IceniQueen |
Anyone have alternate rules for Teleportation?
I find it annoying their is almost no chance of failure using the spell. I have had players in the past that Teleport into a place and out after a simply scrying (This was done by a guy who ran PFS events for Paizo) and almost no chance of failure.
I read someone uses DC check, but even that if you have a player who is Min-Maxing can be hard to stop them always getting to Point A to Point Z with no issue.
I am not against Teleport, just against it being so easy to have no consequences and totally accuracy.
Ryze Kuja |
The fact that there is a chance of failure to teleport is a small pain the butt for the GM, tbqf, because on the minimal chance to fail, now I have to improvise something I might not be ready for and it eats up sesh time trying to rectify the situation.
The first time I ever had this happen, I just threw the party right into combat as soon as they got there (they teleported into battlefield with some humans trying to fight off some Chuuls), and then combat took til the end of sesh and I did this on purpose, because I really wasn't ready for it. So I spent my off-time that week generating "where" they teleported to and made it into a short side adventure.
Anywho, I have since learned from that lack of preparation and as soon as my parties are level 9+ (if they have classes with access to teleport), I have mishaps already accounted for and pre-generated. I still have to anticipate "where" they might want to teleport to though, because on mishaps still arrive in the general vicinity except it's a d% away from where they wanted to go; which could be over a hundred miles away if they roll bad enough.
Taja the Barbarian |
Baseline Teleport has a 25% 'miss chance' if you've only scryed the target.Anyone have alternate rules for Teleportation?
I find it annoying their is almost no chance of failure using the spell. I have had players in the past that Teleport into a place and out after a simply scrying (This was done by a guy who ran PFS events for Paizo) and almost no chance of failure.
I read someone uses DC check, but even that if you have a player who is Min-Maxing can be hard to stop them always getting to Point A to Point Z with no issue.
I am not against Teleport, just against it being so easy to have no consequences and totally accuracy.
“Very familiar” is a place where you have been very often and where you feel at home. “Studied carefully” is a place you know well, either because you can currently physically see it or you've been there often.
“Seen casually” is a place that you have seen more than once but with which you are not very familiar.
“Viewed once” is a place that you have seen once, possibly using magic such as scrying.
Exactly how unreliable do you actually want mid-game teleporting to be?
If you are referring to the higher level versions of teleport, well, their accuracy is kinda their entire 'thing' and you are getting to the point in the game where teleporting should be the least of your worries...
IceniQueen |
75% chance of success is pretty damn good.
If you had been to a place 1 time, how great of a chance do you have of getting to that exact same location again? I know highly intelligent people that can get lost, not know the direction to get to a place they have drove to several times.
Teleport is a spell used to much as far as I have seen. This is not Star Trek, Beam me Down Scotty every time you want to get from point A to point Z
Ryze Kuja |
75% chance of success is pretty damn good.
If you had been to a place 1 time, how great of a chance do you have of getting to that exact same location again? I know highly intelligent people that can get lost, not know the direction to get to a place they have drove to several times.
Teleport is a spell used to much as far as I have seen. This is not Star Trek, Beam me Down Scotty every time you want to get from point A to point Z
At the mid-late game, yes it is. They teleport everywhere.
Taja the Barbarian |
IceniQueen wrote:At the mid-late game, yes it is. They teleport everywhere.75% chance of success is pretty damn good.
If you had been to a place 1 time, how great of a chance do you have of getting to that exact same location again? I know highly intelligent people that can get lost, not know the direction to get to a place they have drove to several times.
Teleport is a spell used to much as far as I have seen. This is not Star Trek, Beam me Down Scotty every time you want to get from point A to point Z
Yep, welcome to high-level play: There is a reason a lot of GMs try to end their campaigns before getting into double-digits...
My usual GM tells tales of running 'Wrath of the Righteous' with a not min-maxed group of characters (solid characters but no cheese or extremely complicated builds) and actually getting his NPCs to act maybe twice in the entirety of the last two modules: The Mythic rules made this worse than normal, but the underlying 'rocket tag' issues are present without them.
If you find PF1e Teleport problematic, you might want to try playing a D&D2.0 Dark Sun campaign for a while:
- The Tyr region of the setting is actually fairly small but brutally dangerous (post-apocalyptic desert world) to travelers,
- PCs start at level 3, and
- Psionicists should probably take Teleport at level 5 (taking pyschoportation as your second area of study was generally a good idea).
Oh, and I mis-posted earlier: The baseline teleport miss chance is 24%, not 25%.
Quixote |
24-25% is 1 out of 4 times. That means, if you're trying to scry-teleport-fry-teleport, you have about a 50% chance of failure in total.
If that's a regular strategy you use, you're gonna mess up. About half the time, as a matter of fact.
Giving out-of-game reasoning ("I know highly intelligent people that can get lost, not know the direction to get to a place they have drove to several times") for game design issues tells me that you're either not exactly sure what it is you have a problem with or that your issue is more that it doesn't *feel* right, rather than a specific mechanic.
Which is totally legit, by the way. I'm in that camp, 100%. Most Sword and Sorcery games/settings are very in-your-face with fantasy elements. They feel more like Star Wars than they do like The Lord of The Rings. Which is fine of course, but it's not my go-to preference.
As others have suggested, you could focus on games that end at an earlier level.
You could also just say "no teleporting", but I don't think that would resolve the underlying issue.
You could say "no 9th-level casters."
Or you could do what I do and ask your players to choose subtle, less obviously "magical" spells. It's a lot of work and requires that your players have a lot of trust in you. Like a lot. And it still starts to fall apart a bit at higher levels. But aside from more drastic changes (see above, or just not using Pathfinder/D&D at all), it's the most satisfying I've come up with.