AP's starting date?

Mummy's Mask

I know the adventure takes place in 4714 AR, but on which month an day does it start? Is there a set date? Or is it "at the GM's discretion"?


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Diaz Ex Machina wrote:
I know the adventure takes place in 4714 AR, but on which month an day does it start? Is there a set date? Or is it "at the GM's discretion"?

it's at the DM's discretion. although, were it me, i'd start it in the autumn.

Whenever you want. Even the year is malleable.

The first book came out in February of 2014. Some would choose to have it start in the corresponding Aroden Reckoning, but there doesn't appear to be a seasonal festival or holiday to force a particular starting day.

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