Weapon Orbit - How exactly is this supposed to work?

Rules Questions

15 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Weapon Orbit:
As a standard action, make a ranged attack with a melee
weapon you’re wielding against a target within 30
feet. If you hit, you add your Charisma modifier
to the weapon’s damage instead of adding
your Strength modifier. At the end of your
turn, the weapon returns to your hand
unless you don’t have a free hand, in
which case the weapon lands in your
square. If attuned or fully attuned, you
can use this ability to perform a full
attack with the melee weapon at range,
but each attack must be made against
a different target within range. These
attacks can benefit from the flashing
strikes class feature as though they were
melee attacks

Does the ranged attack use strength or dex to attack? The description makes it sound like you're throwing your weapon at them but doesn't use the word throwing. If its not being thrown it would use dex as it's a ranged attack?

Does the ability work with a solar weapon? Solar weapons usually shut off if they leave your hand, but it's not clear if the thrown/not thrown ability triggers that or not.

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

As with a bunch of other things in Tech Revolution, this is something that seems to need additional clarification. The same question gets touched on in the thread Weapon Orbit and Soulfire Fusion thread, and as pointed out there, a solarian weapon is supposed to vanish upon leaving the solarian's hand(s), which is why the Thrown weapon fusion doesn't work very well applied to weapon crystals.

It would seem that this ability is intended to help solarians that have chosen to manifest their mote as something other than a weapon, given the above, and the use of the phrase "with a melee weapon," which would allow it to apply to any melee weapon, not just a solarian weapon, as is the case with most abilities for solar weapons.

The way the mote manifests has no game impact. It's purely aesthetic (although having the same mote all the time does make it harder to tell the Stwards that they're looking for the OTHER solarion swinging around a mace and chain with the head shaped like a skull with spikes)

If it can't work witha solar weapon, it would be good for

solarions who use other melee weapons, ala armored solarions, and oddly enough works VERY well for solar flare solarions who can chuck a giant doshko at people with dex to attack and charisma to damage (likely their two highest stats)

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Damn BNW.... I like that idea,small frail Armour/Flare Solarian throwing a 2 H weapon and dealing epic damage

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Wesrolter wrote:
Damn BNW.... I like that idea,small frail Armour/Flare Solarian throwing a 2 H weapon and dealing epic damage

Striafella solarion with a 12 pound doshko telekenetically folowing them around that gets chucked at people? They could ride it like thors hammer :)


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It also has the annoying potential for someone in SFS to build a Dex-based Solarion just for this purpose, only to have an FAQ change how it works halfway through their career, and the now nonfunctional character isn't offered a rebuild.


Nefreet wrote:

It also has the annoying potential for someone in SFS to build a Dex-based Solarion just for this purpose, only to have an FAQ change how it works halfway through their career, and the now nonfunctional character isn't offered a rebuild.


Maybe a better solution would be "Advocating for Society players to actually be able to rebuild their characters reasonably often". *cough*

I wouldn't say rebuild by choice, but by FAQ change. If the FAQ alters a Solarian so that a build doesn't work any more then they should maybe have the chance to rebuild or make some alteration. That same FAQ has no effect on a Mechanic, so it has no reason to need a re jiggle


Metaphysician wrote:
Nefreet wrote:

It also has the annoying potential for someone in SFS to build a Dex-based Solarion just for this purpose, only to have an FAQ change how it works halfway through their career, and the now nonfunctional character isn't offered a rebuild.


Maybe a better solution would be "Advocating for Society players to actually be able to rebuild their characters reasonably often". *cough*

Oh, trust. I scream that at the top of my lungs as often as I can.

The person in charge of editing the Guide needs to be ousted, first.

Dark Archive

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I was curious if BNW's original questions might be addressed by the dev team anytime soon. I noticed there's been a smattering of recent TR errata, so perhaps Weapon Orbit might get some additional clarification as well? Thanks for your time, folks.

Pathfinder Adventure, LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
BigNorseWolf wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Does the ranged attack use strength or dex to attack? The description makes it sound like you're throwing your weapon at them but doesn't use the word throwing. If its not being thrown it would use dex as it's a ranged attack?

Does the ability work with a solar weapon? Solar weapons usually shut off if they leave your hand, but it's not clear if the thrown/not thrown ability triggers that or not.

It specifically says "ranged attack" so its dex. If it said "thrown attack" it would be strength. This is common nomenclature.

That said, it doesn't work with solar weapon - because nothing subverts the mote's inability to leave your hand. It came out with a bunch of other abilities which seemed specifically vibing to solar armor solarians and this is no exception to that imo.

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