Unicorn sorcerer + Safe curing

Rules Questions

Hello there!
I've been building a character for a new game, we are level 3, so i decided to make a character I've been wanting for a while. This beauty is Nyrhana Copperhopper, a Gnome Oracle with the life mystery and sorcerer with the unicorn bloodline.

While building it, I came across a certain dilemma, since all my spell will heal due to the unicorn bloodline arcana, would safe curing actually prevent all AoO? I've talked to the DM about it, we both think not, but decided to ask what would be the interaction, since we were very unsure.

Safe Curing requires that the”target” of the spell be healed of hit point damage and the Unicorn bloodline allows you to heal 1 creature of your choice (note that it says creature not ally). Therefore if you lets say cast a non-damaging spell on an enemy and chose the enemy to receive the healing then by RAW that spell would not provoke AoOs when cast as it fulfills the requirements of Safe Curing that the “target” be healed of hit point damage. However the “target” of the spell must have taken some damage for the Unicorn bloodline arcana to take effect so this only works on targets that have already been damaged before the spell is cast.

Liberty's Edge


Safe Curing (Su): Whenever you cast a spell that cures the target of hit point damage, you do not provoke attacks of opportunity for spellcasting.

Bloodline Arcana: Every time you cast a spell, you can restore a number of hit points equal to double the level of the spell you cast to one target of your choice that you can see. A creature at its maximum hit points cannot be affected by this ability. Healing a dying creature with this ability does not automatically stabilize the creature unless its hit points are brought to 0 or above.

No. You aren't "casting a a spell that cures" when you are casting a spell that doesn't cure and using the arcana to cure someone.

The spell doesn't cure anything, it is the arcana that cures.
The revelation works only if the actual spell cures someone.

I have to disagree with you there Diego. It’s the act of casting the spell and the spell energy that’s doing the actual healing since the arcana is a passive ability that allows this to be done. Saying it’s the arcana that is doing the healing is a little like striking someone with a longsword and saying it was the longsword proficiency that did the damage.

na. diago is right.
i cast fireball. nothing in fireball talk about healing.
the arcana is what heal people, since it is the one that talk about it. you need to cast a spell to power it up, but the bloodline of the unicorn is what heal people not the spell.

in your analog . he was stabbed to death with a sword (the arcana) who wiled it (power vi spell) is a factor that can change. but the death was via sword wounds

also the fact you can heal anyone you can see. even beyond your spell's range show that it's not the spell that does the healing.

Liberty's Edge

I cast scorching ray against a target 5' from me, and cure my friend that is 40' away for 4 hp.
What did the spell?
What did the arcana?
They are the same thing?

The spell wounded the target.
The arcana cured a different target.
They are two different things with different targets. The arcana isn't a spell and the spell doesn't cure.

But if you don’t cast a spell the arcana does nothing at all.

But if your wizard pal casts Scorching Ray (the same spell) nobody gets healed.

It's the arcana that heals, not the spell.

Agree with Diego and zza. It doesn't work RAW.

RAI is also pretty much a giant NOPE. This feat clearly wasn't written with something like this in mind.

I bow to the Beards of Knowledge in this instance, Ye have spoken and so it is so :D

This thread got me thinking about another interaction of these to abilities in regards to the Phoenix bloodline. If a cross blooded sorcerer with the Phoenix and Unicorn bloodlines casts a fire spell and uses it to heal does it qualify to use the Unicorns arcana ability with that spell? If they also have the Safe Curing ability of the Oracle would a fire spell cast to heal provoke AoOs?

Also if the Unicorn arcana can be used with healing fire spells would a fire spell using metamagic feats that increase the spell slot needed to cast the spell also increase the healing from the Unicorn arcana?

I think the Phoenix bloodline actually has the spell cure the damage, so it would work with Safe Curing.

The Unicornn bloodline doesn't care what the spell being cast is, so it would trigger with any spell you cast (including fire healing spells).

Metamagics would NOT increase the healing from the Unicorn bloodline. Metamagics always take the least favourable interpretation as far as the spell's level is concerned.

As an example, Fireball is a 3rd level spell, so it would heal an ally 6hp. Empowered Fireball takes a 5th level spell, increasing the spell's effect but the saving throws and other modifiers still treat it as a 3rd level spell. This would be the same for the Unicorn bloodline, meaning an Empowered Fireball would still only heal 6hp from the Unicorn bloodline.

The exeption to this is the Heightened metamagic. Heightened spells actually ARE a higher level, but the Heightened metamagic is added before any other metamagics when stacking different metamagic feats.

So if we wanted to heighten a fireball by 1 level then it would use a 4th level spell slot. This would increase the saving throw DC to that of a 4th level spell, and the Unicorn bloodline would give an ally 8hp.

Now if we wanted to heighten an Empowered Fireball by 1 level we would start with Fireball (level 3), then heighten it by 1 level (level 4), then Empower it, which adds 2 levels (level 6). As far as the saving throw DCs/Unicorn bloodline/etc are concerned this is a 4th level spell, but it costs a 6th level spell slot, heals 8hp with the Unicorn bloodline and deals 1.5×damage to the targets.

with the exception of heighten spell metamagic (which making the spell count higher for everything is it's only goal) no metamgic feat that increase the spell slot level make it count as a higher level for abilities or spell specifics that calculate it's value.
unless specifically call out to count the total spell level. like in spell mastery where you need to make sure the total spell level is no higher then 9th level

Cool that’s pretty much the answer I expected to get. Thanks guys :)

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