Tinker Theme and grenades

Rules Questions

Does the Tinker Theme raise the DC of grenades you CREATE with the Soldiers bombard style and also the mechanic explosives expert alternative class feature?
I’m asking because I’m wondering if when you create something is the same as crafting something.

Durable Crafting (6th Level)

Your mastery of the materials you craft with has given you special insight into solid construction principles. When determining the hardness, Hit Points, and saving throws of an item you have crafted, treat its item level as if it were 4 higher instead of 2 higher. It takes you a quarter of the normal time to repair an item you crafted

You increase the range increment of your thrown grenades by 5 × your Strength bonus. In addition, you’re able to salvage enough materials to create a grenade without paying for it. Creating a grenade takes 10 minutes. You can create any grenade whose item level is less than or equal to your soldier level, but this grenade is unstable and only you can use it effectively. If anyone else tries to use the grenade, it is a dud. You can have only one grenade created by this ability at one time (if you create a new grenade using this ability, the old grenade no longer works).

Class Mechanic

You’re an expert at improvising explosives, the components for which you carry in a special pack, case, or weapons belt that weighs 1 bulk. Each day when you recover any spent Resolve Points, you can spend 10 minutes using your custom rig to create a number of experimental grenades and explosive charges (pages 68–69) equal to 1 + your Intelligence modifier. You create these explosives at no cost, and you don’t need to decide which specific grenades or explosives you have until you use them, but when you do, each must have an item level equal to or less than your mechanic level. Any experimental explosives you don’t use that day become inert, even if they’re still in your possession. Your experimental explosives don’t work for anyone but you. Whenever you take a 10-minute rest to recover Stamina Points, you can also prepare one additional experimental explosive, up to the maximum number of experimental explosives you can have. In addition, your custom rig functions as a detonator (Core Rulebook 218), and when calculating the DC of the save to resist your grenade’s effects, you can use your Intelligence modifier in place of your Dexterity modifier.

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

I think the Durable Crafting ability isn't referring to the DC of saving throws others make to save against your items, but rather the saving throws the items themselves use (in the uncommon situation your items need to make saving throws.) This is keeping with them being more, well, Durable.

For example, if your Tinker crafted something that was caught in an Explosive Blast (which specifically says it damages objects) the object would make a Ref save as it if were an item +4 levels higher than it actually is. (Usually, items' saves are = to their item level; for reference, rules here, under "Object.")

Thank you Second Seeker, for sorting that out for me.

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