Wish / Miracle as SLA

Rules Questions

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If a wish or miracle on a character becomes available (in this case through mythic rules in wrath of the righteous), does the stat used for the DC of the spells change to charisma instead of intelligence or wisdom?

I think it does, but just confirming.

To clarify, miracle through divine source (su) and wish through mythic spellpower (sp).

I would use w/e Mental Ability Score is highest tbh, unless it specifically says in the SLA description that it uses Cha and that's that.

Do you have a specific ability or creature in mind?

Edit: For Divine Source & Mythic Spellpower, you would use the primary casting stat of the character. (Bards/Sorcs use Cha, Witches/Wizards use Int, Clerics use Wis, etc.)

I updated my post above.

Divine power (su) - luck domain level 9 spell is Miracle, thus useable as a spell like ability once per day. This ability specifically states you cast as a SLA. Would a wizard with this ability use wisdom, intelligence, or charisma for the DC of the miracle?

Mythic spell power (sp) - cast a mythic spell 2/day without spendind personal mythic points. In this case, wish. Part of my question since this ability is a spell like ability, does the wish become a SLA for this manner of casting it? If so, would a wizard use intelligence or charisma for the DC of the spell?

I see your reply. I appreciate the response. Thanks.

The Exchange

There is a FAQ answer:

An ability that doesn’t tell you anything about its DC has a DC of 10 + the spell level + the key spellcasting ability score of the class that granted it (or Charisma otherwise).

Since Divine Source is a Universal Path Ability (not granted by a particular class) and doesn't say otherwise, the strict answer is probably charisma for everyone. However as a GM I'd be fine with using the key score for whatever your spellcasting class is since being able to cast high level spells is a prerequisite for being able to cast the SLAs at all.

The Exchange

Grimjackal wrote:
Mythic spell power (sp) - cast a mythic spell 2/day without spendind personal mythic points. In this case, wish. Part of my question since this ability is a spell like ability, does the wish become a SLA for this manner of casting it? If so, would a wizard use intelligence or charisma for the DC of the spell?

No, for a couple of reasons.

1) Divine Power would only grant you the basic version of wish, not mythic wish.

2) More importantly Mythic Spellpower only affects spells, not spell-like abilities. Although spells and spell-like abilities are very similar in effect they do have differences and their usages are tracked completely independently.

Yeah, Mythic Spellpower allows you to cast 2 Mythic Spells per day without consuming Mythic Power. This doesn't affect SLA's, only Mythic Spells. You would cast these spells using your primary casting stat for your character.

As far as Divine Source, you would gain 1 spell at each spell level as a SLA, up to whatever your tier is. So if you're Tier 9, then you could gain 1 spell at every level all the way up to 9th lvl spells. And for these SLA's, you would also use whatever the primary casting stat is of the character: Cha for Oracles, Wis for Clerics, etc.

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I understand the Divine Power part - that was specifically for Miracle in the luck domain. (thank you for the explanations above)

The other part of the question was for Mythic Power, which is a spell-like ability. The wizard in question already has Mythic Wish in his spellbook.

With Mythic Power, the wizard will use 1 use of the 2/day of this power to cast Mythic Wish which should cover any of the additional mythic boosts, such as casting silent and still.

The particular question I have, is whether by casting Mythic Wish through the use of Mythic Power, which is a spell-like ability, would make the casting of said wish a spell-like ability? Or is it still a normal Mythic Wish that just happened to be activated by a spell-like ability?

I just don't know how that works.

Mythic Spellpower (Sp) (Mythic Adventures pg. 18): You have a pool of magical power you can draw upon for casting mythic spells (see Chapter 3). Up to twice per day, you can use this power to cast a mythic spell without expending any uses of mythic power. You can select this ability up to three times; each time you do, you gain two additional uses of this ability per day.


Hm. Rereading the rules on mythic spellcasting, i think you cast the Wish normally, but the mythic costs are fulfilled by the mythic spellpower. I think I was just confusing myself with the fact that Mythic Spellpower is a spell-like ability.

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