Poisonhide Grippli should have poison resistance!

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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Just my opinion, but since poison dart frogs are poisonous due to their diets shouldn't Grippli be the same? Also, wouldn't it make sense that they poison resistant?

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IMHO no, an immunity to certain poison isn't really generalized immunity, , especially as poisons can be based on totally distinct principles: i.e. enzyme based, inorganic chemical based, radiation based. Maybe I could justify giving Gripplis an immunity or resistance to one specific kind of poison, but not everything in general, which is what "poison resistance" implies. In balance terms, I think this is like Elves having special immunity one certain type of paralsysis inflicted by Ghouls, not all paralysis, or not all necromancy etc. Mostly I wouldn't bother unless it was somehow important to explaining something I wanted to do with setting, i.e. Gripplis using poison that didn't work on each other. Just as ungrounded speculation it doesn't seem to add much to game.

Abysium is poison also, especially its power.

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