Duckbill Tengu?

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Dark Archive

So, I was given a gift of a beautiful set of dice with tiny rubber duckies in them. They are adorable and must be used. This means I must play a duckfolk sort of ancestry. Except there really isn't one.

This Post by James Jacobs from forever ago implies there is such as thing as "duckbill tengu" but of course no other mention of them anywhere as it was probably just a joke.

So is there such a heritage or ethnicity for tengu? Wavediver heritage seems a good fit, but nothing rules or lore -wise indicate they don't look like any other sharp beak tengu.

My only other obvious option is the beastkin versatile heritage, but the shapeshifting and beastkin feats have nothing to offer (such as a swim speed).

With GM permission I could just reskin tengu however is necessary, but I'm hoping there is anything canon in Golarion's lore for duck people.

Anyone know of something I don't?

Grand Lodge

(Came for the Thread title)


Maybe repost this in the Ask James Jacobs Thread -- see if he has a half answer from Garund or, more likely, Sarusan

Silver Crusade

On the off chance you don't know this, Glorantha (the world of RuneQuest) has ducks as a PC race (in at least some versions of the rules :-)).

And Glorantha and Golarion sorta sound kinda similar, right? :-) (yeah, I know the worlds are incredibly, massively, insanely different in just about every respect. It was a joke based on the fact that I personally sometimes use the wrong one when playing :-()

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Keep in mind that the Glorantha Ducks are realllly tired of duck jokes and kinda grumpy. Don't anger those who are the perfect height to chop your legs off at the knees.

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