Inventor Gadget Feats dont give a level requirement

Rules Discussion

The feat gives you Formulas for gadgets, upgrading with your crafting proficiency in number. But it doesnt say anywhere what level of gadgets you can craft. Logically they have to be maximum your level, but it doesnt even say that. And many feats like this, like the alchemy feats, give you a Max level of items you can create, like "half your level" or "level -3"

Was this an oversight or am i missing something

Grand Lodge

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Candlejake wrote:

The feat gives you Formulas for gadgets, upgrading with your crafting proficiency in number. But it doesnt say anywhere what level of gadgets you can craft. Logically they have to be maximum your level, but it doesnt even say that. And many feats like this, like the alchemy feats, give you a Max level of items you can create, like "half your level" or "level -3"

Was this an oversight or am i missing something

The general crafting rules restrict this to items your level or lower. And also a minimum proficiency is listed.

To Craft an item, you must meet the following requirements:

The item is your level or lower. An item that doesn't list a level is level 0. If the item is 9th level or higher, you must be a master in Crafting, and if it's 16th or higher, you must be legendary.


Thanks for helping! It was clear to me that items above your level were a no go but with the crafting rules it is also cleared up RAW. Being able to craft gadgets up to your level seems pretty nice! I was actually surprised to not see ot limited further

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