Thematic things about the World Serpent totem?



I am playing a Chaotic Neutral Skald and have picked up World Serpent, as it is mechanically interesting and fitting for our mostly vs outsiders campaign we are playing. I also dislike picking the cookie cutter beast totem choice.

However, there seems to be relatively scant background concerning how this totem actually works and who grants it. It could certainly be Raghdan.

Is it viable to portray Raghdan as an extremely grumpy old dragon-linnorm deity that whose motiviation is "GET OFF MY LAWN!", with a rather expansive definition of "MY LAWN" and who is impressed by somewhat comically excaggerted acts of violence against outsiders.

My character smashed an idol of deskari using the local deskari head cultist as an improvised weapon (not as badass as it sounds as this was out of combat and the cultist was already dead), which still qualified for getting Ragdahns attention for about a millisecond or so.

Is there any established background?

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