Does "Enhance" help you recharge spells?

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

Hello All!

When I display Enhance to add "1 plus #" to whatever skill I want (let's say Wisdom) until end of turn, do I get that bonus when I make my Divine roll (based on Wisdom) during recovery to recharge both Enhance and any other spells I'm recharging?

I had always assumed yes, but the end of turn steps clearly state that first I apply any end of turn effects (which would include moving Enhance into the recovery zone, I assume) and THE do recovery. SO I am thinking I don't get the bonus.



You are correct that you do not get to use Enhance to recover Enhance (or other spells).

The powers listed on Enhance:

Freely display next to a local character and choose a skill. While displayed:

On their checks using that skill, add 1 + #.
At the end of the turn, banish.

Enhance will be in recovery during recovery, and thus no longer displayed. Since it isn't displayed, you don't get the "While displayed" powers.

Whipstitch wrote:

You are correct that you do not get to use Enhance to recover Enhance (or other spells).

The powers listed on Enhance:

Freely display next to a local character and choose a skill. While displayed:

On their checks using that skill, add 1 + #.
At the end of the turn, banish.

Enhance will be in recovery during recovery, and thus no longer displayed. Since it isn't displayed, you don't get the "While displayed" powers.

Ok super, thanks so much.

Follow-up: the rules clearly state I may plays cards/use powers DURING recovery if they affect thing happening during recovery (like checks to recharge spells, etc). So in that case am I allowed to display Enhance during recovery? And, if so, when does it make its way into the recovery pile? Would that be at the end of the NEXT player's turn.

Essentially we are wondering: when a card/power states it lasts until end of turn, and it is played during recovery, when is the "end of turn?"

thanks again

In that situation, it would seem to be the next "end of turn" step. So they would go to recovery when the next player ends their turn.

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