File Size significantly larger?

Fists of the Ruby Phoenix

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I noticed that the files for just Book 1 (Adventure and Interactive Maps) are the same size as all of the files for the Abomination Vaults (Adventures and Maps).

Age of Ashes - 133 mb
Extinction Curse - 184 mb
Agents of Edgewatch - 293 mb
Abomination Vaults - 155 mb (for half as many books as previous APs)
Fists of the Ruby Phoenix - 546 mb

That brings in Fist of the Ruby Phoenix as nearly the same size as the first 3 APs combined. What's changing?

Liberty's Edge

They are also far bigger than Malevolence which I got at the same time.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Bigger level. Bigger threats. Bigger stat blocks. Bigger everything. XP

Without checking I would assume this as a good thing.

Just about the only thing that can change file sizes to that extent is... bigger graphics. Assuming no mistake was made, that suggests a higher resolution; more crisp graphics.

And it isn't that a few hundred megs is an issue for a modern computer, so...

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