Adding a Ninja Subplot? (Spoilers!)

Fists of the Ruby Phoenix

Grand Lodge

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Hey hi! I'm going to be running this adventure soon, and I want to try to involve a player backstory into the campaign. They're a former ninja who defected to the Golden League at a young age. She's kept her past secret from the party, and intends to try to keep it that way. Now, what kind of GM would I be if I didn't force them to reckon with their past?

The only problem is... I'm not sure WHEN this should happen. I was considering having them catch the PC alone in Goka in Book 2, and for the Clan leader to try blackmail them into winning a reward from the Tapestry, but then that runs into the problem that this won't really get a chance for payoff; not enough time will have passed if it happens at the end of Book 2, and come Book 3, the party will have their hands full saving Hao Jin, and then it's too late by the time they actually get the treasure, it feels cheap to come in like "Not so fast! No happy ending quite yet!"

I can't seem to figure out the best time to incorporate this backstory hook, and I could really use advice!

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One idea: A 'team' challenges the party early on during book 1. They obviously out-match the party (crit succeed every save, succeed or crit on every attack, only get hit on a Nat20). Yet, two rounds into combat they fall down after an obvious miss. In those two rounds their leader has had a chance to 'discuss' the situation with the PC.

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I agree with Curaigh. You could definitely have another team be a Golden League plant. Or, you could have one of the assistants that are with teams or an enforcer with the tournament staff be a secret Golden League agent. While they're at the market or just after fighting a team you could have the assitant secretely talk to them. Then when you have the Golden League stuff happen in the second book it's driven home even more.

Grand Lodge

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It's less about implementing it, that's the easy part! But resolving it is tricky— after Mogaru attacks, there ceases to be an obvious time for a Ninja showdown climax to happen. That's where I'm struggling!

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Came to thread expecting a submarine full of ninjas. :)

Leaves disappointed. :(

You could have ninja attack during the Kaiju assault on Goka. Have Syndara hire the clan to sabotage the tournament and make Master Razu the leader. Just change out the animated songs (or whatever he has with him) to more ninjas and you're golden.

The entire ninja clan could have a thing for weaponising sound/musical instruments. A clan of deadly ninja bards!
EDIT: Actually, I'm loving that. An assassin who creeps within earshot and plays a song so sad the target kills themself, or so bombastic that they are driven into a killing frenzy. :D

Ninja PC could recognise old mentor during opera encounter earlier in book for roleplaying potential, leading up to big fight.

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I do really like the thought of having the Golden League strike during the Kaiju attack. Anything where you think the focus is one thing and then Golden League strikes out when you least expect it. Maybe you could have a rooftop battle with things crumbling around. Could even just go for a couple rounds before the building collapses and the party has to move on to the final fight.

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Kung Fu Hustle had harpist assassins = Ninja Bards.

From Kung Fu Hustle = The Harpists are a pair of hitmen hired by the Axe Gang. Their weapon of choice is the (immensely over-sized) Guqin-Guzheng hybrid. Although capable of melee combat, they much prefer to use their special fighting style, the Deadly Melody.

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