the material though. The factories in town could use any metals they can get."

"Thus endeth my turn as tour guide for the night....If you're not going to play, at least let me have a turn," he said with a cocky grin.


It felt like she'd been waiting forever for her guards to finally get distracted. The camp was a mass of activity. Once more wandering firebird wouldn't attract any attention....but first she had to get out of this tent.

She wrapped herself in the thin blanket she'd found on the cot. It was a lovely dark grey color which did wonders for hiding the all too reflective white of her stupid ruffly dress. Yet another thing she couldn't wait to get rid of, along with being kept under guard all the time and being locked up in a tower while her parents decided her fate. She certainly wasn't going to spend any more time being treated like some prize phoenix to be bred to the highest bidder. She used a knife she'd pickpocketed off one of her guards earlier that day to cut a slit in the back of the tent and slipped away before anyone even knew she was gone.

"Ace" wrote:
Q12 "Should we seek the Seers' further help, despite them being busy?"

The voice returns with, "That is your choice, we do not command."

"Ace" wrote:
Q13 "Are there other students whose help we should ask for?"

To this question, the response is, "Uncertain."

"Ace" wrote:
Q14, if 12 is a no "Can we students handle this ourselves?"

The voice replies in regards to this question, "Certainly, have faith."

Male Dwarf/Outsider + magic seeing shows
Dwarf Carl seems MASSIVELY infused Chaotic force magics
Keme Tokala wrote:
Carl "Ironfist" Promethium wrote:

"Goblin dangly bits, fech a good price on some worlds, said to remove warts, just so ya know,"

Then a change of subject

"So its see the headmaster, and pick Classes, what other stuff do they do here, they got a gym and stuff like that, I would like to do some ziro-g workouts. Also thinking of doing some prospecting like, mind you odd world this, rocks all wrong, feels like its been turned inside out, sorry if that sounds daft like but it dos"

"You can get the zero-g whatevers in the SIM rooms if you can get someone to program it for you. Might already be programmed. But if you want mining...well this world used to be a hollow ball with all the stuff on the inside and it did get flipped inside out a few months back. Not really anything to find in the'll have to go to the asteroids if you want to mine. But you'd have to clear that with a bunch of people first I'm guessing. Bet Jiminy Sunwake would pay well for the material though. The factories in town could use any metals they can get."

"Thus endeth my turn as tour guide for the night....If you're not going to play, at least let me have a turn," he said with a cocky grin.

Carl hand him th Q stick,

"Here ya go, games getting me wound up so best I stop"

Popping another ale, Carl carrya on
"Arr thats whats up with the rock, cracy place ya have here, and them SIM rooms Ye read about them in the new student book, some king of magic room that makes you think your in a whole other place, nice, ill have go find em as see if they have zero-g stuff, but that can hold, what you just said about this Sunwake feller pay for me mine finds, now that's got me interested, soon as I'm all booked in at school I'm going to see who needs to be talked to, to get out there a mine in. Thanks for the intel, you ever need any thing likewise you let me know."

Male Human Gestalt Inquisitor/Dragon Knight 16

Looks at Tyrrin...lingers a bit, smiles, then returns to focusing on the path ahead of them.

The Half-Alive Streets | Truth of the Seeker | The Sanctuary of Drowned Delight
Ephebe wrote:

She nodded, frowning as she continued to look around.

Perception 1d20+36

Ephebe and Krays do not spot anything too out of the ordinary for the pleasant late-summer/early-fall evening. There are plenty of students out on the grounds enjoying themselves - including a few playing pool, and what seems to be a half-dressed female angel flying around, which is garnering some attention (especially from the males).

The Half-Alive Streets | Truth of the Seeker | The Sanctuary of Drowned Delight


Sometime around when Settro, Dara, Chara and Sun are heading outside for their game, Settro feels an intense spike in hatred from an indistinct point near the school. The hatred is cold, calculating, and murderous, and very intense. And then suddenly the hatred is inside the school itself, where it stays for a couple seconds before vanishing completely.

The Half-Alive Streets | Truth of the Seeker | The Sanctuary of Drowned Delight

@Ryo & Ananada

Aananda suddenly gets a blip on her security system - though they do not report an intruder, they /do/ report that the anti-violence wards have suddenly failed.

Ryo can also sense that, very suddenly, the anti-violence wards have been dismantled.

Female Half-elf Gestalt Sorcerer6/Dragon Disciple9 // Rogue (Swashbuckler)8/Duelist7

Vai had brought over the cookie dough ice cream for Tami at Ginni's suggestion, and was standing nearby, but wasn't exactly sure what she could say or do to make this better for her. Well, Ginni was wrong about one thing anyway - not everyone here was in a happy relationship. Tamina's certainly didn't seem like it was terribly happy.

Suddenly, there's a little bit of inspiration from Vai. "Tami... who was the matchmaking project with? If you give you mom hope that it could still happen, at least she won't call you back right away."

Male Half-fiend gestalt alchemist 16/ eldrich Godling 16
short description:
right arm red demon skin, left arm green scales, left eye red, right eye green, long, tentacle-like tail, forked tounge, small fangs and claws, wears shackles, has talons

"Wow. Adon's at it again...
Wait, it's gone? Whatever."

Male Elf Bard 14/Sorcerer (Maestro) 14
Jaiye wrote:

::Then I will continue to believe that this is worth fixing. But I'm not perfect either and sometimes I'll get hung up on stuff, maybe even stupid stuff. None of which changes the fact that I want to be with you.::

::Alright...research isn't really my thing, unless it's been illustrated, but I'll do what I can to help.::

::Perfection is boring anyway, right? I won't hold it against you, Jaiye.:: he replys to that with a charming smile as they're returning with armfuls of books.

One thing is clear once Ehos delves into the books - research might just be a Denulia family specialty, because Ehos gets an expression that Jaiye has seen countless times before. Tyrrin gets the same expression when she's about to sort through a big amount of information - there's definite excitement there.

Using Knowledge to perform research Dami. Looking specifically for - variations on Succubi, if there are any known to have climbed the demonic heirarchy, etc. Using Lore Master to take 20 on the check.
Knoweldge (Planes): 20 + 20 = 40

Dom Waverider wrote:
His eyes now looking upward caught the sight of a... Angel? "Oh great just what I needed." He murmurs to himself. "An angel to be thinking since were kin I would be will thing to take upon some quest of it." He sighed not trying to hide himself away. "Maybe it will just ignore me. NO cause then I would be annoyed that it ignored me. I have really got to give these angels a bit of credit. It's not like there bad people, they're just heartless parents." He whispers to no one in particular.

Rena sees someone who had glanced up at her and smiles happily, gliding in and landing neatly next to him as he's walking along. "Good evening." she says cheerily, brushing up next to him.

The angelic girl who has landed next to him is very beautiful. Her face is soft and kind, her green eyes are alight with happiness. Her blue-white hair is nicely long, streaming down to her waist. Some if it has draped in front of her as well, which is good because she's barely clothed. She's curvy in all the right ways - pretty much an ideal specimen of an older teen-aged girl. Her voice is silken and full of joy. "My name is Rena." she adds a little after the fact.

Picture. This picture isn't perfect but should give a good idea if the description is lacking. Rena herself not adorned in any of the gold of the picture, but the clothing is pretty close, but should be a little more wispy and see through-ish.

Female Idyllkin Ninja 3/Marksman (Shroud) 3

As they continue to work on finishing Sara-rin's yukata and then starting on Cha-tan's, Midori seems a little quiet and thoughtful.

Carl "Ironfist" Promethium wrote:

Carl hand him th Q stick,
"Here ya go, games getting me wound up so best I stop"

Popping another ale, Carl carrya on
"Arr thats whats up with the rock, cracy place ya have here, and them SIM rooms Ye read about them in the new student book, some king of magic room that makes you think your in a whole other place, nice, ill have go find em as see if they have zero-g stuff, but that can hold, what you just said about this Sunwake feller pay for me mine finds, now that's got me interested, soon as I'm all booked in at school I'm going to see who needs to be talked to, to get out there a mine in. Thanks for the intel, you ever need any thing likewise you let me know."

Keme grinned and took the pool cue, carefully lined up his shot and proceeded to sink all the balls in order, with a couple of trick shots in the process that at first looked like they weren't going to go in.

"Alright, now I'm done. And this is why I rarely get to play pool." He shrugged. "Well, at least, with other people. But sometimes I use a disguise and go have fun in some of the bars in town...I'm never short on spending money that way."

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