Monster Monday: Godly Goat

Homebrew and House Rules

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Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

I don't really know how I thought of this, but the entire thing was written whilst I was intoxicated.

Godly Goat

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Maybe it's just me, but it might be a little unsatisfying:

- Lvl 1 adventurers come across a group of goats
- The ranger realizes that one of them it's not a normal one but a Godly Goat, which may be claimed by any cleric.
- The cleric is excited, then ask how to claim it
- The DM says that he need to be lvl 13 and cast sigil.
- Oh well...

What then?
Are they going to keep that goat in captivity until they would be able to claim it for their deity?

What about the price instead?
Since it's a rare creature ( and also, even a lone lvl 1 character could knock it off with a nonlethal hit ) who may also be of some interests for many churches, it's price should be definitely high.

What about the Trained Nature Requirements?
Would the one who decides to swap a feat to get the BM dedication still require the skill as a prerequisite?

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Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber
HumbleGamer wrote:

What about the Trained Nature Requirements?
Would the one who decides to swap a feat to get the BM dedication still require the skill as a prerequisite?

It does indeed still require the prerequisite.

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