1 Player Needed to play a level 10 psychic for a PBP game of Paizo's Malevolence


My PBP gaming group is going to run a unique play-by-post game of Paizo's newish module, Malevolence. It is going to be a six player game where the classes chosen are the six new ones-- magus, summoner, psychic, inventor, gunslinger, thaumaturge.

We need 1 person to play the psychic. The module is written for level 3 players but we have all done plenty of low level games and are going to scale it to level 10.

Interested? I am looking for level 10 psychic submissions. I would like an experienced PF2 player, because we are starting at level 10.

1) Please make an interesting level 10 playtest psychic character and post your alias here.

2) Starting gear: 1 9th level item, 2 8th level items, 1 7th level item, 2 6th level items. And 350 gp to spend as desired.

3) Our group needs someone with some healing ability. Take the Free Archetype variant, and use it to pick a healing based Archetype like medic, herbalist, blessed one, or a casting archetype that will only be allowed to use the spells for healing. (The goal is to not increase player power but to enable the group to survive without any standard healing classes in the mix).

4) Background: You have been a part of an adventuring group for quite some time, and have recently been paid for some work with the deed to an old mansion. Told that it will fetch a good price on resale, your group goes to Ravounel to check it out. I don't really need a standard backstory for your character, but give me a paragraph description of him/her and their personality, so it is possible to judge your writing skills.

5) This play by post game will primarily use Discord for the gameplay and then the Foundry VTT for maps. You need daily access to a computer for the Foundry VTT.

6) The adventure is a single book. It will probably last 8-12 months, given the normal rate of play-by-post games. Should be a good time and we have great, committed, experienced, and friendly people!

7) Put your character together by next week, October 1, and I'll pick that weekend.

I will totally build for this!

Are we keeping the source a secret to thin the herd? or is that completely circumstantial? I know when I mentioned playing an Inventor in another thread most people hadn't heard of that either ...

LOL can't remember the last time I made a chacter by hand, but yes, I am totally interested AND this class is so totally me also. Not an issue working in the healing either, as I have frequently done that with Kineticists.

Will also ask, just to get it out there, if we could use the Ancestry Paragon rules. By and large, they add mostly flavor, but the feat-set isn't cross-selectable either. So if you want Wings (Sylphy/Sprite/Strix) that's kinda all you get. Ancestry feats are cool though.


This is called out in the Ruby Fist's Player's Guide, but you could go either way I suppose: do you want the character built level by level or are you allowing a 10th lvl character to be built directly? Related to my first question, it totally matters, even with mundane classes, as it allows a handful to higher level feats to be taken, versus the 1 that you qualify for by leveling sequentially.

1) I'm not purposely keeping the source a secret; I guess it didn't occur to me that people wouldn't know about the psychic... it would only take a google search

2) No, no ancestry paragon rule...

3) build it level by level....


whoops, forgot this!

You get to pick 4 uncommon things (including spells, ancestry, loot etc) in your build. Or a Rare selection is worth 2 uncommon. And your class doesn't count toward it because that is assigned.

Thanks for your interest!

GM Mustache wrote:

1) I'm not purposely keeping the source a secret; I guess it didn't occur to me that people wouldn't know about the psychic... it would only take a google search

2) No, no ancestry paragon rule...

3) build it level by level....


whoops, forgot this!

You get to pick 4 uncommon things (including spells, ancestry, loot etc) in your build. Or a Rare selection is worth 2 uncommon. And your class doesn't count toward it because that is assigned.

Thanks for your interest!

The last piece is brilliance, wow, thank you.

Pre-approved Uncommon/Rare(s) ... totally stealing this one for my toolkit, wow!

This is like my big chance to play TK, I am all over it.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm interested, but it sounds like Evindyl is -really- interested, so I'm glad you've got him!

Evindyl wrote:

Pre-approved Uncommon/Rare(s) ... totally stealing this one for my toolkit, wow!

At level 1 I let people pick one uncommon thing no questions asked (and rare if they ask nice). I figure at level 10 you have earned a few more!

Tarondor wrote:
I'm interested, but it sounds like Evindyl is -really- interested, so I'm glad you've got him!

You are welcome to apply!

Tarondor wrote:
I'm interested, but it sounds like Evindyl is -really- interested, so I'm glad you've got him!

Enthusiasm is no substitute for talent ;) give the GM a character!

Yes I love this opportunity, but you could love it too.

The creativity will actually really come in with the healing, and I'm kinda anti-cleric anti-divine ... so you should still apply.

and no matter what happens, your character can still meet with Evin for drinks in Magnimar for their birthdays or something, k?

Standard HP progression?
Max 1st, then 50%+1?

Assumption: the Uncommon Class choice does NOT count against the allotment

NOTES: Working to try to build this out in HeroLab; w/o the correct base class, but with all deviations/substitutions noted

Evindyl wrote:

Standard HP progression?

Max 1st, then 50%+1?

Assumption: the Uncommon Class choice does NOT count against the allotment

NOTES: Working to try to build this out in HeroLab; w/o the correct base class, but with all deviations/substitutions noted

Yup yup yup, standard HP, standard building rules except for the free archetype.

The uncommon class doesn't count against the allotment since that is assigned.

Quick note, Evindyl, there are not hit dice in PF2 - you just get the maximum every level.

Phntm888 wrote:
Quick note, Evindyl, there are not hit dice in PF2 - you just get the maximum every level.

Which explains why I couldn't find anywhere to adjust it in HeroLab ;) Thank you!

Evindyl Starr - Psychic
Male 3/4 Elf Wizard 10
NG, Medium, Elf, Human, Humanoid
Heritage Half-Elf, Seer Elf

Background Aiudara Seeker
Perception +15; low-light vision
Languages Androffan, Auran, Common, Elven, Sylvan
Skills Acrobatics +15, Arcana +15 (+16 to checks to Identify Magic and to Decipher Writing of a magical nature.), Crafting +15, Deception +16, Diplomacy +16, Elven Lore +15, Intimidation +16, Medicine +19, Nature +15 (+16 to checks to Identify Magic and to Decipher Writing of a magical nature.), Occultism +19 (+20 to checks to Identify Magic and to Decipher Writing of a magical nature.), Portal Lore +15, Religion +15 (+16 to checks to Identify Magic and to Decipher Writing of a magical nature.), Society +15
Str 10 (+0), Dex 16 (+3), Con 16 (+3), Int 16 (+3), Wis 16 (+3), Cha 19 (+4)
Other Items greater staff of healing, bag of holding II, bracers of armor I, greater sleeves of storage, ring of the ram (dc 22)s (2), purse (35 pp)
AC 26; Fort +18; Ref +18; Will +18
HP 98; Resistances hazards associated with crystals 10
Speed 25 feet
Melee [1] greater staff of healing +12 (two-hand (1d8), magical, necromancy, staff), Damage 1d4 B
Primal Sorcerer Spellcasting DC 26; 3rd (1 slots) neutralize poison 2nd (1 slots) remove paralysis 1st (2 slots) detect poison, heal Cantrips (5th) disrupt undead, guidance, know direction, read aura, stabilize
Ancestry Feats Clever Improviser, Elf Atavism, Elven Lore, Supernatural Charm
Class Feats
General Feats Ancestral Paragon, Untrained Improvisation
Skill Feats Advanced First Aid, Assured Identification, Battle Medicine, Bizarre Magic, Consult The Spirits (occultism), Continual Recovery, Quick Identification
Other Abilities Occult spellcasting, component substitution, expert spellcaster, fey, signature spells
Subconscious Mind: Emotional Acceptance (CHA)
Conscious Mind: Distant Grasp

GRANTED SPELLS - 1st: magic missile; 2nd: telekinetic maneuver; 3rd: levitate; 4th: fly; 5th: telekinetic haul
SURFACE PSI CANTRIPS - standard: Mage Hand and Telekinetic Projectile; unique: Telekinetic Rend
DEEPER PSI CANTRIP: Arrest Trajectory (Psychic 4)


1st - Mending
1st - FriendFetch (Restyle?)
2nd - Inner Radiance Torrent (Invisibility?)(Dispel Magic?)
3rd - Invisibility Sphere (Mind Reading?)
4th - Rope Trick (Telepathy?)(Rebounding Barrier?)
5th - Repelling Force?
6th - Teleport

4th - Fly
6th - Teleport

Once upon a time ... two half-elves, very much in love, blessed themselves by having a child. Most children of this union would be half-elven just like their parents, and yet the rare & beautiful occasion arises where the child exhibits decidedly, and predominantly Elven traits. Evindyl quickly proved to be this rare & beautiful child, and his parents were proud to know the blessings of Yuelral lay upon him.

In the fullness of love, it isn't that the 'other' rare & beautiful child was less rare & beautiful, it was simply very different. Even to half-elves, a mostly human child matures so quickly, the parents could remain alive for several generations of their children's children. Not so with Evin. Evindyl's parents very quickly arranged with their Elven families for him to be watched over in the hundreds of years after they would pass through the Boneyard.

Little did they know there was no need to worry. Evin's incredibly unique abilities would flourish more rapidly than any of their families' mages could have guessed, and in a very very short 20 years, he was saying goodbye to them as he set off to adventure beyond Kyonin.

Thank you Evindyl!

I had originally said the deadline was for October 1!

But no one else has expressed any interest whatsoever... Where are all the PF2 people on the forums? In any case, I am using GM fiat and changing the deadline to 1 minute after you submitted.

Congrats! I'll PM you the discord link.

GM Mustache wrote:

Thank you Evindyl!

I had originally said the deadline was for October 1!

But no one else has expressed any interest whatsoever... Where are all the PF2 people on the forums? In any case, I am using GM fiat and changing the deadline to 1 minute after you submitted.

Congrats! I'll PM you the discord link.

Many many thanks!

Here is the profile created specifically for Evindyl the Psychic

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