hope geb himself gets a statblock in book six!

Blood Lords

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I'll be disappointed if a book with his name in the title & an ap about his namesake nation doesn't give the king himself stats

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Why would you need stats for what is functionally your boss? You work for his state.

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keftiu wrote:
Why would you need stats for what is functionally your boss? You work for his state.

Important NPCs often get full stats regardless of affiliation in the book in which they are relevant. I think it will depend on how much we see of Gebmeister himself.

Liberty's Edge

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I think NPCs that get a stat block are those you are likely to be in a fight with, either on your side or against you.

I don't think Geb is supposed to fight in this AP. I feel he is in the same category as Kaijus or deities.

You learn how to survive them. Not how to destroy them.

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Geb having stats here would imply he could be destroyed here, and I think he's got too many fans for that to happen, especially on the eve of what seems like it might be Nex coming back. I might be wrong! But I think it's unlikely.

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They published stats for Abrogail Thrune II in Hell's Vengeance book 4 and there is no reasonable point at which PCs fight her in that AP. So, there's a precedent.

Also, putting stats for creatures like that can sell volumes to people who might otherwise not be interested in the adventure content.

ANd, as a ghost, Geb can't be permanently killed until he knows Nex is dead, if I recall. So you can kill him as many times as you like.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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To manage expectations: Until we decide if or how we want to support play that uses stats for characters who are canonically mythic, we won't be providing those stats for them.

Kortash Khain, for example, is mythic in 1E. In his 2E entry in the adventure he shows up in, I built an Influence stat block for him, but not a "fight him" stat block.

I don't know what Ron's plans for Geb are, but I suspect they might be the same.

Pathfinder Development Manager

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James Jacobs wrote:

To manage expectations: Until we decide if or how we want to support play that uses stats for characters who are canonically mythic, we won't be providing those stats for them.

Kortash Khain, for example, is mythic in 1E. In his 2E entry in the adventure he shows up in, I built an Influence stat block for him, but not a "fight him" stat block.

I don't know what Ron's plans for Geb are, but I suspect they might be the same.

James is absolutely correct. Geb doesn't get a stat block--you meet him (several times, in fact!) but not in a way that ever requires his statistics. This is the "work for Geb" AP, not the "fight Geb" AP.

Grand Lodge

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I like the idea of Geb getting a lot of text without a stat block -- don't get me wrong, I like the idea of Geb getting a stat block here -- but if he gets a few thousand words in the canon, well, that could be even better than just a stat block with barely a paragraph of flavor text.

My concern is this though: If we don't get Geb's stat block now, in this AP, where will we ever get it?! This is the place where it fits and where the customers will expect it. (It's not like future, upcoming products for Galt or Vudra, for Elves or Daemons, for The Maelstrom or Eox, will have it.) Without it in This AP, it likely will Never get done. That is a significant missed opportunity. Hopefully the flavor text where he's roleplayed "several times, in fact" really hits it out of the park and is full enough to sate the Crunch need as well as the Flavor, despite not having an actual stat block.

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Presumably in a theoretical mythic book.

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Several 2e texts hint that we’re on the brink of seeing Nex return to this reality, and any plot involving him will have to include Geb; given that Blood Lords doesn’t seem to be that story, I have hope we’ll see it in a few years. (We’ll probably see the Bright Lions take a swing at Walkena first, though).

I don’t think an AP where you’re in the employ of his state was ever going to be the place to see Geb’d statblock, personally.

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